Manual changes for Loginapp Design Kit upgrade from Design Kit 1.0 to 2.0 with IAM 7.4

Upgrading the Design Kit from 1.0 as delivered with Airlock IAM 7.3 to Design Kit 2.0 as delivered IAM 7.4 requires some manual changes that are described below.

Those changes may be breaking for scripts or build pipelines that rely on the previous names and conventions. The change for is breaking for every IAM instance < 7.4 using this key.

Changes in

With Airlock IAM 7.4, the Design Kit ZIP artifact name, path, binary name and key in have changed:

Loginapp Design Kit 1.0

Loginapp Design Kit 2.0

Artifact name and path


In the build directory relative to the directory where the Design Kit was unzipped to.


In the build directory relative to the directory where the custom sources were created at using the init command.

Binary name



Key in


When unpacking the artifact for Airlock IAM 7.4, the content is unpacked into this directory:

Changed i18n format

In Airlock IAM 7.3, the format of the i18n files (located here: src/assets/custom/i18n) was JSON whereas the new format in IAM 7.4 is properties.

  • Customizations to i18n files must be manually migrated by:
  • Renaming the JSON files to properties, e.g. en.json to .
  • Flattening the JSON structure to the properties format.
  1. Example for flattening a JSON structure to properties format
  2. We use the content of en.json as an example.

  3. en.json:
  4. { 
        "authentication": { 
            "password": { 
                "title": { 
                    "caption": "Welcome - Please Login" 
  5. becomes the following in
  6. authentication.password.title.caption = Welcome - Please Login 

Instead of migrating everything by hand, you can find JSON-to-properties converters on the internet that will help you with this transformation.

Changed class concept using ES6 classes in JavaScript

With Airlock IAM 7.4 dropping the support of Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) for the Loginapp UI, it is now possible to use JavaScript ES6 classes.

  • This implies various manual changes to existing JavaScript customizations:
  • Inheritance – Using the class and extends keywords instead of var and the extend() method when declaring a class.
  • Constructor – using constructor and invoking the inherited constructor using super() instead of init and this._super().
  • Calling inherited methods – using super.methodName() instead of this._super().
  • Method declaration – it is not possible to use :function when declaring a class method. Also, the comma following the function declaration can be omitted.
  • Splitted iam.api.types.CustomPage into two classes – one for customizing existing product pages iam.api.types.CustomProductPage and one for adding new pages entirely written in JavaScript iam.api.types.CustomJavaScriptPage.
  • Renamed method CustomPage.renderContentHtml to CustomPage.contentHtml .
  • Removed method getPageId which is replaced by isApplicable. This provides more flexibility to customize the same page for different use-cases. If access to the current pageId of your customized page is required, the relevant page data received in the isApplicable({pageId, flowId, stepId}) method has to be stored as class fields.

The following example shows a side-by-side comparison that illustrates the points mentioned above:

Example IAM 7.3

Example IAM 7.4

var MyCustomLayout = iam.api.types.CustomLayout.extend({ 
    headerHtml: function () { 
        return '...'; 
    contentHtml: function () { 
        return '...'; 
    footerHtml: function () { 
        return '...'; 
var MyCustomPage = iam.api.types.CustomPage.extend({ 
    init: function () { 
    getPageId: function () { 
        return 'mypage'; 
    onPageEnter: function () { 
        console.log('entering: ' + this.getPageId()); 
    onPageExit: function () { 
        console.log('exiting: ' + this.getPageId()); 
    renderContentHtml: function () { 
        return '...'; 
class MyCustomLayout extends iam.api.types.CustomLayout { 
    headerHtml() { 
        return '...'; 
    contentHtml() { 
        return '...'; 
    footerHtml() { 
        return '...'; 
class MyCustomPage extends iam.api.types.CustomJavaScriptPage { // or iam.api.types.CustomProductPage depending on the use-case 
    constructor() { 
    isApplicable({pageId, flowId, stepId}) { 
       return pageId === 'mypage'; 
    onPageEnter() { 
        console.log('entering: mypage'); 
    onPageExit() { 
        console.log('exiting: mypage'); 
    contentHtml() { // Method renamed 
        return '...'; 

Semantic changes to class CustomLayout

In Airlock IAM 7.4, class iam.api.types.CustomLayout changed in its semantic. With IAM 7.3 inheriting from CustomLayout implied that, by default, IAM's product layout was used for header/footer/content except for explicitly overwritten methods. With IAM 7.4, inheriting from CustomLayout does not provide any layout at all.

Custom code that relied on this functionality must be updated to implement the missing methods.

Content HTML requires a marker for actual content placement

In Airlock IAM 7.3, the content HTML was required to be a symmetric structure that was wrapped around the actual Loginapp UI content.

With IAM 7.4, it is no longer required for the content to be symmetric. However, the content must define the location where the actual content should be rendered using HTML ID iamContentTargetContainer.

Example for IAM 7.3

Example for IAM 7.4

var MyCustomLayout = iam.api.types.CustomLayout.extend({ 
    contentHtml: function () { 
        return '<div></div>'; 
class MyCustomLayout extends iam.api.types.CustomLayout { 
    contentHtml() { 
        return '<div id="iamContentTargetContainer"></div>'; 

Custom CSS rules that relied on the old HTML structure have to be adjusted accordingly.

Changed availability and naming of custom sass files

The sass files from src/sass/custom are no longer available. These are substituted by _custom-styles.scss and _custom-variables.scss, which can be used to customize the appearance of your application.

IAM 7.3

IAM 7.4



To preserve your customizations, copy the content of _common and _instance into the corresponding _custom file.

Variables removed from the Loginapp UI

The following variables have been removed since they did not have any effect:

  • iam-form-feedback-valid-color: Loginapp UI does not provide feedback for valid inputs.
  • iam-input-box-shadow: Box shadows are by default disabled.
  • iam-btn-box-shadow: Loginapp UI default buttons do not support box shadows.