Example configuration for protected self-service flow

Overview of the Example

The e-mail address change is used in this example since it is a typical self-service flow, where a user provides information and this information must be validated before it is persisted.

Such flows very often contain the following steps:

  1. Obtain the information from the user. In this case the e-mail address.
  2. Validate the information provided by the user. In this case by sending an e-mail message to the user and verifying the receipt.
  3. Persist the information provided. In this case store the new e-mail address in the user account.

After the configuration of the flow, the corresponding UI must be configured as well.

Create plugin for the e-mail address registration flow

In Loginapp >> Protected Self-Services >> Protected Self-Service Flows you create a new plugin of type Self Service Flow.

Create a plugin for the Flow ID to create a name for this flow. This name identifies the flow and it will be used by client applications to start an instance of this flow.

In this example, the flow has the ID: email-change.

Create steps for the email address registration flow

The first step is to create a User Data Edit Step plugin. It allows the user to enter context data and it can be configured which data items the user may supply.

The details of the configuration of the data edit step for the email address very much depend on the requirements and on the desired user experience.

In our example, we use the email address as an alias for the username and we require all users to use the alias so that we can use an internal identifier for the username. To support this use case, the User Data Edit Step is configured as follows:

  • Required - enabled, to enforce providing an e-mail address
  • Unique - enabled, to prevent duplicate conflicts in the alias' of different users
  • Enable Stealth Mode - enabled, to protect against e-mail enumeration
  • Maximum Input Length - default 100 characters
  • The validator is empty because the default validator already checks for a well-formed e-mail address. Configure a regex validator if you require additional validation.

The next step will validate the information provided by the user.

This example validates the e-mail address by sending an e-mail message to this address. The E-Mail Change Verification Step plugin will do just that. It requires some configuration:

  • E-Mail Item - This is the same plugin as was used in the User Data Edit step. It is required here to ensure that the stealth mode configuration is honored correctly in the verification step.
  • E-Mail Address Provider - To verify the e-mail address supplied by the user in the first step. Use the Changed E-Mail Address Provider.
  • E-Mail Service - Provide an SMTP Emal Service Plugin to send out the verification e-mail message.

  • OTP Generator - Verification requires the user to manually enter a code obtained from the e-mail message sent. Configure the generator for this code in this plugin.
  • E-Mail Message Provider - configures the e-mail message to be sent to the user. Subject and Body used here are the default values for the E-Mail Address Change flow. In the value providers, the Context Data Map should be configured to address the user with his name and the Value Provider Map is used to inject the correct value for new_email into the message.

The last step of the flow is the persistence of the newly provided and successfully validated e-mail address. This works as follows:

  • Create a new step with an Apply Changes Step.
  • In this step choose the Apply E-Mail Change as the handler.
  • In the plugin select the 'email' entry for the Context Data Name.

Configure the Loginapp UI for the email address registration flow

Once the flow has been created it can be used by clients through the REST interface. To enable the flow in the Loginapp, the UI Settings must be adapted as well.

Create a new Protected Self-Service UI plugin in the Loginapp >> UI Settings >> Protected Self-Service UIs.

When you configure this plugin, you have the following options:

  • Select the flow ID for which the UI should be generated.
  • Provide customized UIs for particular steps (optional)
  • Decide if Cancel or Goto buttons should be visible to the user
  • Configure a maintenance message UI (if required)

Also in the UI configuration, you may choose where the UI will redirect the user

  • on successful completion of the flow
  • on cancellation of the flow