Using multiple apps in one service

Multiple different apps may be used at the same time with the same Airlock 2FA service. but some restrictions apply.

Migration of apps is a use case scenario where the ability to support multiple apps simultaneously is very useful.

Example: when migrating from the Airlock 2FA App to a custom app or from the FUTURAE App to the Airlock 2FA App these use cases will be common:

  • Existing users still use the old app
  • New users are using the new app

Primary app and usage restrictions

For the described scenario to work, both apps must be used with one and the same Airlock 2FA service account.

However, each Airlock 2FA service account knows exactly one app as its primary app. Thus, at some point, you must choose the new app to be the primary app. This comes with the following restrictions:

  • Usage restrictions:
  • New devices can only be enrolled (activated) with the primary app. The old app can no more be used for enrollments.
  • Mobile-only authentication (authentication of custom apps using the FUTURAE SDK) only works with the primary app.

The following use-cases are still possible with the old app:

  • Authentication (for already enrolled devices)
  • Transaction approval (for already enrolled devices)
  • Activation letters that have been generated before making the new app the primary are still valid but only work with the primary app.

Migrating to a new app

With the above restrictions in mind, the migration from one app to another should be done as follows:

  1. Publish the new app (make it available in the app stores)
  2. Inform users to only use the new app when activating new devices (e.g. change respective documentation, instruct help desk, etc.)
  3. Make the new app the primary app in the Airlock 2FA service definition (contact Airlock staff at