Selection Authenticator: User chooses 2nd Factor

Using the Selection Authenticator plugin, the end-user may choose the type of 2nd factor among multiple options.

Only methods available to the user are offered and if the user has only one credential, the choice may be skipped (configurable). 

Example Screen:



In the Config Editor, go to:

  • Loginapp >> Authentication Settings >> Authenticator (must be the Main Authenticator)
  • In the Main Authenticator, use the Selection Authenticator as the second factor.
  • In the Selection Authenticator configure the desired authentication methods

Technical details

  • The user-choice.jsp is used to display the page with the selectable authenticators.
  • Don't forget to add the resulting keys to your custom translations in:
  • instances/common/loginapp-texts or instances/<instance>/loginapp-texts .

    In this example, the required keys would be: 



    userchoicepage.option.securid .

  • Only authenticators that implement the CredentialCheckAuthenticator interface can be used in the Selection Authenticator