Cronto self-services: address verification (AI-13530) | Address verification when ordering a new Cronto letter. |
Cronto extended self-services (AI-13543) | Special Cronto self-services (required special license tag CrontoSpecial). |
mTAN token migration: custom confirmation page URI (AI-13525) | Configurable custom URI to display an external mTAN migration confirmation page. |
Matrix cards self-activation | Activation of matrix cards in token migration process during login. |
Client certificate self-registration | Self-registration of X.509 client certificates with an initial activation letter (IAK). |
User registration: preconditions (AI-13560) | Define precondition (e.g. lock reason) limiting self-registration. |
Change application login name (AI-13567) | Self-service to change a target application-specific username. |
Enter application login name | Self-service to enter an application-specific username when accessing the application for the first time. |
Change application password (AI-13568) | Self-service to change a target application-specific password. |
Contact-me form (AI-13577) | Contact-me form for logged-in users. |
mTAN token self-management: Authenticate old phone number | If changing an existing phone number, also verify the old number by sending an OTP to it. |
Migration to Kobil TWV (AI-13546) | Migration from another 2nd factor to Kobil TWV during login. The token registration either displayed a code or orders an activation letter. |
Kobil token self-management (AI-13547) | List, add, remove, lock, and unlock Kobil devices. |
| Require the users to accept a number of GDPR consents in the self-registration flow. |
Change email address with verification email with link (AI-13565) | Change email address and verify the new address by sending a link. The link can be used on a new browser session. |
Self-delete account (AI-13574) | Logged-in users may self-delete the account. The user is then logged out and a confirmation page is shown. |
GDPR consent self-management (AI-13575) | Self-service for logged-in users to manage the given GDPR consents. |