Airlock 2FA configuration in the Loginapp (JSP)

The Airlock 2FA Authenticator plugin can be used in various ways during the authentication process. The following step-by-step procedure shows how it is typically used in a two-factor authentication process using the Main Authenticator plugin.


  • A basic IAM configuration including authentication for the Loginapp (JSP) must exist.
  • The basic Airlock 2FA settings exist.


  1. Go to the Main Authenticator's second step plugin:
  2. MAIN SETTINGS >> Main Authenticator >> Second


    Loginapp >> Authentication Settings >> Authenticator >> Second

  3. Add a new Authentication Method Identifier Mapping using the following values:
    • Identifier: Airlock 2FA Authentication Mapping
    • Auth Method Identifier: choose AIRLOCK_2FA
    • Authenticator: Airlock 2FA Authenticator (create new plugin if required)
  4. Verify Airlock 2FA Authenticator and connect Airlock 2FA Settings (see Basic configuration settings) and/or a specific User Persister if required.
  5. Activate the configuration.
  6. Airlock 2FA is now available as a second authentication factor.

How to verify

In order to test Airlock 2FA as a second authentication factor, consider the following regarding the user you intend to test with:

  • The user must be able to log in with a username and password. This requires a valid account with a password.
  • In the Adminapp: Assign Airlock 2FA as the active authentication method.
  • At least one Airlock 2FA token must be enrolled for the user.
  • The Airlock 2FA app must be installed on a smartphone.