Airlock IAM instances directory

The instances directory contains all the configuration files, customizations and data files of the H2 database of all the IAM instances. This article provides more information on the structure and content of the instances directory and explains how to create new or delete existing instances. For a detailed overview of all the files that are available for configuration and parametrization after installing Airlock IAM, see Configuration files.

  • The instances directory contains the following sub-directories:
  • <instance-name>/: Data and configuration specific to this instance. The instances/ directory will contain an <instance-name>/ directory for each IAM instance in your setup.
  • common/: Data and configuration shared by all instances.

Section Content of an instance directory lists the directories that are part of the <instance-name>/ directory, section Content of the common directory the directories located in the common/ directory.

Some directories can be part of both an <instance-name>/ directory and the common/ directory, e.g., the adminapp-texts directory containing language-specific customization files for the Adminapp UI. The content of such directories applies to either one specific instance or to all instances, depending on the directory's location. These directories are listed in section Content of both the common and instance directory.

Override mechanism

The override mechanism between the default configuration files, and the customization files in the common/ directory and in the <instance-name>/ directories is as follows: Common customization files applying to all instances overwrite the original configuration files, whereas instance-specific customization files in turn overwrite the common customization files.

Content of an instance directory

The table below shows the directories and default files that are part of an <instance-name>/ directory.

Directory or file


Further information



Configuration and key materials for the audit logger.


Data directory for the h2 database.


Configuration of IAM logging.


Directory for log files.


Directory for generated letters.


Directory to store profiles.


Backup directory for configurations.


Application properties of an IAM instance.


Configuration of IAM. This file is managed by the Config Editor and should not be changed manually.


Files used to store external config secrets.


Contains the server certificate of the IAM instance.

Content of the common directory

The table below shows the directories that are part of the common/ directory.

Directory name



Directory with templates for letter generation.


Content of both the common and instance directory

The table below shows the directories that can be part of both an <instance-name>/ directory and the common/ directory. The content of such directories applies to either one specific instance or to all instances, depending on the directory's location:

  • The content of the directories in the common/ directory apply to all instances.
  • The content of the directories in an <instance-name>/ directory apply only to this specific instance.



Further information


Directory to store user management extensions (UMEs). UMEs allow adding custom tabs to the Users detail page in the Adminapp.


Directory for language-specific customizations of the Adminapp.


Directory for custom code, database and other libraries that extend the functionality of IAM.


Directory for language-specific, non-UI-related, REST API based customizations of the Loginapp, such as email-, SMS-, or Cronto-texts not shown in the browser.


Directory to store third party libraries and modules required to run scripts, e.g., Lua libraries to run Lua scripts.


Directory for language-specific customizations of the Transaction Approval.

Creating a new instance

Creating a new instance can be done from the command line with the iam init -h command. For more details on the CLI, see IAM Command-Line Interface (CLI).

Deleting an instance directory

  • To delete all instances, it is sufficient to delete the instances directory.
  • To delete a specific instance, it is sufficient to delete the directory with the instance's name.