Container image repositories and registries

The Airlock Microgatway container images can be obtained from our repositories. The repositories are public, and the images can be pulled without special permissions.

Airlock Microgateway repositories on

Verify the image signature

The Airlock Microgateway images are signed using Cosign, which can be verified easily by running the following command.

cosign verify --key <image-reference>

List of images:

Verifying the image signature with the key can be automated by a policy controller such as sigstore policy-controller, Kyverno, or Connaisseur.

Using a custom image registry

There might be reasons to pull the container images only from internal image registries, not directly from external registries like or GitHub. To do so, follow along with this guide.

How to use your custom image registry

  1. Copy the Airlock Microgateway images into your custom image registry.
  2. For example, copy a remote image from <SRC> to <DST> while retaining the digest value running:

    crane copy <SRC> <DST>
  3. Adjust the Airlock Microgateway CNI helm chart values, i.e. with a pullsecret (if required) and the repository information, for example:
  4. copy
    imagePullSecrets: # in case of a private registry 
    - name: <pullsecret for custom-registry:8080> 
      repository: custom-registry:8080/custom-namespace/microgateway-cni 
  5. Adjust the Airlock Microgateway Operator helm chart values, i.e. with a pullsecret (if required) and the repository information, for example:
  6. copy
    imagePullSecrets: # in case of a private registry 
    - name: <pullsecret for custom-registry:8080>
        repository: custom-registry:8080/custom-namespace/microgateway-operator
        repository: custom-registry:8080/custom-namespace/microgateway-engine
        repository: custom-registry:8080/custom-namespace/microgateway-session-agent
  7. With the adjustments, the images will be pulled from the custom image registries. The pull secret for the custom registry containing the Engine image must be added to application Pods with injected Airlock Microgateway Engines. Subsequently, the Pods must be restarted to be updated.