The Airlock Gateway REST API supports manipulation of virtual hosts, mappings, back-end groups and certificates. Before using the Airlock Gateway REST API for the first time, an API key must be generated in the Configuration Center or using the airlock-user-manager-tool. API keys for a read-only user must be generated with the tool.
Typical Call Sequence
The call sequence of a typical REST API interaction is as follows:
Creating an Airlock REST Session
The first call must create a REST session. In this call, the generated API key must be sent as an
Authorization: Bearer
header. The session is identified by theJSESSIONID
cookie provided in the response. This cookie must be appended to all subsequent calls of the same session. -
Loading a Configuration
Handling of configurations is similar to the Configuration Center UI. A configuration must first be loaded, then edited and finally activated or saved. After activation/saving, a new configuration entry is available. Before activating/saving the edited configuration is only available in the current session context and not persisted. Note that the currently active configuration is not automatically loaded. In order to do so call Load the Active Configuration. For an overview of the available configuration actions, have a look at section Configurations.
Manipulating Objects
Once a configuration is loaded, the actual manipulation of objects may start. Arbitrary calls on virtual hosts, mappings, back-end groups or certificate resources may be sent. Each call updates the state of the configuration and subsequent calls operate on the most current state of the configuration.
To access specific resources directly, e.g. to load a mapping by its name, use the
parameter. Supported parameters vary depending on the accessed objects. Please refer to the corresponding call for accessing all objects, e.g. Access all Mappings, for details on the supported filter parameters. -
Validating Changes
When configuration manipulation is finished, validation messages can be retrieved. Messages with severity
prevent activation of the configuration. -
Activating or Saving the Configuration
Terminating the REST Session
After the session is finished, the session must be terminated.
Best Practices for Configuration Staging
When a service configuration is staged from development through testing into production, several processes are involved. Regarding the Airlock Gateway configuration, an approach based on common configuration templates is most suitable:
Configuration Templating
While the REST API supports export and import of entire mappings (e.g. Import Mappings (New or Replace)), the JSON objects received from GET calls (e.g. virtual hosts or back-end groups) may serve as templates as well and be used in UPDATE/PATCH calls. Integration aspects of a service should be covered by these environment-agnostic template objects. For instance, the choices of adequate security levels for deny rules and possible exceptions should be made during initial (and continuous) service integration. This integration process is best supported by features of the graphical user interface, such as the policy learning dashboard.
Service Deployment
When a service is deployed, configuration templates must be enriched with environment-specific attributes (e.g., IP addresses, hostnames, certificates, paths, etc.).
This process is typically fully automated and supported by the Airlock Gateway REST API. Parameterization of template objects could be done by replacing placeholders
in template JSON objects before calling the corresponding UPDATE
action. For mappings, which contain by far the most configuration attributes,
we have added sophisticated staging features to the REST API: Source mappings and locked attributes. That is, a common source mapping may serve as the integration
template for all environments and be synchronized using import/export calls. The environment-specfic parameters may be mixed in by deriving from the template
mapping and overriding specific attributes. Note that Airlock system templates (e.g., the Exchange mapping templates) may also be used as source mappings.
Have a look at these calls for more information:
Export Mappings: Export a Mapping and Export Mappings
Import Mappings: Import Mappings (New or Replace) or Import Mappings (As New Copy)
Applying unlocked settings from a source mapping: Apply Unlocked Settings from Source Mapping or Apply Unlocked Settings from Import
Defining a source mapping: Attribute
in the mapping object -
Defining locked attributes on mappings:
in the mapping object
Reference Handling
Airlock Gateway’s configuration objects hold many references to each other, e.g., mappings are linked to virtual hosts and back-end groups and certificates are linked to virtual hosts. These references are managed by separate relationship REST endpoints (see e.g. Add Virtual Host Connections).
Where applicable, the Airlock Gateway REST API follows the JSON:API specification. In a nutshell, it specifies a schema for the request and response JSON objects. Top-level JSON:API documents contains at least one resource object, a collection of resource objects or a certain amount of error objects. In addition, a metadata object may be provided. Every resource object has a symbolic type and an id. Attributes are located in an attribute object.
HTTP Verbs
Verb | Usage |
Used to retrieve a resource. |
Used to create a new resource. |
Used to update an existing resource, including partial updates. |
Used to delete an existing resource. |
When using PATCH to update an existing resource, the following attributes must be provided:
At least one element in the
The data[].id attribute and the resource identifier path segment MUST be equal.
For lists and arrays within the data[].attributes
object, the complete list/array must be provided.
For instance, this is how to PATCH
the maintenance page flag on mapping 42
PATCH https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/mappings/42 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Cookie: JSESSIONID=1810C58523C084F6ED5C237C09B70CB7
Accept: application/json
"data": {
"type": "mapping",
"id": 42,
"attributes": {
"enableMaintenancePage": true
Note: The placeholder "${AIRLOCK}" in the example above must be replaced with the hostname of the targeted Airlock Gateway.
HTTP Status Codes
Status code | Usage |
The request completed successfully. This status code is returned e.g. by a successful GET request. |
A new resource has been successfully created with a POST request. |
The request completed successfully. This status code is returned e.g. by a successful DELETE or PATCH request. |
The request was malformed. |
Invalid or missing authentication. |
Insufficient credentials or call is not allowed. |
The requested resource or entity did not exist. |
The REST endpoint doesn’t support the payload format. |
The service call did not succeed. |
Note: The JSON:API specification describes the possible HTTP status codes for the various HTTP verbs. Generally HTTP status codes 2xx (like 200, 204, …) indicate that the requested operation was successful.
Date Format
Timestamps retrieved via REST API conform to the format (ISO-8601):
An example of such a timestamp is:
Search and Filtering
Some endpoints allow to apply a filter. The query parameter that facilitates a search filter is called filter
. A single filter has the structure:
property operator value
is the field in the JSON structure to which the filter refers to -
defines what kind of search is performed. It can either be an exact search==
or a substring search=@
the value that is being searched for (case sensitive!)
All of the following examples do not use URL encoding for better readability. |
Note: The placeholder "${AIRLOCK}" in the following examples must be replaced with the hostname of the targeted Airlock Gateway.
An example for an exact search on a back-end group’s name is:
GET https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/back-end-groups?filter=name==mySearchTerm
An example for a substring search is:
GET https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/back-end-groups?filter=name=@mySearchTerm
Filters can be combined using AND logic by providing multiple filter parameters. For example, to search for
all validator messages of type WARNING
for all back-end groups, the query is:
GET https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/validator-messages?filter=severity=warning&filter=type==back-end-group
Filters can also be combined using OR logic by using commas inside a filter expression. For example, to search for all virtual hosts with either name equal to 'mySearchTerm' or HTTP port equal to 88, the query is:
GET https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts?filter=name==mySearchTerm,networkInterface.http.port==88
Response Format
Responses in the Airlock Gateway REST API follow the JSON:API specification as defined in JSON:API specification.
JSON:API distinguishes between regular and error responses, where errors have a HTTP status code in the range 4XX
or 5XX
Error responses are generic and decribed below.
Error Response
Error responses are sent to the client, if either the user provides wrong input, or if server-side errors occur.
They have HTTP status codes in the range 4XX
(client errors) or 5XX
(server errors).
"meta": {
"type": "jsonapi.metadata.document",
"timestamp": "2018-04-23T10:36:12.193+02:00"
"errors": [
404 (NOT FOUND) response
A call will be answered with a 404 - NOT FOUND response if the requested resource cannot be found. This might be the case if
the requested URL contains a typo
the requested URL contains an identifier but no entity with this identifier exists in the context of the current request. In cases where the entity that could not be found, the error code
is set in the response.
409 (CONFLICT) response
A call will be answered with a 409 - CONFLICT response if the requested entity is read-only (a default entity) and would be modified
the ID of the entity refers to a default entity that cannot be modified
A property of the modified entity is read-only.
The HTTP status code 415 - UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE indicates that the server refuses to accept the request because the payload
format is in an unsupported format. The format problem might be due to the request’s indicated Content-Type
or Content-Encoding
or as a result of inspecting the data directly.
Where applicable the endpoint declares the accepted Content-Type which is typically application/json
Error Codes
Error objects can contain an optional code that gives more detail about the error situation. Currently, the following generic error codes can occur:
: the operation requires to load a configuration. -
: the specified resource could not be found. -
: the request format is syntactically invalid (parse error). -
: the request contains invalid values. For more information see logs.
The following examples illustrate the typical call sequence for enabling the maintenance page on a given mapping. One example uses Python, one bash.
Python Example
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import urllib3
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from json import dumps
TOKEN = 'Bearer ...'
