

EnvoyConfiguration is the Schema for the envoyconfigurations API


EnvoyConfiguration resources may contain sensitive information and thus RBAC permissions should be granted with care.


This CRD is used for internal purposes. EnvoyConfiguration resources are not intended to be manually created, modified or deleted by the user.


Field Type Description Required Default Allowed Values
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata yes
spec object yes
status object yes


Field Type Description Required Default Allowed Values
envoyResourcesRaw string EnvoyResourcesRaw defines the desired state for each resource type. The resources are stored as zstd compressed JSON bytes.
For debugging purposes, the resources can be inspected with the following command: kubectl get envoyconfiguration <name> -ojsonpath='{.spec.envoyResourcesRaw}' | base64 -d | zstd -d | jq


Field Type Description Required Default Allowed Values
conditions object[] no
status string yes
xds object yes


Field Type Description Required Default Allowed Values
lastTransitionTime string (timestamp) Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. no rfc3339 timestamp
message string A human-readable message indicating details about the transition. no
reason string The reason for the condition’s last transition. no
status enum Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown. yes True, False, Unknown
type string Type of EnvoyConfiguration condition. yes


Field Type Description Required Default Allowed Values
resourceTypes map[string]object ResourceTypes defines the sync statuses for each resource type. no
version int Version defines the version of the underlying xDS snapshot. yes [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807]


Field Type Description Required Default Allowed Values
errorMessage string ErrorMessage defines an optional message why the currently served resources of this resource type are rejected by the client. no
resources map[string]object Resources defines the resources which are currently served for this resource type. yes
status string Status defines the current sync status of this resource type. yes
version string Version defines the version which is currently served for this resource type. yes


Field Type Description Required Default Allowed Values
version string Version defines the version which is currently served for this resource. yes