Component | Requirement | Comments |
Airlock IAM |
| For licensing: |
Component | Requirement | Comments |
Airlock IAM |
| For licensing: |
The following example illustrates how the Airlock 2FA token management self-services are configured and used over the REST API.
It covers the following use-cases:
All following procedures are exemplary and will vary according to your setup or needs.
The flow for device activation is not shown in the example and hence not required in the configuration. To enable the device activation self-service, add a Self-Service Flow plugin containing the Airlock 2FA Activation Step.
The following request gets the list of devices with the device IDs:
POST /rest/protected/self-service/airlock-2fa/app-devices
Assuming the user has two app devices, it returns the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "meta":{ "type":"jsonapi.metadata.document", "timestamp":"2020-09-02T10:16:22.804+02:00" }, "data":[ { "type":"", "id":"dbe2ee06-aaae-4957-ab3d-67ee87cc0503", "attributes":{ "displayName":"jdoe Office Phone", "capabilities":[ "ONE_TOUCH", "TOTP", "QR_CODE" ], "type":"IOS", "appVersion":"1.0.0", "appVersionSupported":true } } { "type":"", "id":"a34debd4-40e3-4559-a5f4-ac13b42c1fc3", "attributes":{ "displayName":"John's iPhone", "capabilities":[ "ONE_TOUCH", "TOTP", "QR_CODE" ], "type":"IOS", "appVersion":"1.0.0", "appVersionSupported":true } } ] }
The next few calls change the device name. To do this, several calls are necessary. This is because of the great flexibility, the protected self-service flow feature offers.
Before starting a flow, it is generally a good idea to end possibly ongoing other flows of the same type to avoid getting a UNEXPECTED_CALL response. To do so, we use the following request in our example.
DELETE /rest/protected/self-service/flow
To start the protected self-service flow with flow ID device-rename, use:
POST /rest/protected/self-service/flows/device-rename/select
The response tells the REST client, that an Airlock 2FA device must be selected to continue:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "meta":{ "type":"jsonapi.metadata.document", "timestamp":"2020-09-02T10:23:35.525+02:00" }, "data":{ "type":"self-service.session", "id":"537172350813223689", "attributes":{ "nextStep":"AIRLOCK_2FA_DEVICE_CHOICE_REQUIRED" } } }
In our example, we select the first device (jdoe Office Phone) using the request:
POST /rest/protected/self-service/airlock-2fa/devices/dbe2ee06-aaae-4957-ab3d-67ee87cc0503/select
The response indicates that changing the device name is possible:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "meta":{ "type":"jsonapi.metadata.document", "timestamp":"2020-09-02T10:23:35.626+02:00" }, "data":{ "type":"self-service.session", "id":"537172350813223689", "attributes":{ "nextStep":"AIRLOCK_2FA_DEVICE_EDIT_POSSIBLE" } } }
If interested in the current device name of the selected device, it can be retrieved using the following request:
POST /rest/protected/self-service/airlock-2fa/device-edit/data/retrieve
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "meta":{ "type":"jsonapi.metadata.document", "timestamp":"2020-09-02T10:29:32.288+02:00" }, "data":{ "type":"", "id":"dbe2ee06-aaae-4957-ab3d-67ee87cc0503", "attributes":{ "displayName":"jdoe Office Phone" } } }
To finally change the new device name, two more requests are necessary. First set the new device name by sending the following request:
POST /rest/protected/self-service/airlock-2fa/device-edit/data {displayName: "My office cell phone"}
The response indicates that further device edit calls would be possible.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "meta":{ "type":"jsonapi.metadata.document", "timestamp":"2020-09-02T10:32:44.613+02:00" }, "data":{ "type":"self-service.session", "id":"537172350813223689", "attributes":{ "nextStep":"AIRLOCK_2FA_DEVICE_EDIT_POSSIBLE" } } }
To persist the change, use the following continue request:
POST /rest/protected/self-service/airlock-2fa/device-edit/continue
The following response tells the client that the flow has successfully completed:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "meta":{ "type":"jsonapi.metadata.document", "timestamp":"2020-09-02T10:32:44.827+02:00" }, "data":{ "type":"self-service.session", "id":"537172350813223689", "attributes":{ } } }