Application Portal configuration in the Loginapp REST UI

The application portal is a web UI in the loginapp that displays accessible applications and services to the end-user. It may be used as starting point after login and is implemented as a protected self-service.


General information

The application portal is implemented as a protected self-service feature of the Loginapp REST UI. There is no public REST API for the portal.

The portal displays the following elements:

Application Portal Group

An Application Portal Group holds together an ordered list of Application Portal Targets.

Each group has an identifier that is used to look up the translations for the title and the description of the group.

Groups and portal targets are displayed in the order defined in the configuration.

Empty groups, i.e., groups with no displayable portal targets are not shown.

Application Portal Targets

Each Application Portal Target represents an application or service to be displayed.

It is displayed with a logo and a name. Both are determined based on the configured identifier.

Portal targets are only displayed if the corresponding configured precondition is fulfilled. Typical preconditions check for:

  • The user's roles (access rights)
  • The presence of a 2nd factor (e.g. for 2nd factor self-management).

The Application Portal Targets are not directly linked to the target applications in the authentication flow: only target applications explicitly configured in the application portal are shown.


To add an application to the portal, proceed as follows.

  1. Go to:
    Loginapp >> UI Settings >> Protected Self-Service UIs >> Application Portal (create if required)
  2. If required, add a new Application Portal Group to the list of Portal Groups. Choose a unique identifier for the group and remember it for later customization. Note that the order of the groups in the list directly influences how they are displayed.
  3. Add a new Application Portal Target to the Portal Target list of the corresponding group.
  4. Choose an Identifier that is unique among all applications. Remember it for later customization.
  5. Set the Redirect Target: it basically defines what happens if the application logo is clicked.

Customizing text elements in the portal

To provide the text elements for portal groups and target applications, use the Loginapp REST UI SDK.

The identifiers chosen in the configuration are used as in the following example (src/assets/custom/i18n/

# title for group with identifier "banking-apps-group" = Banking applications

# description for group with identifier "banking-apps-group" = Here goes your text.

# label of application with identifier "ebanking" = E-banking

Customizing application logos in the portal

To change the application logos shown in the application portal, use the Loginapp REST UI SDK.

The logos displayed in the portal are implemented as background images on the corresponding HTML elements. To change the logo for a target application, the background image can be set by applying custom styles.

The application identifier chosen in the configuration is used as in the following example (src/sass/custom/_custom-styles.scss):

// logo for application portal with id "ebanking"
#iamApplicationPortalTarget-ebanking > .iam-application-portal-target-link > .iam-application-portal-target {
	background-image: url(custom-asset('img/bank-logo.svg'));