Tech-Client management

Tech-Clients are managed in the Airlock IAM Adminapp or over the Adminapp REST API.


  • Tech-Client management must be enabled in the IAM Adminapp configuration.
  • The administrator must have the required privileges to manage tech-clients.

Searching Tech-Clients

Tech-Clients stored in the IAM database can be searched in the IAM Adminapp.

Adminapp - menu Tech Clients
  • The following attributes are considered when searching:
  • Name – A typically human-readable name of the tech-client.
  • ID – A unique identifier for the tech-client.
  • Label – The label is a string value attribute of a Tech-Client. It is searchable and may be used to group Tech-Clients (e.g. organization name, stage name, etc.).

Note that in the current implementation, Tech-Client search is done in memory and therefore limited to some thousands of Tech-Clients.