Main log format

This article describes the log line format of logs written by the MAIN appender for each IAM module (web server, access, structured, parsable, etc. logs use different formats).

Note that the parsable log file variants (e.g. loginapp-parsable.log) are used by the Airlock IAM log viewer.
They must not be used by other systems as the format (and the location of the data) may change without notice.

Example log lines

Log lines not caused by a HTTP request: there is no SID (session ID) and no RID (request ID):

2018-01-29 09:08:15,644 INFO  [IAM - auth - adminapp - SID: 000000000000000000 - RID: 000000000000000000] | 001 Configuration:  ***** ADMINAPP MODULE: ACTIVATING *****
2018-01-29 09:08:15,644 INFO  [IAM - auth - adminapp - SID: 000000000000000000 - RID: 000000000000000000] | 001 Configuration: Version: 8.0

 Multi-line log lines showing an exception (showing only the first few lines):

2018-01-29 10:02:22,247 ERROR [IAM - auth - loginapp - SID: 906927719100591752 - RID: 270869843594473181] | 001 ProvisionExceptionMapper: Error in custom provider, The store encountered an exception
2018-01-29 10:02:22,247 WARN  [IAM - auth - loginapp - SID: 906927719100591752 - RID: 206556668324927646] | 001 LogUtils: 
2018-01-29 10:02:22,247 WARN  [IAM - auth - loginapp - SID: 906927719100591752 - RID: 206556668324927646] | 002 ---------------|  BEGIN OF EXCEPTION  |---------------
2018-01-29 10:02:22,247 WARN  [IAM - auth - loginapp - SID: 906927719100591752 - RID: 206556668324927646] | 003   Exception-Type :
2018-01-29 10:02:22,247 WARN  [IAM - auth - loginapp - SID: 906927719100591752 - RID: 206556668324927646] | 004   Message        : The store encountered an exception
2018-01-29 10:02:22,247 WARN  [IAM - auth - loginapp - SID: 906927719100591752 - RID: 206556668324927646] | 005    Cause Message : Error while searching user with name "jdoe" (getting connection from data source): HikariPool-6 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 5001ms.
2018-01-29 10:02:22,247 WARN  [IAM - auth - loginapp - SID: 906927719100591752 - RID: 206556668324927646] | 006    Cause Message : HikariPool-6 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 5001ms.
2018-01-29 10:02:22,247 WARN  [IAM - auth - loginapp - SID: 906927719100591752 - RID: 206556668324927646] | 007 Connection is broken: " Connection refused: localhost:9001" [90067-176]
2018-01-29 10:02:22,247 WARN  [IAM - auth - loginapp - SID: 906927719100591752 - RID: 206556668324927646] | 008    Cause Message : Connection refused
2018-01-29 10:02:22,247 WARN  [IAM - auth - loginapp - SID: 906927719100591752 - RID: 206556668324927646] | 009   Stack-Trace    : 
2018-01-29 10:02:22,247 WARN  [IAM - auth - loginapp - SID: 906927719100591752 - RID: 206556668324927646] | 010

Default log Pattern

The default log pattern is:
%d{DEFAULT} %-5p [IAM - ${} - ${web:initParam.CONTEXT_ID} - SID: %18e{mdc:GSID:0} - RID: %18e{mdc:REQUEST_ID:0}] | %e{header:3}%c{1}: %m%n

In custom log patterns, any conversion pattern supported by Log4j2 can be used. For example, any application parameter, like can be included with ${}".

The pattern in the file requires all colons (:) to be escaped with a leading backslash (\).

For example:

The following table describes the default pattern:






2018-01-20 10:02:08,026

Log timestamp in ISO-8601 format:
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss,sss




Log level can be INFO, WARN, ERROR and must be padded with spaces to be 5 characters long.




Log system, may be referenced in custom legacy log patterns. Value is always "IAM".




Name of the instance.



loginapp, adminapp, transaction-approval, servicecontainerapp

Name of the Airlock IAM application module.


SID: %18e{mdc:GSID:0}

000000000000000000, 977877275127002316, b0b480495715d0392043715bc8652c0

Session ID of the logged session.

>= 18

RID: %18e{mdc:REQUEST_ID:0}

000000000000000000, 515009677337963849, WLQXQcCoOGUAACBiE74AAACD

Request ID of the logged request.

>= 18 



Line sequence number: numbers lines in multiline messages such as exception stack traces.



ContextListener, LogUtils

Name of the class (no package information) containing the log statement.
Note that in multi-line log messages, only the first line contains the class name.



Version: 8.0, Token lists expire after 365 days

Actual log message



Line separator (platform dependent)
