Customizing text elements in the Adminapp

  • Initial setup
  • For all instances:
    Create the files (and so on) to directory ./instances/common/adminapp-texts/
  • For one specific instance:
    Create the files (and so on) to directory ./instances/<instance-name>/adminapp-texts/

Text changes in Adminapp

To change texts in the Adminapp, also use files - although the default files are JSON files.

  1. Open app/adminapp/i18n/*.json (* set a language code). The indentation of the keys corresponds to the entries in the strings properties file, e.g.
  2.  "user": {
        "tabs": {
          "overview" : "Overview", 

     in en.json corresponds to user.tabs.overview in

  3. Find the desired existing translation in the json file via search (e.g. "Generate IAK Letter") or by a key that makes sense (e.g. user >> mtan >> number >> label)
  4. Place the corresponding key as described in step 1 in the strings properties file.
  5. Re-login as administrator.