Configuration of Airlock IAM as OAuth 2.0 Client

Procedure-related prerequisites

  • The previously described configuration steps have been carried out.
  • You need to be logged in to the Airlock IAM Adminapp and be able to access the Config Editor.
  • The credentials for the connection to the remote authorization server must be available.

Basic Settings

  1. Go to and if necessary create:
    Loginapp >> OAuth 2.0/OIDC Clients >> OAuth 2.0 Flow Client
  2. Provider identifier must hold the identifier of the remote authorization server
  3. Client ID holds the identifier which Airlock IAM uses as a client at the remote authorization server
  4. Client Secret is a string generated by the remote authorization server during the registration of Airlock IAM as a client. This string is used as a password.
  5. Airlock IAM can successfully connect to the OAuth 2.0 REST endpoints of the remote authorization server

Authorization Request

  1. Authorization Endpoint URL must hold the URL of the authorize endpoint of the remote authorization server.
  2. Scope To Request contains a list of all scopes the remote authorization server should supply.
  3. Client Redirect URI is used by the remote authorization server after successful authentication of the user to deliver the authorization code. Choose a plugin from the following table:
  4. Plugin

    Redirect URI properties

    OAuth 2.0 Login UI Client Redirect URI

    This is the default setting.

    It contains the external base URL of IAM as it must be used by the remote authorization server.

    IAM will complete the base URL with the correct path for the client.

    OAuth 2.0 Custom Client Endpoint Redirect URI

    Use this setting to hardcode an absolute URL to be used by the remote authorization server.

    OAuth 2.0 Legacy Client Endpoint Redirect URI

    Use this setting for backward compatibility, if the remote authorization server configuration cannot be changed.

    It contains the external base URL of IAM as it must be used by the remote authorization server.

    IAM will complete the base URL with the correct legacy path for the client.

    This plugin requires that the Legacy Client Endpoint Setting in the OAuth 2.0/OIDC Client plugin is configured.

    OAuth 2.0 No Redirect URI

    Use this plugin, if the remote authorization server should default to the already registered redirect URI.

  5. Airlock IAM can successfully start the authorize call and receive an authorization code.

Access Token Request

  1. HTTP Client must hold an HTTP Client Config plugin that configures the HTTP connection to the remote authorization server.
  2. Token Endpoint Authentication contains the method, how IAM as a client will authenticate to the remote authorization server. The following methods are supported:
  3. Plugin

    Authentication Method

    OAuth 2.0 Basic Auth Client Secret

    Basic Auth is used to supplying credentials.

    OAuth 2.0 Header Client Secret

    Use this method, if the remote authorization server requires a special header or format to be used.

    OAuth 2.0 No Client Secret Authentication

    This will omit authentication with the remote authorization server.

    OAuth 2.0 Parameter Client Secret

    Use this method, if the remote authorization server requires the credentials to be supplied as parameters in the request URL.

  4. Token Endpoint URL configures the token endpoint of the remote authorization server, where the authorization code is supplied and access and refresh tokens are obtained.
  5. Access Token Request Method defines how the request for access and refresh tokens is to be sent to the remote authorization server.
  6. Airlock IAM can request access and refresh tokens from the remote authorization server.

Resource Mappings

  1. Resource Requests holds at least one OAuth 2.0 SSO Resource Request plugin.
  2. Go to:
    OAuth 2.0 SSO Resource Request plugin
  3. Resource URL defines a URL of a remote server where the resource request is to be sent. This is often the remote authorization server.
  4. Contained Resources defines how attributes, retrieved from the remote server, should be interpreted:
  5. Plugin

    Resource mapping

    OAuth 2.0 Remote Username Resource

    Must be defined exactly once.

    Defines which attribute of the remote authorization server is used to identify the local user.

    OAuth 2.0 Remote Context Data Resource

    May be defined zero or more times.

    Defines the mapping of attributes of the remote authorization server to local context data items.

    Optionally allows strings to be transformed.

    OAuth 2.0 Remote User Role Resource

    May be defined zero or more times.

    Defines which attribute of the remote authorization server is merged with the local roles.

    If multiple plugins are configured, all the retrieved attributes are merged with the local roles.

  6. Request Method defines if a GET or POST method is to be used.
  7. Access Token Config defines if the access token is sent as an HTTP header or as a parameter to the remote authorization server.
  8. Airlock IAM can successfully map the attributes retrieved from the remote authorization server to the local user, roles, and context data items.