BASE_URL = f"https://{AIRLOCK_HOSTNAME}/airlock/rest"
'Authorization': TOKEN,
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
session = requests.session()
session.verify = False
def build_url(*res, **params):
for r in res:
u = '{}/{}'.format(u, r)
if params:
u = '{}?{}'.format(u, urlencode(params))
return u
url = build_url('session/create')
response =
url = build_url('configuration/configurations/load-active')
response =
url = build_url('configuration/mappings', filter='name==auth')
response = session.get(url)
mapping_id = response.json()['data'][0]['id']
data = {
'data': {
'type': 'mapping',
'id': mapping_id,
'attributes': {
'enableMaintenancePage': True,
url = build_url('configuration/mappings', mapping_id)
response = session.patch(url, data=dumps(data))
url = build_url('configuration/validator-messages', filter='meta.severity==error')
response = session.get(url)
error_count = len(response.json()['data'])
if error_count != 0:
raise RuntimeError('Configuration is invalid')
data = {'comment': 'Enable maintenance page for mapping auth'}
url = build_url('configuration/configurations/activate')
response =, data=dumps(data))
print('Maintenance page set successfully')
url = build_url('session/terminate')
response =
Bash Example
TOKEN="Bearer ..."
CURL="curl --insecure --silent --header 'Accept: application/json' --cookie-jar ${COOKIE} --cookie ${COOKIE}"
function assertHttpStatusCode2xx() {
if [[ ! ${httpStatusCode} =~ 20[014] ]];then
echo >&2 "Expected HTTP status codes: 200/201/204. Actual status code: ${httpStatusCode}"
exit 1
trap 'rm -f -- "${COOKIE}"' INT TERM HUP EXIT
# create session
HTTP_STATUS_CODE=$(${CURL} ${BASE_URL}/session/create \
--request POST \
--header "Authorization: ${TOKEN}" \
--write-out "%{http_code}")
assertHttpStatusCode2xx ${HTTP_STATUS_CODE}
# load the active configuration
HTTP_STATUS_CODE=$(${CURL} ${BASE_URL}/configuration/configurations/load-active \
--request POST \
--write-out "%{http_code}" \
--output /dev/null)
assertHttpStatusCode2xx ${HTTP_STATUS_CODE}
# search mapping with name 'auth'
MAPPING_AUTH_COUNT=$(${CURL} ${BASE_URL}/configuration/mappings?filter=name%3D%3D${MAPPING_NAME} | jq ".data | length")
if [[ ${MAPPING_AUTH_COUNT} -ne 1 ]]; then
echo >&2 "Could not find mapping '${MAPPING_NAME}'"
exit 1
MAPPING_ID=$(${CURL} ${BASE_URL}/configuration/mappings?filter=name%3D%3D${MAPPING_NAME} | jq -r '.data[].id')
# enable maintenance page
HTTP_STATUS_CODE=$(${CURL} ${BASE_URL}/configuration/mappings/${MAPPING_ID} \
--request PATCH \
--write-out "%{http_code}" \
--output /dev/null \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "data" : { "type" : "mapping", "attributes" : { "enableMaintenancePage" : true }}}')
assertHttpStatusCode2xx ${HTTP_STATUS_CODE}
# verify configuration
ERROR_COUNT=$(${CURL} ${BASE_URL}/configuration/validator-messages?filter=meta.severity%3D%3Derror | jq ".data | length")
if [[ ${ERROR_COUNT} -ne 0 ]]; then
echo >&2 "Configuration is invalid"
exit 1
# activate configuration
HTTP_STATUS_CODE=$(${CURL} ${BASE_URL}/configuration/configurations/activate \
--request POST \
--write-out "%{http_code}" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "comment" : "Enable maintenance page for mapping auth" }')
assertHttpStatusCode2xx ${HTTP_STATUS_CODE}
# terminate session
HTTP_STATUS_CODE=$(${CURL} ${BASE_URL}/session/terminate \
--request POST \
--write-out "%{http_code}" \
--output /dev/null)
assertHttpStatusCode2xx ${HTTP_STATUS_CODE}
echo "Maintenance page set successfully"
The first REST call to create a session must be authenticated with an "Authorization: Bearer" header and a valid JWT token. The issued tokens have a validity period of 2 years. Existing tokens can be revoked or deleted at any time. If a token is invalid or expired the REST call will return the HTTP status code '403'.
Create a Token
In the Airlock Configuration Center - 'System Admin, any user with the role 'airlock-administrator' can generate or renew the token. Regeneration of a token renders any older token invalid.
Once the token is issued it can be used in scripts to authenticate the REST call. To authenticate and create a session the resource /session/create must be called. All future calls must then use the issued JSESSIONID cookie.
Create a Session
POST /session/create
The call to /session/create does not implicitly load a configuration. Please refer to Load the Active Configuration or Load a Configuration for more information.
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/session/create" -i -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIn0.Zg5Pnu-F_JPWNf2QrQb6BACHw6IUPptKuMlPaTwOhHo' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Terminate a Session
POST /session/terminate
This terminates the session, any unsaved or unactivated configuration changes will be lost.
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/session/terminate" -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access all Configurations
GET /configuration/configurations
Accept application/json
Response Structure
Path | Type | Description |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.metadata.document" |
The current server time as a timestamp. |
The data type of the resource. Must be "configuration" for this call. |
The ID of the resource to be addressed. |
Comment describing the changes made. |
Configuration file type. Allowed values: |
Time when the configuration was created. |
Name of the user who created the configuration. |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/configurations" -i -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 607
"meta" : {
"type" : "jsonapi.metadata.document",
"timestamp" : "2025-01-23T19:35:09.508Z"
"data" : [ {
"type" : "configuration",
"id" : "87",
"attributes" : {
"createdBy" : "admin",
"createdAt" : "2025-01-23T19:05:09.506Z",
"comment" : "Added a new mapping",
"configType" : "CURRENTLY_ACTIVE"
}, {
"type" : "configuration",
"id" : "39",
"attributes" : {
"createdBy" : "admin",
"createdAt" : "2025-01-23T18:58:09.507Z",
"comment" : "Saving config with new back-end group",
"configType" : "SAVED"
} ]
Load a Configuration
POST /configuration/configurations/{id}/load
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/configurations/1/load" -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Load an Empty Configuration
POST /configuration/configurations/load-empty-config
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/configurations/load-empty-config" -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Load the Active Configuration
POST /configuration/configurations/load-active
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/configurations/load-active" -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Save a Configuration
POST /configuration/configurations/save
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json
Allows to save a configuration.
Status Code | Description |
200 |
The configuration was successfully saved. |
400 |
No configuration was loaded before. |
Request Structure
Path | Type | Required | Description |
no |
Optional comment describing the change. |
Response Structure
Path | Type | Description |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.metadata.document" |
The current server time as a timestamp. |
The data type of the resource. Must be "configuration" for this call. |
The ID of the resource to be addressed. |
Comment describing the changes made. |
Configuration file type. Allowed values: |
Time when the configuration was created. |
Name of the user who created the configuration. |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/configurations/save" -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"comment" : "describing the changes made"
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 353
"meta" : {
"type" : "jsonapi.metadata.document",
"timestamp" : "2025-01-23T19:35:09.670Z"
"data" : {
"type" : "configuration",
"id" : "1",
"attributes" : {
"createdBy" : "admin",
"createdAt" : "2025-01-23T19:35:09.667Z",
"comment" : "describing the changes made",
"configType" : "SAVED"
Delete a Configuration
DELETE /configuration/configurations/{id}
Allows to delete a configuration. Note that deletion is not allowed for the currently active and the initial configuration and will be answered with a 403 status code.
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/configurations/1" -i -X DELETE \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Activate a Configuration
POST /configuration/configurations/activate
Content-Type application/json
Performing an activation. Depending on the outcome of the activation, the server responds with different HTTP status codes:
Status Code | Description |
200 |
The activation was successful. |
400 |
The configuration has validation errors and thus cannot be activated or no configuration was loaded. |
409 |
The activation could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the configuration. Possible reasons are:
500 |
The activation fails for some reason. |
Request Structure
Path | Type | Required | Description |
no |
Optional comment describing the change. |
no |
Whether the activation should try to merge concurrent activation attempts. If set to Default value: |
no |
Whether the activation should perform the changes also on the other host in a failover setup. Default value: |
no |
Whether the activation should ignore when another user changed the active configuration during your session. Default value: |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/configurations/activate" -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"comment" : "Describing my changes for this activation",
"options" : {
"ignoreOutdatedConfiguration" : false,
"autoMerge" : true,
"failoverActivation" : true
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Export the Current Configuration
GET /configuration/configurations/export
Accept application/zip
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/configurations/export" -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/zip' \
-o '/tmp/'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/zip
Content-Length: 1
Export a Configuration
GET /configuration/configurations/{id}/export
Accept application/zip
Request a Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/configurations/1/export" -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/zip' \
-o '/tmp/'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/zip
Content-Length: 1
Import Configuration
PUT /configuration/configurations/import
Content-Type application/zip
Note that prior to the import, a configuration must first be loaded.
