Matrix card authentication

Matrix cards (also called "grid cards") are used as a second factor to authenticate users. A user has a list of codes - typically printed on paper - that are requested to be entered in the authentication process.

Airlock IAM offers the following services for matrix cards:

  • Authentication
  • Generation of matrix cards

The following types of matrix cards are supported:

  • Matrix card (a grid card with codes organized in a coordinate system):
  • 30806202.png
  • Indexed TAN-list (an indexed sequence of codes, so every code has an associated index):
  • 63971687.png

How authentication with matrix cards works

  • During the authentication process, the user is required to enter one or more matrix codes.
  • Depending on the configuration, it is either a coordinate (matrix card) or an index (indexed TAN list).
  • The user then enters the code which he is able to retrieve from the printed list of matrix codes that was sent to him.
  • After entering the correct matrix code(s), the user is authenticated successfully.