Authenticator Attestation ID, AAID | The AAID is a manufacturer-chosen identifier for the make and model of a FIDO Authenticator. Authenticators with the same ID share the same set of characteristics. The AAID must be set if the authenticator implements FIDO UAF. |
artifact, SAML | A SAML artifact is a unique identifier used to pass a SAML assertion from the identity provider (IDP) to the service provider (SP) by reference. It is used in the SAML artifact binding protocol. |
AS-centric | The implementation of an OAuth 2.0 and OIDC authorization server in Airlock IAM where one authorization server supports multiple static and/or dynamic clients. |
authentication method | Name of authentication means.
authorization code grant | OAuth 2.0 implementation. The authorization code grant is used to obtain both access tokens and refresh tokens and is optimized for confidential clients. |
authorization endpoint | Service capable of authenticating the user. Starts the authentication process when prompted by a client and returns the result. Also responsible for exchanging authorization codes for access tokens, refreshing access tokens, and managing active OAuth 2.0 sessions. |