After the configuration import the option "options.ignoreOutdatedConfiguration" has to be set to true in the activation call.
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/configurations/import" -i -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/zip' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
--data-binary '@/tmp/'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Virtual Host
Access all Virtual Hosts
GET /configuration/virtual-hosts
Accept application/json
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
Optionally allows to filter by: 'name', 'hostName', 'networkInterface.http.port', 'networkInterface.https.port', 'networkInterface.http.enabled' and 'networkInterface.https.enabled'. Click here for more details about the syntax. |
no |
Response Structure
Path | Type | Description |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.metadata.document" |
The current server time as a timestamp. |
The data type of the resource. Must be "virtual-host" for this call. |
The ID of the resource to be addressed. |
Additional server aliases for this virtual host. |
The URL to which clients accessing the root directory of the entry server (without a more qualified path) will be redirected. |
Whether PDF documents (detected by their content-type application/pdf) are always downloaded as attachments (instead of being displayed within the browser). |
Whether encoded slashes (%2F) are allowed in the URL path. |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
Whether the Apache expert settings are enabled. |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
Whether the Security Gate expert settings are enabled. |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
Hostname of the virtual host. |
HTTP keep-alive timeout in seconds for this virtual host. A value of 0 (zero) disables the HTTP keep-alive function. |
The logical name of the virtual host. |
The external network interface for this virtual host to receive requests. |
Whether HTTP connections are enabled for this host. |
Whether to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS on this virtual host. |
Port on which this host listens for HTTP connections. |
Whether HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connections are enabled for this host. |
Whether HTTP/2 connections are enabled for this host. HTTP/2 can only be enabled for hosts with enabled HTTPS. |
Port on which this host listens for HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connections. |
The IPv4 address in CIDR format. |
The IPv6 address in CIDR format. |
Dynamic URL redirects of the virtual host. |
Pattern for paths which shall be redirected. If a matching redirect path is detected, the client will be redirected to the redirect destination. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Status code to use in the redirect response. Allowed values: |
Destination to which the client shall be redirected. |
Email address of the server administrator. It is used as contact information for ACME services functionality (e.g. Let’s Encrypt). |
Domain for Airlock’s session cookie if the cookie is created inside this virtual host. |
Cookie path for Airlock’s session cookie if the cookie is created inside this virtual host. |
Whether Airlock Gateway should display a maintenance page instead of performing the request to the back-end server. |
Whether a virtual host should reply only to requests that match its hostname or any of its server alias names. |
Tenant of the virtual host. |
The CA certificates (PEM format) which are used as "trust anchor" during chain and OCSP validation. |
The Certificate Authorities which are sent to the client during SSL handshake (CA-certificates in PEM format). |
Allowed values: |
The maximum number of intermediate certificate issuers, i.e. the number of CA certificates which are allowed at maximum to be followed while verifying the client certificate. |
Colon separated list of ciphers that the client is permitted to negotiate. See the mod_ssl documentation for a complete list. |
Allowed values: |
Allowed values: |
Whether OCSP stapling, as defined by the "Certificate Status Request" TLS extension specified in RFC 6066, is enabled. |
Whether OCSP validation of the client certificate chain is enabled. |
Allowed and restricted protocols. See the mod_ssl documentation for more information. |
Allowed values: |
The mapping references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "mapping" for this call. |
The ID of the mapping resource. |
The acme-service references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "acme-service" for this call. |
The ID of the acme-service resource. |
The ssl-certificate references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ssl-certificate" for this call. |
The ID of the ssl-certificate resource. |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts?filter=name%3D%3DmyVirtualHost" -i -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2685
"meta" : {
"type" : "jsonapi.metadata.document",
"timestamp" : "2025-01-23T19:37:00.117Z"
"data" : [ {
"type" : "virtual-host",
"id" : "1",
"attributes" : {
"name" : "myVirtualHost",
"tenant" : "",
"hostName" : "",
"aliasNames" : [ "Alias1DemoHost", "Alias2DemoHost" ],
"showMaintenancePage" : false,
"strictlyMatchFullyQualifiedDomainName" : true,
"keepAliveTimeout" : 100,
"encodedSlashesAllowed" : true,
"downloadPdfsAsAttachmentsEnforced" : true,
"serverAdmin" : "",
"defaultRedirect" : "/",
"pathRedirects" : [ {
"from" : {
"pattern" : "/sale",
"caseIgnored" : false
"to" : "/eshop/products.asp?id=3342",
"redirectStatusCode" : "MOVED_PERMANENTLY"
} ],
"networkInterface" : {
"externalLogicalInterfaceName" : "EXTERNAL",
"ipV4Address" : "",
"ipV6Address" : "2001:500:2::c/64",
"http" : {
"enabled" : true,
"port" : 80,
"httpsRedirectEnforced" : false
"https" : {
"enabled" : false,
"port" : 443,
"http2Allowed" : true
"tls" : {
"protocol" : "all -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1",
"protocolMode" : "DEFAULT",
"cipherSuiteMode" : "DEFAULT",
"ocspStaplingEnabled" : false,
"certificateMode" : "CERTIFICATE",
"clientCertificateAuthentication" : "NOT_REQUIRED",
"chainVerificationDepth" : 1,
"ocspValidationEnforced" : false,
"caCertificatesForClientCertificateSelection" : [ ],
"caCertificatesForChainAndOcspValidation" : [ ]
"session" : {
"cookiePath" : "/",
"cookieDomain" : ""
"expertSettings" : {
"securityGate" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
"apache" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
"relationships" : {
"mappings" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "mapping",
"id" : "50"
} ]
"ssl-certificate" : {
"data" : {
"type" : "ssl-certificate",
"id" : "-1000"
"acme-service" : {
"data" : {
"type" : "acme-service",
"id" : "-1100"
} ]
Access a Virtual Host
GET /configuration/virtual-hosts/{id}
Accept application/json
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Response Structure
Path | Type | Description |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.metadata.document" |
The current server time as a timestamp. |
The data type of the resource. Must be "virtual-host" for this call. |
The ID of the resource to be addressed. |
Additional server aliases for this virtual host. |
The URL to which clients accessing the root directory of the entry server (without a more qualified path) will be redirected. |
Whether PDF documents (detected by their content-type application/pdf) are always downloaded as attachments (instead of being displayed within the browser). |
Whether encoded slashes (%2F) are allowed in the URL path. |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
Whether the Apache expert settings are enabled. |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
Whether the Security Gate expert settings are enabled. |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
Hostname of the virtual host. |
HTTP keep-alive timeout in seconds for this virtual host. A value of 0 (zero) disables the HTTP keep-alive function. |
The logical name of the virtual host. |
The external network interface for this virtual host to receive requests. |
Whether HTTP connections are enabled for this host. |
Whether to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS on this virtual host. |
Port on which this host listens for HTTP connections. |
Whether HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connections are enabled for this host. |
Whether HTTP/2 connections are enabled for this host. HTTP/2 can only be enabled for hosts with enabled HTTPS. |
Port on which this host listens for HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connections. |
The IPv4 address in CIDR format. |
The IPv6 address in CIDR format. |
Dynamic URL redirects of the virtual host. |
Pattern for paths which shall be redirected. If a matching redirect path is detected, the client will be redirected to the redirect destination. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Status code to use in the redirect response. Allowed values: |
Destination to which the client shall be redirected. |
Email address of the server administrator. It is used as contact information for ACME services functionality (e.g. Let’s Encrypt). |
Domain for Airlock’s session cookie if the cookie is created inside this virtual host. |
Cookie path for Airlock’s session cookie if the cookie is created inside this virtual host. |
Whether Airlock Gateway should display a maintenance page instead of performing the request to the back-end server. |
Whether a virtual host should reply only to requests that match its hostname or any of its server alias names. |
