Native library setup for Cronto and Digipass OTP

In order to use OneSpan (Vasco) tokens, Airlock IAM requires a native library, called VACMAN Controller (Authentication Server Framework):

  1. Get the correct version (for your deployment environment) of the VACMAN Controller (Authentication Server Framework) library: The library can be obtained directly from OneSpan (Vasco) from the customer portal.
  2. IAM Version

    Required VACMAN Controller

    since 7.5


    since 7.1


  3. Edit and set the property to add library location to java.library.path like this: = -Djava.library.path=/path/to/dir/containing/libaal2sdk
  4. The access rights of the lib must be chosen such that IAM is able to read the file.

  5. Make sure that the library is named "" (on Linux systems, it is recommended to create a symbolic link to the actual library file).
  6. Restart the Airlock IAM instance.