Using the Loginapp Design Kit command-line tool


  • The Loginapp Design Kit is installed.

Prepare a directory to store your customizations

To initialize the Loginapp Design Kit, the path to a custom folder must be provided. This folder will contain all the files that can be used when customizing:

./sdk init -d $CUSTOM_DIRECTORY

It is strongly recommended to keep customized files separate from the Loginapp Design Kit installation directory (.internal/). The separation allows for the maintenance of multiple projects (customers, instances, etc.), easier referencing of default values and painless updates. In addition, it is much simpler to put separate customizations under version control.

For the remainder of this documentation, we use $CUSTOM_DIRECTORY as a variable that points to the directory containing the customizations. This is not a requirement to work with the Loginapp Design Kit.

Using the development mode

To start customizing and to get immediate visual feedback, the Loginapp Design Kit provides a development mode.

To run the development mode, use:

./sdk dev -d $CUSTOM_DIRECTORY

After running the command, a browser will open showing a static view of the web application to make the changes immediately visible without having an actual Airlock IAM instance running. The dev mode can be terminated using CTRL+C in the shell.

The ./sdk dev command may generate security warnings. These warnings only apply to the local instance of the Loginapp Design Kit and do not affect customizations deployed to production. It is, therefore, safe to ignore these warnings.

Building the customizations of the Design Kit

  1. Once customizing is completed, create a build for production use as follows:
  2. copy
    ./sdk build -d $CUSTOM_DIRECTORY
  3. A ZIP file is created at:

Deploying the customizations of the Design Kit

  1. Modify the as follows to configure the filename and location of the zip archive containing the customizations:
  2. copy = instances/${}/
  3. This step is needed only once and Airlock IAM must be restarted for the change to take effect.
  4. Deploy the zip-file by moving it to the Airlock IAM instance directory, e.g. to:
    instances/${}/ Replace ${} with the name of the instance (e.g. auth).
  5. The IAM server automatically detects changes in the ZIP file and applies them to the running instance without restart.

File structure Overview

Customization is done entirely in the directory $CUSTOM_DIRECTORY while running the development mode.

The most important directories and files are listed below:


SASS files to style the UI


custom images that are referenced from the SASS files


translation files to customize texts


JavaScript files for more advanced customizations


configuration to alter the behavior of the Loginapp Design Kit itself