Tenant of the virtual host. |
The CA certificates (PEM format) which are used as "trust anchor" during chain and OCSP validation. |
The Certificate Authorities which are sent to the client during SSL handshake (CA-certificates in PEM format). |
Allowed values: |
The maximum number of intermediate certificate issuers, i.e. the number of CA certificates which are allowed at maximum to be followed while verifying the client certificate. |
Colon separated list of ciphers that the client is permitted to negotiate. See the mod_ssl documentation for a complete list. |
Allowed values: |
Allowed values: |
Whether OCSP stapling, as defined by the "Certificate Status Request" TLS extension specified in RFC 6066, is enabled. |
Whether OCSP validation of the client certificate chain is enabled. |
Allowed and restricted protocols. See the mod_ssl documentation for more information. |
Allowed values: |
The mapping references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "mapping" for this call. |
The ID of the mapping resource. |
The acme-service references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "acme-service" for this call. |
The ID of the acme-service resource. |
The ssl-certificate references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ssl-certificate" for this call. |
The ID of the ssl-certificate resource. |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts/2" -i -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2681
"meta" : {
"type" : "jsonapi.metadata.document",
"timestamp" : "2025-01-23T19:36:59.729Z"
"data" : {
"type" : "virtual-host",
"id" : "2",
"attributes" : {
"name" : "myVirtualHost",
"tenant" : "",
"hostName" : "",
"aliasNames" : [ "Alias1DemoHost", "Alias2DemoHost" ],
"showMaintenancePage" : false,
"strictlyMatchFullyQualifiedDomainName" : true,
"keepAliveTimeout" : 100,
"encodedSlashesAllowed" : true,
"downloadPdfsAsAttachmentsEnforced" : true,
"serverAdmin" : "",
"defaultRedirect" : "/",
"pathRedirects" : [ {
"from" : {
"pattern" : "/sale",
"caseIgnored" : false
"to" : "/eshop/products.asp?id=3342",
"redirectStatusCode" : "MOVED_PERMANENTLY"
} ],
"networkInterface" : {
"externalLogicalInterfaceName" : "EXTERNAL",
"ipV4Address" : "",
"ipV6Address" : "2001:500:2::c/64",
"http" : {
"enabled" : true,
"port" : 80,
"httpsRedirectEnforced" : false
"https" : {
"enabled" : false,
"port" : 443,
"http2Allowed" : true
"tls" : {
"protocol" : "all -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1",
"protocolMode" : "DEFAULT",
"cipherSuiteMode" : "DEFAULT",
"ocspStaplingEnabled" : false,
"certificateMode" : "CERTIFICATE",
"clientCertificateAuthentication" : "NOT_REQUIRED",
"chainVerificationDepth" : 1,
"ocspValidationEnforced" : false,
"caCertificatesForClientCertificateSelection" : [ ],
"caCertificatesForChainAndOcspValidation" : [ ]
"session" : {
"cookiePath" : "/",
"cookieDomain" : ""
"expertSettings" : {
"securityGate" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
"apache" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
"relationships" : {
"mappings" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "mapping",
"id" : "50"
} ]
"ssl-certificate" : {
"data" : {
"type" : "ssl-certificate",
"id" : "-1000"
"acme-service" : {
"data" : {
"type" : "acme-service",
"id" : "-1100"
Create a Virtual Host
POST /configuration/virtual-hosts
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json
Request Structure
Path | Type | Required | Description |
yes |
The data type sent to the server. Must be set to "virtual-host" for this call. |
yes |
Additional server aliases for this virtual host. |
yes |
The URL to which clients accessing the root directory of the entry server (without a more qualified path) will be redirected. |
yes |
Whether PDF documents (detected by their content-type application/pdf) are always downloaded as attachments (instead of being displayed within the browser). |
yes |
Whether encoded slashes (%2F) are allowed in the URL path. |
yes |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
yes |
Whether the Apache expert settings are enabled. |
yes |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
yes |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
yes |
Whether the Security Gate expert settings are enabled. |
yes |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
yes |
Hostname of the virtual host. |
yes |
HTTP keep-alive timeout in seconds for this virtual host. A value of 0 (zero) disables the HTTP keep-alive function. |
yes |
The logical name of the virtual host. |
yes |
The external network interface for this virtual host to receive requests. |
yes |
Whether HTTP connections are enabled for this host. |
yes |
Whether to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS on this virtual host. |
yes |
Port on which this host listens for HTTP connections. |
yes |
Whether HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connections are enabled for this host. |
yes |
Whether HTTP/2 connections are enabled for this host. HTTP/2 can only be enabled for hosts with enabled HTTPS. |
yes |
Port on which this host listens for HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connections. |
yes |
The IPv4 address in CIDR format. |
yes |
The IPv6 address in CIDR format. |
yes |
Dynamic URL redirects of the virtual host. |
yes |
Pattern for paths which shall be redirected. If a matching redirect path is detected, the client will be redirected to the redirect destination. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Status code to use in the redirect response. Allowed values: |
yes |
Destination to which the client shall be redirected. |
yes |
Email address of the server administrator. It is used as contact information for ACME services functionality (e.g. Let’s Encrypt). |
yes |
Domain for Airlock’s session cookie if the cookie is created inside this virtual host. |
yes |
Cookie path for Airlock’s session cookie if the cookie is created inside this virtual host. |
yes |
Whether Airlock Gateway should display a maintenance page instead of performing the request to the back-end server. |
yes |
Whether a virtual host should reply only to requests that match its hostname or any of its server alias names. |
yes |
Tenant of the virtual host. |
yes |
The CA certificates (PEM format) which are used as "trust anchor" during chain and OCSP validation. |
yes |
The Certificate Authorities which are sent to the client during SSL handshake (CA-certificates in PEM format). |
yes |
Allowed values: |
yes |
The maximum number of intermediate certificate issuers, i.e. the number of CA certificates which are allowed at maximum to be followed while verifying the client certificate. |
yes |
Colon separated list of ciphers that the client is permitted to negotiate. See the mod_ssl documentation for a complete list. |
yes |
Allowed values: |
yes |
Allowed values: |
yes |
Whether OCSP stapling, as defined by the "Certificate Status Request" TLS extension specified in RFC 6066, is enabled. |
yes |
Whether OCSP validation of the client certificate chain is enabled. |
yes |
Allowed and restricted protocols. See the mod_ssl documentation for more information. |
yes |
Allowed values: |
Response Structure
Path | Type | Description |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.metadata.document" |
The current server time as a timestamp. |
The data type of the resource. Must be "virtual-host" for this call. |
The ID of the resource to be addressed. |
Additional server aliases for this virtual host. |
The URL to which clients accessing the root directory of the entry server (without a more qualified path) will be redirected. |
Whether PDF documents (detected by their content-type application/pdf) are always downloaded as attachments (instead of being displayed within the browser). |
Whether encoded slashes (%2F) are allowed in the URL path. |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
Whether the Apache expert settings are enabled. |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
Whether the Security Gate expert settings are enabled. |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
Hostname of the virtual host. |
HTTP keep-alive timeout in seconds for this virtual host. A value of 0 (zero) disables the HTTP keep-alive function. |
The logical name of the virtual host. |
The external network interface for this virtual host to receive requests. |
Whether HTTP connections are enabled for this host. |
Whether to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS on this virtual host. |
Port on which this host listens for HTTP connections. |
Whether HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connections are enabled for this host. |
Whether HTTP/2 connections are enabled for this host. HTTP/2 can only be enabled for hosts with enabled HTTPS. |
Port on which this host listens for HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connections. |
The IPv4 address in CIDR format. |
The IPv6 address in CIDR format. |
Dynamic URL redirects of the virtual host. |
Pattern for paths which shall be redirected. If a matching redirect path is detected, the client will be redirected to the redirect destination. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Status code to use in the redirect response. Allowed values: |
Destination to which the client shall be redirected. |
Email address of the server administrator. It is used as contact information for ACME services functionality (e.g. Let’s Encrypt). |
Domain for Airlock’s session cookie if the cookie is created inside this virtual host. |
Cookie path for Airlock’s session cookie if the cookie is created inside this virtual host. |
