Customizing text elements in the Service Container

Customizing texts of the Service Container module is done in *.properties files.

  • Text translations are included with Airlock IAM for the following languages:
  • German
  • English
  • French

Step 1 – Create new property files

We recommend creating empty property file(s) to prepare for text changes.

With Airlock IAM 8.0 and later, ISO/IEC 8859-1 (aka Latin-1) encoding for *.properties files is no longer supported. Property files must be UTF-8 encoded.

  • For all installed IAM instances:
  • Create the files (and so on) in the directory ./instances/<instance-name>/servicecontainerapp-texts/.
  • For a specific IAM instance:
  • Create the files (and so on) in the directory ./instances/<instance-name>/servicecontainerapp-texts/.

Step 2 – Copy resource keys from the original language property files

After creating empty language property file(s), copy the required template texts from one of the original strings_*.properties files, e.g. from the file. Copy the resource keys, including the corresponding template text.

  1. In the IAM installation folder, go to:
  2. Use a text editor to open the corresponding language file, e.g. to customize English texts.
  3. Find and copy the desired existing element by searching for its key, e.g. "Running services:".
  4. Paste the copied line into the corresponding empty string-property file (see Step 1.) and adapt the wording as required.
  5. Do not make changes to the original strings_*.properties file, i.e. do not make any changes to the original template files as these files will be overwritten without notice during updating and installation procedures. Only add those text elements to the newly created properties files, which should be customized, not all text elements.

  6. The changes are applied automatically after 30 seconds.