Remember-Me configuration Loginapp UI

No UI-specific configuration is necessary to use the feature in the Loginapp UI. It only needs to be configured in the Loginapp REST API.

Especially, if using the feature in conjunction with dynamic step activation (DSA) the Loginapp UI automatically shows the corresponding checkbox to activate the Remember-Me Token Generating Step (unless using custom step UIs).

The main Remember-Me settings are described in Remember-Me settings and configuration for the Loginapp REST API.

Translations for the checkbox labels

Translations for the checkbox labels can be added using the Loginapp Design Kit:

  • Standard translations for the Remember-Me use cases are available. Use the step ID generate-remember-me-token in the Remember-Me Token Generating Step to take advantage of default texts. Also, refer to the template configuration Demo configuration.
  • The translation keys are of the following form: authentication.pages.actions.dynamic-step.<step-id>.
  • In the Loginapp Design Kit, you may enable the checkboxes using the setting Show DSA Checkboxes.