Whether Airlock Gateway should display a maintenance page instead of performing the request to the back-end server. |
Whether a virtual host should reply only to requests that match its hostname or any of its server alias names. |
Tenant of the virtual host. |
The CA certificates (PEM format) which are used as "trust anchor" during chain and OCSP validation. |
The Certificate Authorities which are sent to the client during SSL handshake (CA-certificates in PEM format). |
Allowed values: |
The maximum number of intermediate certificate issuers, i.e. the number of CA certificates which are allowed at maximum to be followed while verifying the client certificate. |
Colon separated list of ciphers that the client is permitted to negotiate. See the mod_ssl documentation for a complete list. |
Allowed values: |
Allowed values: |
Whether OCSP stapling, as defined by the "Certificate Status Request" TLS extension specified in RFC 6066, is enabled. |
Whether OCSP validation of the client certificate chain is enabled. |
Allowed and restricted protocols. See the mod_ssl documentation for more information. |
Allowed values: |
The mapping references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "mapping" for this call. |
The ID of the mapping resource. |
The acme-service references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "acme-service" for this call. |
The ID of the acme-service resource. |
The ssl-certificate references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ssl-certificate" for this call. |
The ID of the ssl-certificate resource. |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts" -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"data" : {
"type" : "virtual-host",
"attributes" : {
"name" : "myVirtualHost",
"tenant" : "AirlockBankingCo",
"hostName" : "",
"aliasNames" : [ ],
"showMaintenancePage" : true,
"strictlyMatchFullyQualifiedDomainName" : false,
"keepAliveTimeout" : 3600,
"encodedSlashesAllowed" : true,
"downloadPdfsAsAttachmentsEnforced" : true,
"serverAdmin" : "",
"defaultRedirect" : "/",
"pathRedirects" : [ {
"from" : {
"pattern" : "/",
"caseIgnored" : true
"to" : "/redirect/path",
"redirectStatusCode" : "MOVED_PERMANENTLY"
} ],
"networkInterface" : {
"externalLogicalInterfaceName" : "EXT0",
"ipV4Address" : "",
"ipV6Address" : "2001:500:2::c/64",
"http" : {
"enabled" : true,
"port" : 80,
"httpsRedirectEnforced" : false
"https" : {
"enabled" : false,
"port" : 443,
"http2Allowed" : false
"tls" : {
"protocol" : "SSL42",
"protocolMode" : "CUSTOM",
"cipherSuite" : "AES42",
"cipherSuiteMode" : "CUSTOM",
"ocspStaplingEnabled" : true,
"certificateMode" : "CERTIFICATE",
"clientCertificateAuthentication" : "NOT_REQUIRED",
"chainVerificationDepth" : 1,
"ocspValidationEnforced" : true,
"caCertificatesForClientCertificateSelection" : [ ],
"caCertificatesForChainAndOcspValidation" : [ ]
"session" : {
"cookiePath" : "/",
"cookieDomain" : ""
"expertSettings" : {
"securityGate" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
"apache" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2048
"meta" : {
"type" : "jsonapi.metadata.document",
"timestamp" : "2025-01-23T19:37:00.062Z"
"data" : {
"type" : "virtual-host",
"id" : "3",
"attributes" : {
"name" : "myVirtualHost",
"tenant" : "AirlockBankingCo",
"hostName" : "",
"aliasNames" : [ ],
"showMaintenancePage" : true,
"strictlyMatchFullyQualifiedDomainName" : false,
"keepAliveTimeout" : 3600,
"encodedSlashesAllowed" : true,
"downloadPdfsAsAttachmentsEnforced" : true,
"serverAdmin" : "",
"defaultRedirect" : "/",
"pathRedirects" : [ {
"from" : {
"pattern" : "/",
"caseIgnored" : true
"to" : "/redirect/path",
"redirectStatusCode" : "MOVED_PERMANENTLY"
} ],
"networkInterface" : {
"externalLogicalInterfaceName" : "EXT0",
"ipV4Address" : "",
"ipV6Address" : "2001:500:2::c/64",
"http" : {
"enabled" : true,
"port" : 80,
"httpsRedirectEnforced" : false
"https" : {
"enabled" : false,
"port" : 443,
"http2Allowed" : false
"tls" : {
"protocol" : "SSL42",
"protocolMode" : "CUSTOM",
"cipherSuite" : "AES42",
"cipherSuiteMode" : "CUSTOM",
"ocspStaplingEnabled" : true,
"certificateMode" : "CERTIFICATE",
"clientCertificateAuthentication" : "NOT_REQUIRED",
"chainVerificationDepth" : 1,
"ocspValidationEnforced" : true,
"caCertificatesForClientCertificateSelection" : [ ],
"caCertificatesForChainAndOcspValidation" : [ ]
"session" : {
"cookiePath" : "/",
"cookieDomain" : ""
"expertSettings" : {
"securityGate" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
"apache" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
Update a Virtual Host
PATCH /configuration/virtual-hosts/{id}
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Path | Type | Required | Description |
yes |
The data type sent to the server. Must be set to "virtual-host" for this call. |
yes |
The ID of the resource to be addressed. |
no |
Additional server aliases for this virtual host. |
no |
The URL to which clients accessing the root directory of the entry server (without a more qualified path) will be redirected. |
no |
Whether PDF documents (detected by their content-type application/pdf) are always downloaded as attachments (instead of being displayed within the browser). |
no |
Whether encoded slashes (%2F) are allowed in the URL path. |
no |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
no |
Whether the Apache expert settings are enabled. |
no |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
no |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
no |
Whether the Security Gate expert settings are enabled. |
no |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
no |
Hostname of the virtual host. |
no |
HTTP keep-alive timeout in seconds for this virtual host. A value of 0 (zero) disables the HTTP keep-alive function. |
no |
The logical name of the virtual host. |
no |
The external network interface for this virtual host to receive requests. |
no |
Whether HTTP connections are enabled for this host. |
no |
Whether to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS on this virtual host. |
no |
Port on which this host listens for HTTP connections. |
no |
Whether HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connections are enabled for this host. |
no |
Whether HTTP/2 connections are enabled for this host. HTTP/2 can only be enabled for hosts with enabled HTTPS. |
no |
Port on which this host listens for HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connections. |
no |
The IPv4 address in CIDR format. |
no |
The IPv6 address in CIDR format. |
no |
Dynamic URL redirects of the virtual host. |
no |
Pattern for paths which shall be redirected. If a matching redirect path is detected, the client will be redirected to the redirect destination. |
no |
Whether to ignore case. |
no |
The actual pattern. |
no |
Status code to use in the redirect response. Allowed values: |
no |
Destination to which the client shall be redirected. |
no |
Email address of the server administrator. It is used as contact information for ACME services functionality (e.g. Let’s Encrypt). |
no |
Domain for Airlock’s session cookie if the cookie is created inside this virtual host. |
no |
Cookie path for Airlock’s session cookie if the cookie is created inside this virtual host. |
no |
Whether Airlock Gateway should display a maintenance page instead of performing the request to the back-end server. |
no |
Whether a virtual host should reply only to requests that match its hostname or any of its server alias names. |
no |
Tenant of the virtual host. |
no |
The CA certificates (PEM format) which are used as "trust anchor" during chain and OCSP validation. |
no |
The Certificate Authorities which are sent to the client during SSL handshake (CA-certificates in PEM format). |
no |
Allowed values: |
no |
The maximum number of intermediate certificate issuers, i.e. the number of CA certificates which are allowed at maximum to be followed while verifying the client certificate. |
no |
Colon separated list of ciphers that the client is permitted to negotiate. See the mod_ssl documentation for a complete list. |
no |
Allowed values: |
no |
Allowed values: |
no |
Whether OCSP stapling, as defined by the "Certificate Status Request" TLS extension specified in RFC 6066, is enabled. |
no |
Whether OCSP validation of the client certificate chain is enabled. |
no |
Allowed and restricted protocols. See the mod_ssl documentation for more information. |
no |
Allowed values: |
Response Structure
Path | Type | Description |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.metadata.document" |
The current server time as a timestamp. |
The data type of the resource. Must be "virtual-host" for this call. |
The ID of the resource to be addressed. |
Additional server aliases for this virtual host. |
The URL to which clients accessing the root directory of the entry server (without a more qualified path) will be redirected. |
Whether PDF documents (detected by their content-type application/pdf) are always downloaded as attachments (instead of being displayed within the browser). |
Whether encoded slashes (%2F) are allowed in the URL path. |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
Whether the Apache expert settings are enabled. |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
Whether the Security Gate expert settings are enabled. |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
Hostname of the virtual host. |
HTTP keep-alive timeout in seconds for this virtual host. A value of 0 (zero) disables the HTTP keep-alive function. |
The logical name of the virtual host. |
