MSSQL as Airlock IAM database

This page describes how to use an MSSQL database with the Airlock IAM database schema. In order to use Airlock IAM with this database, a JDBC connector/driver library is required.

  • The chosen data layer has to be well managed and monitored. IAM is not responsible for the operation and backup/recovery. For production usage, the data layer should be clustered.
  • In order to use Airlock IAM with this database, a JDBC connector/driver library is required.

Schema creation and upgrade

SQLs scripts for MSSQL databases are available here:

SQL File


Creates tables used for Airlock IAM.

Upgrades IAM 8.2 database schema for release IAM 8.3.

Upgrades IAM 8.1 database schema for release IAM 8.2.

Upgrades IAM 8.0 database schema for release IAM 8.1.

Upgrades IAM 7.7 database schema for release IAM 8.0.

See DB Schema Migration IAM 8.0.

Upgrades IAM 7.6 database schema for release IAM 7.7.

Upgrades IAM 7.5 database schema for release IAM 7.6.

Inserts an administrator "admin" with password "password" (works with demo configuration).

For performance tuning hints, see: Performance tuning and scaling best practices

JDBC connector (JDBC driver)

  1. Look up the JRE release version installed with Airlock IAM:
    • Read the release file in the /jre folder of the IAM installation with the following command.
    • copy
      cat /opt/<airlock-iam-folder>/jre/release


    • Run the command java -version in the/jre/bin folder of the IAM installation with the following command.
    • copy
      /opt/<airlock-iam-folder>/jre/bin/java -version
  2. Download the appropriate JDBC connector from here: MSSQL JDBC driver download and support matrix
  3. Copy the driver (JAR file) to the libs folder of the common instance (or an instance's folder).
  4. copy
    cp mssql-jdbc-*.jre*.jar instances/common/libs/
  5. Restart the IAM instance(s): see e.g. Starting and stopping Airlock IAM (system service integration).

Further information and links