User self-service features (JSP-Loginapp migration)

The following table provides information about the availability of JSP-Loginapp features in the Loginapp REST UI and high-level migration hints (where available).

Information about the availability of upcoming releases is indicative and subject to change.

Please note the additional information on discontinued functions (see link below).

User registration self-service



Description and migration hints

Enter user profile information and validation


Structured form to enter user profile information.

Migration hint

Configured in Loginapp >> Self-Registration Flows >> User Data Registration Step.

Terms of services


Require acceptance of terms of services.

Migration hint

Configured in Loginapp >> Self-Registration Flow >> Terms of Services Step.

Username generation


Generate a username.

Migration hint

Use the Username Generation Step in the self-registration flow.

User verification: Email with OTP


Verify the entered email address by sending an OTP and verifying it (in the same browser session).

Migration hint

Use the Email Verification Step in the self-registration flow.

User verification: Email with link (AI-13556)


Verify the entered email address by sending a link in an email. The link can be clicked to proceed with the registration process (maybe on a new browser session).

User verification: SMS


Phone number verification. Only for phone number on user record (credential data model - not in the token model).

Migration hint

Use the Phone Number Verification Step in the self-registration flow.

The token data model will be supported in a later release (>= 7.5, AI-13559). This was not a feature in the JSP-Loginapp.

User alias


Support for user name alias (e.g. email address as an alternative to the user name in the authentication process) including uniqueness check.

Migration hint

Use the Alias User Item plugin in the User Data Registration Step.

Registration completed callback


Call custom plugin if registration is completed.

Migration hint

Use a custom step at end of registration process.

Stealth mode


User-enumeration protection during self-registration.

Migration hint

The stealth mode can be enabled in the property Enable Stealth Mode of the User Self-Registration Flow plugin.

CAPTCHA (AI-13449)


Users must solve a CAPTCHA in the user registration flow.

User verification: configurable action (ALIAM-13561) 


Define action taken after user verification (e.g. unlock new user account).

Migration hint

Use corresponding step plugins in the flow to perform actions after user verification.

Logged-in after registration (AI-13563)


If enabled, the user is logged in after successful self-registration and gets a set of configured roles.

Confirmation page (AI-13562)


Confirmation page showing part of the registered data.

Migration hint

Use an Acknowledge Message Step (does not display registered data) instead.

To display registered data elements, use a User Data Edit Step with non-editable data elements.

User profile self-service



Description and migration hints

Edit context data


Edit user context data (for logged-in users).

Migration hint

In Loginapp >> Protected Self-Services >> Protected Self-Service Flows compose a flow using the following steps (example):

  • User Data Edit Step
  • Selection Step for Self-Service (with auth method-specific approval steps)
  • Apply Changes Step

Change email address with verification email with OTP


Change email address and verify the new email address with an OTP checked on the same browser session.

Migration hint

In Loginapp >> Protected Self-Services >> Protected Self-Service Flows define a flow containing the E-Mail Change Verification Step.

Group-dependent settings


Different sets of editable user profile items depending on the user group.

Migration hint

In Loginapp >> Protected Self-Services >> Protected Self-Service Flows use a Selection Step for Self-Service with the Context Data Regex Condition to define different settings per user group.

The proposed solution does not exactly match the JSP-Loginapp feature.

HTTP Basic Auth access (AI-13569)


Access to the user profile self-service based on HTTP Basic Auth user authentication.

Migration hint

Use the Basic Auth Step plugin in an authentication flow and configure the access and authorization conditions of the self-service to be accessible with that flow.

Other self-services



Description and migration hints

Unlock Self-Service


Unlock account with second factor for another n trials with. May be combined with ordering a new password letter.

Migration hint

In Loginapp >> Public Self-Services define a flow using the Unlock User Step (Password Reset).

To let the user order a password letter instead, use the Password Letter Order Step (Password Reset). It may be offered as an alternative to setting the password using the Selection Step for Password Reset.

Only one Password Reset Flow can be configured at a time in IAM 7.7. Therefore one can only configure either a password reset process or an unlock self-service.

This restriction will be removed in IAM 8.0.

Autostart unlock self-service (AI-14091)


If the user account gets locked during the login process and self-unlock is possible (configured, eligible lock reason, and unlock attempts left), automatically start the self-unlock process after the user account gets locked.

Lockout Self-Service (AI-13573)


Logged-in users may self-lock the account. The user is logged out and a confirmation page is shown.