The external network interface for this virtual host to receive requests. |
Whether HTTP connections are enabled for this host. |
Whether to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS on this virtual host. |
Port on which this host listens for HTTP connections. |
Whether HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connections are enabled for this host. |
Whether HTTP/2 connections are enabled for this host. HTTP/2 can only be enabled for hosts with enabled HTTPS. |
Port on which this host listens for HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connections. |
The IPv4 address in CIDR format. |
The IPv6 address in CIDR format. |
Dynamic URL redirects of the virtual host. |
Pattern for paths which shall be redirected. If a matching redirect path is detected, the client will be redirected to the redirect destination. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Status code to use in the redirect response. Allowed values: |
Destination to which the client shall be redirected. |
Email address of the server administrator. It is used as contact information for ACME services functionality (e.g. Let’s Encrypt). |
Domain for Airlock’s session cookie if the cookie is created inside this virtual host. |
Cookie path for Airlock’s session cookie if the cookie is created inside this virtual host. |
Whether Airlock Gateway should display a maintenance page instead of performing the request to the back-end server. |
Whether a virtual host should reply only to requests that match its hostname or any of its server alias names. |
Tenant of the virtual host. |
The CA certificates (PEM format) which are used as "trust anchor" during chain and OCSP validation. |
The Certificate Authorities which are sent to the client during SSL handshake (CA-certificates in PEM format). |
Allowed values: |
The maximum number of intermediate certificate issuers, i.e. the number of CA certificates which are allowed at maximum to be followed while verifying the client certificate. |
Colon separated list of ciphers that the client is permitted to negotiate. See the mod_ssl documentation for a complete list. |
Allowed values: |
Allowed values: |
Whether OCSP stapling, as defined by the "Certificate Status Request" TLS extension specified in RFC 6066, is enabled. |
Whether OCSP validation of the client certificate chain is enabled. |
Allowed and restricted protocols. See the mod_ssl documentation for more information. |
Allowed values: |
The mapping references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "mapping" for this call. |
The ID of the mapping resource. |
The acme-service references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "acme-service" for this call. |
The ID of the acme-service resource. |
The ssl-certificate references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ssl-certificate" for this call. |
The ID of the ssl-certificate resource. |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts/1" -i -X PATCH \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"data" : {
"type" : "virtual-host",
"id" : "1",
"attributes" : {
"name" : "myVirtualHost",
"tenant" : "AirlockBankingCo",
"hostName" : "",
"aliasNames" : [ ],
"showMaintenancePage" : true,
"strictlyMatchFullyQualifiedDomainName" : false,
"keepAliveTimeout" : 3600,
"encodedSlashesAllowed" : true,
"downloadPdfsAsAttachmentsEnforced" : true,
"serverAdmin" : "",
"defaultRedirect" : "/",
"pathRedirects" : [ {
"from" : {
"pattern" : "/",
"caseIgnored" : true
"to" : "/redirect/path",
"redirectStatusCode" : "MOVED_PERMANENTLY"
} ],
"networkInterface" : {
"externalLogicalInterfaceName" : "EXT0",
"ipV4Address" : "",
"ipV6Address" : "2001:500:2::c/64",
"http" : {
"enabled" : true,
"port" : 80,
"httpsRedirectEnforced" : false
"https" : {
"enabled" : false,
"port" : 443,
"http2Allowed" : false
"tls" : {
"protocol" : "SSL42",
"protocolMode" : "CUSTOM",
"cipherSuite" : "AES42",
"cipherSuiteMode" : "CUSTOM",
"ocspStaplingEnabled" : true,
"certificateMode" : "CERTIFICATE",
"clientCertificateAuthentication" : "NOT_REQUIRED",
"chainVerificationDepth" : 1,
"ocspValidationEnforced" : true,
"caCertificatesForClientCertificateSelection" : [ ],
"caCertificatesForChainAndOcspValidation" : [ ]
"session" : {
"cookiePath" : "/",
"cookieDomain" : ""
"expertSettings" : {
"securityGate" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
"apache" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2445
"meta" : {
"type" : "jsonapi.metadata.document",
"timestamp" : "2025-01-23T19:37:00.239Z"
"data" : {
"type" : "virtual-host",
"id" : "1",
"attributes" : {
"name" : "myVirtualHost",
"tenant" : "AirlockBankingCo",
"hostName" : "",
"aliasNames" : [ ],
"showMaintenancePage" : true,
"strictlyMatchFullyQualifiedDomainName" : false,
"keepAliveTimeout" : 3600,
"encodedSlashesAllowed" : true,
"downloadPdfsAsAttachmentsEnforced" : true,
"serverAdmin" : "",
"defaultRedirect" : "/",
"pathRedirects" : [ {
"from" : {
"pattern" : "/",
"caseIgnored" : true
"to" : "/redirect/path",
"redirectStatusCode" : "MOVED_PERMANENTLY"
} ],
"networkInterface" : {
"externalLogicalInterfaceName" : "EXT0",
"ipV4Address" : "",
"ipV6Address" : "2001:500:2::c/64",
"http" : {
"enabled" : true,
"port" : 80,
"httpsRedirectEnforced" : false
"https" : {
"enabled" : false,
"port" : 443,
"http2Allowed" : false
"tls" : {
"protocol" : "SSL42",
"protocolMode" : "CUSTOM",
"cipherSuite" : "AES42",
"cipherSuiteMode" : "CUSTOM",
"ocspStaplingEnabled" : true,
"certificateMode" : "CERTIFICATE",
"clientCertificateAuthentication" : "NOT_REQUIRED",
"chainVerificationDepth" : 1,
"ocspValidationEnforced" : true,
"caCertificatesForClientCertificateSelection" : [ ],
"caCertificatesForChainAndOcspValidation" : [ ]
"session" : {
"cookiePath" : "/",
"cookieDomain" : ""
"expertSettings" : {
"securityGate" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
"apache" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
"relationships" : {
"mappings" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "mapping",
"id" : "50"
} ]
"ssl-certificate" : {
"data" : {
"type" : "ssl-certificate",
"id" : "-1000"
"acme-service" : {
"data" : {
"type" : "acme-service",
"id" : "-1100"
Delete a Virtual Host
DELETE /configuration/virtual-hosts/{id}
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts/1" -i -X DELETE \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Enable 'Show Maintenance Page' Option of a Virtual Host
POST /configuration/virtual-hosts/{id}/maintenance
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts/1/maintenance" -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Disable 'Show Maintenance Page' Option of a Virtual Host
DELETE /configuration/virtual-hosts/{id}/maintenance
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts/1/maintenance" -i -X DELETE \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Add Mapping Connections
PATCH /configuration/virtual-hosts/{id}/relationships/mappings
Content-Type application/json
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Path | Type | Required | Description |
yes |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "mapping" for this call. |
yes |
The ID of the referenced "mapping" resource. |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts/1/relationships/mappings" -i -X PATCH \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"data" : [ {
"type" : "mapping",
"id" : "2"
} ]
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Remove Mapping Connections
DELETE /configuration/virtual-hosts/{id}/relationships/mappings
Content-Type application/json
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Path | Type | Required | Description |
yes |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "mapping" for this call. |
yes |
The ID of the referenced "mapping" resource. |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts/1/relationships/mappings" -i -X DELETE \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"data" : [ {
"type" : "mapping",
"id" : "2"
} ]
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Add SSL Certificate Connection
PATCH /configuration/virtual-hosts/{id}/relationships/ssl-certificate
Content-Type application/json
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Path | Type | Required | Description |
yes |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ssl-certificate" for this call. |
yes |
The ID of the referenced "ssl-certificate" resource. |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts/1/relationships/ssl-certificate" -i -X PATCH \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"data" : {
"type" : "ssl-certificate",
"id" : "2"
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Remove SSL Certificate Connection
DELETE /configuration/virtual-hosts/{id}/relationships/ssl-certificate
Content-Type application/json
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Path | Type | Required | Description |
yes |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ssl-certificate" for this call. |
yes |
The ID of the referenced "ssl-certificate" resource. |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts/1/relationships/ssl-certificate" -i -X DELETE \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"data" : {
"type" : "ssl-certificate",
"id" : "2"
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Certificate Revocation List
Airlock Gateway provides the possibility to upload, download and delete the PEM representation of certificate revocation lists.
Upload a Certificate Revocation List for a Virtual Host
Please note that the virtual host, for which the certificate revocation list is intended, must already exist.
