Plugin trees

The plugin trees on the left show an overview of all configuration items and how they relate to each other.

Modules, unconnected plugins, inheritance tree

There are three different types of trees that can be selected in the drop-down box:


Unconnected Plugins

Inheritance Tree


The tree "Modules" shows the Airlock IAM modules (Loginapp, Adminapp, Service Container, Transaction Approval, API Policy Service) and shows how the elements (plugins) depend on each other. This is the most commonly used tree.

Click on a tree element to show its detailed configuration. 

The tree "Unconnected Plugins" shows all configuration elements that are not used by any module.

Click on a tree element to show its detailed configuration. 

The "Inheritance Tree" shows the hierarchical relationship between plugins: what element inherits configuration from what other element?

Click on a tree element to show its detailed configuration.

Icons in the plugin trees

The Plugin Trees navigation contains the following clickable icons:




Creates a new, unconnected plugin configuration which can later be connected to other plugins.


Opens a dialog to set the root nodes. The root nodes are the top-level elements in the plugin tree, typically one for each module (Loginapp, Adminapp, Service Container, and Webservice).


Click to enable or disable highlighting the currently displayed plugin configuration in the tree on the left. If enabled, the plugin configuration displayed in the main panel (plugin overview and properties) is shown in the plugin tree. If disabled, the tree is not connected with the currently shown plugin configuration. A plugin configuration may be used in multiple places in the tree, thus multiple tree nodes are selected in this case if this button is enabled.

Plugin Configuration Details

Once a plugin configuration is selected in the tree, it is loaded to be edited in the detail view on the main panel of the Config Editor. If the -icon is enabled, the tree always shows all occurrences of the displayed plugin configuration.