Manage existing mobile phone numbers

Goal of this workflow

Let the logged-in user manage the phone numbers used for authentication.

Outline of workflow

  1. The user must be logged in to use this self-service:
  2. Open the self-service.
  3. Add new, edit existing, or delete a phone number.
  4. When adding or changing a phone number, an OTP code is sent to the new number in order to verify it.


  1. To use this workflow, the following pre-conditions must be met:
  2. The user can be (strongly) authenticated.
  3. The user has the access right to use the self-service.
  4. The mTAN management self-service is enabled in the configuration.
  1. Example screen workflow
  2. After login, open the mTAN management self-service:
    • Loginapp UI: <loginapp-path>/ui/app/protected/tokens/mtan
  3. Choose an action (add, delete, edit) - this screen flow shows the edit path
  4. Enter a phone number and optionally a label:
  5. 59333286.png
  6. Confirm the new phone number by entering OTP received on new mobile phone number:
  7. 59333287.png


  • In Loginapp >> Protected Self-Services: configure mTAN Number List.
  • In Loginapp >> Protected Self-Services >> Protected Self-Service Flows: add flows for the required management operations (e.g. Default mTAN Token Registration Flow, Default mTAN Token Edit Flow, Default mTAN Deletion Flow or custom flows).
  • Configure the necessary UI settings in Loginapp >> UI Settings.