PUT /configuration/virtual-hosts/{id}/crl
Content-Type application/pkix-crl
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts/1/crl" -i -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/pkix-crl' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----
-----END X509 CRL-----
-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----
-----END X509 CRL-----'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Example Request with invalid CRL
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts/1/crl" -i -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/pkix-crl' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
Example Response with invalid CRL
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 179
"meta" : {
"type" : "jsonapi.metadata.document",
"timestamp" : "2025-01-23T19:36:59.852Z",
"rid" : "n/a"
"errors" : [ {
"code" : "INVALID_VALUE"
} ]
Download a Certificate Revocation List of a Virtual Host
GET /configuration/virtual-hosts/{id}/crl
Accept application/pkix-crl
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts/2/crl" -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/pkix-crl'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/pkix-crl
Content-Length: 1217
-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----
-----END X509 CRL-----
-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----
-----END X509 CRL-----
Delete the Certificate Revocation List of a Virtual Host
DELETE /configuration/virtual-hosts/{id}/crl
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/virtual-hosts/1/crl" -i -X DELETE \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access all Mappings
GET /configuration/mappings
Accept application/json
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
Optionally allows to filter by: 'name', 'label', 'entryPath' and 'backendPath'. Click here for more details about the syntax. |
no |
Response Structure
Path | Type | Description |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.metadata.document" |
The current server time as a timestamp. |
The data type of the resource. Must be "mapping" for this call. |
The ID of the resource to be addressed. |
Allowed values: |
The host header to send with the logout request. |
Whenever an Airlock Gateway session terminates (either due to an explicit logout by the user or due to a session timeout), Airlock Gateway will call the given, unmodified path on the currently used back-end host with all information concerning this back-end application such as cookies, headers, etc. to allow clean session termination on the backend host. |
Specifies whether accessing this mapping requires the client to authenticate with a valid SSL client certificate. Allowed values: |
If true and the selected SSO credentials are missing, access to the mapping is denied and Airlock Gateway will redirect to either the global or the custom denied access URL. |
Defines if SSO credentials set by the control API will be forwarded to the back-end application or not. These credentials are typically set by the authentication service upon successful authentication. Allowed values: |
Allowed values: |
Location (URL) of the authentication service. In case the required role for the mapping is missing on the current session, Airlock Gateway will redirect the client to this location. |
Airlock Gateway is enabled to handle HTTP connections with transparent client to back-end NTLM authentication. Since the authorization of NTLM authenticated connections is bound to the underlying TCP connection, the client and back-end connections are correlated as soon as a NTLM handshake is detected. These one-to-one bindings of client and back-end connections exist until client connections are closed. It is guaranteed that no back-end connection authenticated using NTLM is ever reused by another client connection. NTLM has well-known security flaws. We strongly recommend adding additional security measures when exposing NTLM authentication to the Internet. If possible, Kerberos should be preferred over NTLM, as suggested by Microsoft. |
List of mandatory plans. Only sessions which have at least one of these plans will be able to access the service. |
List of mandatory roles. Only sessions which have at least one of these roles will be able to access the service. |
Whether access restriction is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the token from the specified cookie. |
Name of the cookie. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the token from the specified header. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
The rewrite expression for the header extraction. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the token from the specified query parameter. |
Name of the query parameter. |
If not enforced, requests without a token are accepted. However, if a token is present, it is extracted and validated and the configured restrictions and role extractions are applied. |
Whether this claim extraction rule is enabled. |
Name of the claim you want to restrict. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, the JWT standard claims expiry (exp) and not before (nbf) will be checked and must be valid. |
Allowed skew when checking expiry / not before in seconds. This can be used if verification fails because of time synchronization issues with the token issuer and your Airlock. |
If enabled, a technical client ID is extracted from the JWT. |
Name of the claim to extract as technical client ID. |
Whether this claim extraction rule is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Name of the claim you want to extract a role from. |
The rewrite expression of the role. |
If enforced, the expiry claim (exp) of the JWT will be used as the role lifetime. |
If enabled, the 'sub' claim is extracted from the JWT and its value is used as audit token of the current Airlock session. |
If enforced, the JWT’s signature must be present and valid. |
Whether access tokens should be processed. |
Whether to enable the API policy service. |
Name of the cookie. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the API key from the specified cookie. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the API key from the specified header. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Rewrite expression for the header extraction. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the API key from the specified query parameter. |
Name of the query parameter. |
GraphQL inspections are enabled. |
Indicates if introspection is allowed. |
If true, requests containing invalid GraphQL payload are only logged but not blocked. |
Indicates if mutations are allowed. |
Indicates an optionally provided GraphQL schema is checked and enforced. |
Indicates if values are checked against allow and deny rules. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
If set to true, Airlock Gateway filters JSON attributes with allow rules and deny rules. |
Whether traffic to/from this service shall be checked against an API specification provided in the OpenAPI format.If enforced, traffic not conforming to the API specification will be blocked. |
If enabled, potential attack requests are only logged but not blocked. |
Run OpenAPI path matching against client or server view of request/response. Allowed values: |
If enabled, responses are also checked against the API specification. |
External path to the API specification. Note that the entry path will be added in front of it. |
If enabled, allow clients to download the API specification. |
If enabled, each path segment is interpreted as a separate parameter value and the deny rules for parameter values are applied to it. |
Whether this service is allowed to use Airlock Gateway’s back-end API via the control cookie mechanism. Normally, only the authentication application should be allowed to use the back-end control API of Airlock Gateway. |
Enables encryption of cookies which are sent to the client. |
Regular expression for cookies that should be cryptographically encrypted before being sent to the client. |
Whether this service should receive the Airlock Gateway environment cookies that contain useful information about the connection to the client. |
If enabled, load balancing information is sent to the client in a load balancing cookie. Disable if no load balancing is needed and no cookie should be generated for this purpose. |
Whether 'Passthrough Cookies' are enabled. Passthrough Cookies are cookies which are sent in plain format to the client. |
Regular expression to select cookies that should be treated as 'Passthrough Cookies'. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will deliver error pages by sending a HTTP redirect pointing to the error page to its clients. Otherwise the error page will be directly returned. |
Parameter values that are sent in HTTP requests from the client are interpreted by Airlock Gateway as if they were encoded using the given charset. If Airlock Gateway detects that the charset does not match, it tries to use the fallback charset. Allowed values: |
Additional headers to allow. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether the pattern is enabled. |
Whether to invert the match. |
Whether to interpret line breaks as logical ORs. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, default header allow list will be applied. |
Additional headers to deny. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether the pattern is enabled. |
Whether to invert the match. |
Whether to interpret line breaks as logical ORs. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, default header deny list will be applied. |
If enabled, requests which contain invalid UTF-8 sequences in the headers will be blocked. |
If enabled, requests which contain invalid UTF-8 sequences in the parameters will be blocked. |
If enabled, requests which contain invalid UTF-8 sequences in the path will be blocked. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
A response from the back-end server is rewritten only if the response headerContent-Type matches this regular expression. |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
Target string which will replace the string matched by Content Pattern. |
Specifies whether Airlock Gateway should compress the output on-the-fly for the client browser (if supported and requested by the browser). |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
Target string which will replace the string matched by HTTP status content pattern. |
The HTTP status code pattern. |
Additional headers to allow. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether the pattern is enabled. |
Whether to invert the match. |
Whether to interpret line breaks as logical ORs. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, default header allow list will be applied. |
Additional headers to deny. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether the pattern is enabled. |
Whether to invert the match. |
Whether to interpret line breaks as logical ORs. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, default header deny list will be applied. |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
Target string which will replace the string matched by URL pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to apply the rule to <script> and <style> blocks embedded in the HTML page |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
Whether to apply the rule to JavaScript event strings such as onsubmit, onload, etc. |
Target string which will replace the string matched by URL Pattern. |
Whether to apply the rule to linked HTML elements like href, src, etc. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
A response from the back-end server is rewritten only if the JSON path matches this regular expression. |
Target string which will replace the string matched by Content Pattern. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway removes HTML comments. |
Allowed values: |
Whether support for the WebSockets protocol as defined in RFC 6455 is enabled. |
The back-end path specifies the internal back-end path, i.e. the path of the request sent to the application server. |
If enabled, only clients implementing a Cookie-Store will be able to access the application through this mapping. In contrast to regular browsers, most bots do not implement a Cookie-Store and will therefore be blocked if this setting is enabled. |
If enabled, custom bots are not blocked. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Do not block bots whose source-domain matches the "domain pattern". |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
If true, requests from bots are only logged but not blocked. |
Check the User-Agent to determine if a bot is well-known and do not block such bots. |
If enabled, a reverse IP lookup for well-known bots is performed to verify that the client’s IP address belongs to the operator of a well-known bot. |
Whether CSRF protection is enabled. |
If a missing or invalid CSRF token is detected, the client is redirected to the configured location. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether the DoS attack prevention filter is enabled. |
Whether the DoS attack prevention filter is log-only. |
List of request frequency restrictions. Processed in order, the first matching path will win. |
