Files and folders

  • html-header-custom.jsp: The content of this page is included by html-header.jsp, which is included by every JSP page of Airlock IAM as the content of the HTML header. It can be used to add new elements like additional CSS and JS files to the HTML header. The html-header.jsp itself should never be customized.
  • header-custom.jsp: The page's header which is part of the standard layout of Airlock IAM. As shipped by the product, it contains the language selection.
  • footer-custom.jsp:The page's footer which is part of the standard layout of Airlock IAM. As shipped by the product, it contains a logo.
  • HTML error pages: There are some HTML-error pages that are displayed in case of internal (or web server) errors. These pages need to be adapted to the target look and feel separately.
  • scss/: Stylesheets can be customized in the SASS (*.scss) format. Customizations can be added to the files in scss/8-custom. The resulting CSS is automatically compiled upon updating the loginapp with the Instance Manager.
    • The _custom-variables-instance.scss and _custom-variables-common.scss allow to easily customize the most important aspects of the UI in a simple, yet powerful way. A SCSS variable defined in _custom-variables-common.scss applies to all instances. If desired, it can be overridden in a specific instance with a different value. Make sure to always define variables with the !default postfix for the overriding mechanism to work.
    • When more flexibility is required than provided by the aforementioned variables, you may use _custom-instance.scss and _custom-common.scss to write CSS or SASS. Note that you can access all variables that you have defined in the variables files.
  • layout/: The standard Airlock IAM layout for all JSPs.  As shipped by the product, it contains two layout files.
  • fonts/: Additional fonts can be placed into the fonts directory.
  • js/: Additional JavaScripts can be placed into the js directory.
  • images/: Additional images can be placed into the images directory.