Semantic versioning scheme for Airlock Secure Access Hub components

This article describes the versioning scheme of the Airlock products.

Affected components:

  • Airlock Microgateway

About the versioning scheme

The versioning scheme is based on semantic versioning with specific definitions of breaking change:

  • Goals and motivation:
  • One versioning scheme for Airlock Gateway, Microgateway, and IAM.
  • The version number indicates the expected upgrade effort.

Specific definitions of breaking changes

Semantic versioning requires a release to be major whenever it contains breaking changes. We adhere to the following definitions of breaking change.

A version is considered to be breaking and, therefore a major release in the following cases:

Airlock Microgateway

  • In case of invasive changes, potentially requiring manual configuration changes or re-testing of already integrated applications (e.g. major rule or parser changes, new regex engine, removal of deprecated features, etc.).
  • Changes in Custom Resource Definitions which have the apiVersion stable.
  • Non-backward-compatible changes in the control API.
  • Adjustments in the deployment mode.

Changes on non-published features or features marked as incubating are not considered breaking.