PAR configuration for OAuth 2.0 and OIDC authorization servers

Server Configuration

  1. Go to:
    Loginapp >> OAuth 2.0/OIDC Authorization Servers >> OAuth 2.0 Grants/OIDC Flows >> OIDC Authorization Code/Hybrid Flow
  2. In section Authorization Code in property Pushed Authorization Requests create and edit an OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests plugin
  3. In property OAuth 2.0 PAR Repository create and edit an OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Request (PAR) Repository plugin
    • In property SQL Data Source select an existing database connection plugin
  4. Optionally, in property Require PAR, select the checkbox to enforce PAR for all clients. If deselected, the decision to use PAR is with the client.

PAR clean-up job

  1. Go to:
    Service Container >> Task Scheduler Config >> Service
  2. In property Tasks create or edit the existing Task Schedule for the OAuth 2.0 Clean-up Task plugin.
  3. In property Cleanup Pushed Authorization Requests select the checkbox to enable this feature.