Customizing text elements in the Adminapp UI

Customizing texts of the Adminapp UI is done in *.properties files - although the default files are JSON files.

  • The following languages are already included with each IAM installation and upgrade:
  • German
  • English
  • French

The Adminapp UI does not support localization with 2-letter locale codes.

Step 1 – Create new property files

Create empty property file(s) to prepare for text changes.

Property files must be UTF-8 encoded.

  • For all installed IAM instances:
  • Create the files (and so on) in the directory ./instances/common/adminapp-texts/.
  • For a specific IAM instance:
  • Create the files (and so on) in the directory ./instances/<instance-name>/adminapp-texts/.

Step 2 - Extract resource keys from the *.json files

  1. Open the corresponding *.json language file (e.g. en.json) under app/adminapp/i18n/. The indentation of the resource keys in the JSON files corresponds to the entries in the strings properties file.
    For Example
  2.  "user": {
        "tabs": {
          "overview" : "Overview", 

     in en.json corresponds to user.tabs.overview = Overview in

  3. Find the existing translation in the JSON file via search (e.g. Generate IAK Letter) or by searching for corresponding keys (e.g. user, mtan, number, label).
  4. Place the extracted resource key from Step 1. in the strings properties file and customize the texts as required.
  5. Re-login as administrator to validate the text changes in the Adminapp UI.
  1. Do not change the original *.json files, as these files will be overwritten without notice during updating and installation procedures. Only add those text elements to the newly created properties files, which should be customized, not all text elements.