Installation with installer script

We recommended using the shell script installer as it is the quickest way to install Airlock IAM and follows our conventions by default.

  1. Download the Airlock IAM installer script from Airlock Techzone. The latest Airlock IAM installer (airlock-iam-installer-<version>.sh) can be downloaded after log-in from:
  2. Transfer the script to the target host.
  3. Make the script executable:
    chmod u+x ./airlock-iam-installer-<release_version>.sh
  4. Run the installer as root using su #/sudo su:
  5. The installer will print a preview of what the installation will do and wait for confirmation.
  6. Once the installer has finished, switch to the airlock user and start using the CLI:
  7. copy
      su - airlock                 # Switch to user "airlock" (must be run as "root") 
      iam --help                   # Display usage/help and list available subcommands 
      iam init --help              # Display usage/help for the "init" subcommand 
      iam init --instance test     # Create new instance named "test"
  • In summary, the following actions will be performed:
  • The Airlock IAM distribution will be installed to /opt/airlock-iam-<version>/ and linked to /opt/airlock-iam/.
  • The default user is named airlock. If the user does not exist, a new user will be created. 
  • A configuration root directory will be created in the user's home. By default, this will be /home/airlock/iam.
    • In the configuration directory, a default instance named auth will be created.
    • The application-level configuration file will be /home/airlock/iam/instances/auth/ See also Application parameters.
  • Bash integration will be installed to ~/.bashrc , including bash auto/tab completion ~/.bash_completion.d/. By default, those files will be in /home/airlock.
    • The PATH will allow the iam command to be typed directly instead of /opt/airlock-iam/bin/iam.
    • The default IAM_CONFIG_ROOT will be set to /home/airlock/iam.

Installer customization options

To see all available customization options, run the installer with the -h option:

./airlock-iam-installer-<release_version>.sh -h

The installer can run without interaction/confirmation for automation and scripting, with the -f option.

Unattended installation:

./airlock-iam-installer-<release_version>.sh -f

The installation target, configuration directories, and user name can be configured. Run the installer with the ​-h/--help option to see all available customization options.