User representation: representer configuration in the Loginapp UI

This article shows how to configure the representer side of the user representation feature in the Loginapp UI.


  • The corresponding protected self-service flows must be configured in the Loginapp REST API.


  1. Go to:
  2. Loginapp >> UI Settings >> Protected Self-Service UIs >> User Representation (add plugin if missing).

  3. In property Flow to Start Representation, select the corresponding flow (e.g. start-user-representation).
  4. If required change the representee and target location parameter names. They must be the same as the corresponding settings in the representee IAM.
  5. In property Flow to Stop Representation, select the corresponding flow (e.g. stop-user-representation).
  6. Activate the configuration.
  7. The representer side of the user representation feature is now configured in the Loginapp UI.

How to verify

  • Log in as a user that is allowed to represent other users (according to the Access Condition and the Authorization Condition in the corresponding protected self-service flows).
  • To start representation, use the following URL in the browser: https://representer-iam/auth/ui/app/protected/representation/start?user=some-user-to-represent&target=/test.
  • This should result in a representation SSO ticket being sent to the representee IAM. Note that if the representee IAM is not configured correctly or not available, the process will fail when trying to terminate a possibly already ongoing representation session.
  • To stop representation use the following URL in the browser: https://representer-iam/auth/ui/app/protected/representation/stop