Activate an additional Cronto device during authentication in the Loginapp REST UI

The article Additional Cronto device activation in authentication flows in the Loginapp REST API describes how to allow end-users to activate another Cronto device during the authentication flow in the Loginapp REST API.

No additional UI-specific configuration is necessary to use the feature in the Loginapp REST UI. The Loginapp REST UI automatically shows the corresponding checkbox to activate the Cronto Activation Step.

Translations for the checkbox label

Translations for the checkbox labels can be added using the Loginapp REST UI SDK:

  • Standard translations are available:
    • Use the step ID activate-extra-cronto-device in the Cronto Activation Step to take advantage of default texts.
    • Use the step ID cronto-activation-not-allowed in the Acknowledge Message Step of the Fallback Flow to take advantage of default texts.
  • The translation keys are of the following form: authentication.pages.actions.dynamic-step.<step-id>.
  • In the Loginapp REST UI SDK, you may enable the checkboxes using the setting Show DSA Checkboxes.