JSP and language files in user representation (JSP-Loginapp)

In case of an error or unauthorized access to the user representation feature, an error page is shown. If you wish to customize the text displayed, you have to adjust the following section in the Airlock IAM language property files, e.g. strings_en.properties.


# User representation
																											//Explanation. Do NOT include in the real property file!
representation-denied.title 				  = Access to user representation denied 						(Displayed in browser tab)
representation-denied.caption				  = Access to user representation denied						(Displayed as caption on the denied page)
representation-denied.not-authorized		  = Not authorized to represent this user. 					(Displayed as message when a representer is not authorized to represent a user)
representation-denied.representee-auth-failed = Authorization as representee failed.						(Displayed as message when the identity propagation as representee fails)
representation-denied.wrong-request			  = Wrong request format (URL) to start user representation.	(Displayed as message when representation start is called with a wrong URL format or wrong parameter)
representation-denied.not-configured		  = User representation is not configured.					(Displayed as message when representation is called without the feature being configured)

To customize the page appearance, the representation-denied.jsp file has to be overriden.