Alternative installation arrangements

The same user "airlock" can be used for parallel installation on a single machine. However, similar results can be achieved using different methods.

Having separate users and/or machines also improves security through stronger isolation of separate IAM instances.

Separate machines

Using multiple machines (e.g. VMs) can simplify the management setup and future upgrades significantly. Each VM can be reduced to having only one version of Airlock IAM active at a time and only one "airlock" user.

Separate users

This option simplifies the way PATH works, allowing for more convenient management.


./ -u airlock_a
./ -u airlock_b
# Running "su - airlock_a" or "su - airlock_b" will both result in a shell with "iam" pointing to version 7.1

./ -u airlock_a
# Running "su - airlock_a" will result in a shell with "iam" pointing to version 8.0# Running "su - airlock_b" will result in a shell with "iam" pointing to version 7.1