If enabled, the restriction is active. |
Interval for measurement of allowed requests per IP address (seconds). |
Maximum requests allowed per IP address. |
Triggers the restriction if the path of the request matches. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether the maintenance page is enabled. |
Whether a trailing slash is mandatory at the end of the entry path or not. |
Whether the entry path should be case sensitive. |
The priority guarantees a deterministic selection of the mapping for a given request path. |
Whether the entry path (the external URL path of the mapping) should be interpreted as regular expression or not. |
The entry path specifies the external URL path the mapping should be available under. For each incoming request, Airlock Gateway compares the URL with the entry path to find the right mapping. |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
Whether the Apache expert settings are enabled. |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
Whether the Security Gate expert settings are enabled. |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
Allows the detection of HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) attacks involving both HTTP GET and HTTP POST parameters (thus involving parameters of different/mixed types). |
If enabled, requests containing HTTP GET and HTTP POST parameters of the same name are blocked to prevent HPP attacks. |
If true, potential HPP attack requests are only logged but not blocked. |
Parameters named with a name matching this regular expression pattern will be ignored by the HPP detection. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Allows the detection of HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) attacks involving only HTTP GET or only HTTP POST parameters (thus involving only parameters of the same type). |
If enabled, parameters named with the same name and type (HTTP GET or POST) are joined together into one parameter before filtering to prevent HPP attacks. |
Counting mode of dynamic IP address blacklist blocks. Allowed values: |
If enabled, IPs on the dynamic IP address blacklist are blocked. |
If true, requests whose source IP address is contained in one of the configured IP Blacklists are only logged but not blocked. |
List of threat categories which should be blocked (;-separated string). Categories: |
If true, requests whose source IP address is not contained in one of the configured IP address whitelists are only logged but not blocked. |
If enabled, IP address whitelists will be applied if path matches. |
The IDs of referenced IP address whitelists |
IP address whitelists will be checked only for requests whose path matches this regular expression pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
List of assigned Labels (freely defined textual tags). Labels allow grouping of mappings with a common aspect, e.g. all mappings belonging to the same application. |
Defines the maximum path length for requests to the current mapping. |
Defines the maximum size of the request body. It specifies the number of bytes from 0 (meaning unlimited) to 2147483647 (2GB) that are allowed in a request body. To restrict the size of file uploads, set this limit to the maximum combined size of all files uploaded at once. |
Whether limits are enabled. |
Defines the maximum nesting depth. |
Defines the maximum number of parameters inside the request. |
Defines the maximum value length for a query parameter. |
Defines the maximum length for a parameter name. |
Defines the maximum length for a parameter value. |
Defines the maximum number of parameters inside the request. |
Whether JSON limits are enabled. |
Defines the maximum number of items for a single JSON array (non-recursive). |
Defines the maximum length for a JSON key, also known as "JSON property" or "JSON object member". |
Defines the maximum number of keys of a single JSON object (non-recursive). |
Defines the maximum depth of nesting for JSON objects and JSON arrays. |
Defines the maximum number of keys and array items in the whole JSON document (recursive). |
Defines the maximum json value length for requests to the current mapping. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
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Lock for the corresponding member. |
If true, the state of the attribute locks is displayed in Airlock Gateway’s Configuration Center for this mapping. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. Note that this lock affects both the EntryPath’s 'value' and 'ignoreCase'. |
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Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
The unique name of the mapping. |
The mode in which the mapping runs. Allowed values: |
Whether the overload prevention filter is enabled. |
Whether the overload prevention filter is log-only. |
List of request frequency restrictions. Processed in order, the first matching path will win. |
If enabled, the restriction is active. |
Interval for measurement of allowed requests per IP address (seconds). |
Maximum requests allowed per IP address. |
Triggers the restriction if the path of the request matches. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Only requests whose content type header matches this regular expression pattern will be streamed. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether request body streaming is enabled. If enabled, only requests matching all three regular expression patterns will be streamed. |
Only requests whose HTTP method matches this regular expression pattern will be streamed. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Only requests whose path matches this regular expression pattern will be streamed. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Tenant of the mapping. |
Defines how policy violations, e.g., missing allow rules, matching deny rules, URL encryption and form protection violations, are handled. Allowed values: |
Defines the time (seconds) Airlock Gateway will wait for the back-end response. |
Defines the minimum session idle time (seconds) of Airlock Gateway for this mapping. |
The virtual-host references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "virtual-host" for this call. |
The ID of the virtual-host resource. |
The back-end-group references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "back-end-group" for this call. |
The ID of the back-end-group resource. |
The local-json-web-key-set references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "local-json-web-key-set" for this call. |
The ID of the local-json-web-key-set resource. |
The remote-json-web-key-set references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "remote-json-web-key-set" for this call. |
The ID of the remote-json-web-key-set resource. |
The openapi-document references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "openapi-document" for this call. |
The ID of the openapi-document resource. |
The graphql-document references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "graphql-document" for this call. |
The ID of the graphql-document resource. |
The api-policy-service references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "api-policy-service" for this call. |
The ID of the api-policy-service resource. |
The ip-address-list references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ip-address-list" for this call. |
The ID of the ip-address-list resource. |
The ip-address-list references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ip-address-list" for this call. |
The ID of the ip-address-list resource. |
The ip-address-list references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ip-address-list" for this call. |
The ID of the ip-address-list resource. |
The ip-address-list references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ip-address-list" for this call. |
The ID of the ip-address-list resource. |
The ip-address-list references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ip-address-list" for this call. |
The ID of the ip-address-list resource. |
The ip-address-list references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ip-address-list" for this call. |
The ID of the ip-address-list resource. |
The icap-environment references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "icap-environment" for this call. |
The ID of the icap-environment resource. |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.meta" |
Whether this ICAP handler is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
The icap-environment references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "icap-environment" for this call. |
The ID of the icap-environment resource. |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.meta" |
Whether this ICAP handler is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
The icap-environment references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "icap-environment" for this call. |
The ID of the icap-environment resource. |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.meta" |
Whether this ICAP handler is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
The icap-environment references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "icap-environment" for this call. |
The ID of the icap-environment resource. |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.meta" |
Whether this ICAP handler is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
The anomaly-shield-application references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "anomaly-shield-application" for this call. |
The ID of the anomaly-shield-application resource. |
The mapping-template references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "mapping-template" for this call. |
The ID of the mapping-template resource. |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/mappings?filter=label%3D%3DmyMappingLabel&filter=entryPath%3D%3D/mymapping/" -i -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 26874
"meta" : {
"type" : "jsonapi.metadata.document",
"timestamp" : "2025-01-23T19:36:00.835Z"
"data" : [ {
"type" : "mapping",
"id" : "1",
"attributes" : {
"name" : "mymapping",
"labels" : [ "myMappingLabel" ],
"tenant" : "",
"entryPath" : {
"value" : "/mymapping/",
"enforceTrailingSlashes" : true,
"regexFormatEnforced" : false,
"ignoreCase" : false,
"priority" : 0
"backendPath" : "/",
"threatHandling" : "BLOCK",
"operationalMode" : "PRODUCTION",
"enableMaintenancePage" : true,
"access" : {
"deniedUrl" : {
"value" : "/",
"mode" : "GLOBAL"
"restrictions" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"httpMethodPattern" : {
"pattern" : "GET",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : true
"entryPathPattern" : {
"pattern" : "/admin/",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : true
"authorizedRoles" : [ "admin" ],
"authorizedPlans" : [ "android", "ios", "browser" ]
} ],
"clientCertificateAuthentication" : "NOT_REQUIRED",
"authenticationFlow" : "REDIRECT",
"backendLogoutUrl" : "/logout",
"backendLogoutHostHeader" : "%BACKENDHOST%",
"ntlmPassthroughEnabled" : false,
"credentialsPropagation" : {
"mandatory" : false,
"type" : "NONE"
"tokensEnabled" : false,
"tokenTransport" : {
"presenceMandatoryEnforced" : false,
"headerExtraction" : {
"enabled" : false,
"extractionPattern" : {
"pattern" : "^Authorization: Bearer (.*)$",
"caseIgnored" : true
"replaceWith" : "$1"
"parameterExtraction" : {
"enabled" : false,
"name" : ""
"cookieExtraction" : {
"enabled" : false,
"name" : ""
"tokenVerification" : {
"signatureCheckEnforced" : false,
"expiryCheckEnabled" : false,
"expiryCheckSkew" : 10,
"extractTechnicalClientIdEnabled" : false,
"extractTechnicalClientIdName" : "",
"setAuditTokenFromSubjectEnabled" : false,
"claimRestrictions" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"name" : "myClaim",
"restrictionPattern" : {
"pattern" : "",
"caseIgnored" : false,
"inverted" : false
} ],
"roleExtractions" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"name" : "myClaim",
"extractionPattern" : {
"pattern" : "",
"caseIgnored" : false
"replaceWith" : "$1",
"tokenLifetimeAsRoleLifetimeEnforced" : true
} ]
"ipRules" : {
"ipAddressWhitelists" : {
"logOnly" : false,
"pathWhitelists" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"pathPattern" : {
"pattern" : ".*",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : true
"ipAddressListIds" : [ 90, 91 ]
} ]
"ipAddressBlacklists" : {
"logOnly" : false,
"webrootThreatCategories" : "WEB_ATTACKS"
"dynamicIpAddressBlacklist" : {
"enabled" : false,
"countMode" : "OFF"
"botManagement" : {
"logOnly" : false,
"clientCookieSupportEnforced" : false,
"wellKnownBots" : {
"allowed" : false,
"sourceDomainEnforced" : false
"customBots" : {
"allowed" : false,
"sourceDomainEnforced" : false,
"userAgentPattern" : {
"pattern" : "",
"caseIgnored" : false,
"inverted" : false
"domainPattern" : {
"pattern" : "",
"inverted" : false
"timeouts" : {
"backend" : 120,
"sessionIdle" : 0
"limits" : {
"general" : {
"maxRequestBodySize" : 1073741824,
"maxPathLength" : 1024
"http" : {
"maxParameters" : 128,
"maxParameterNameLength" : 128,
"maxParameterValueLength" : 1024
"json" : {
"enabled" : true,
"maxKeyLength" : 256,
"maxValueLength" : 8192,
"maxNestingDepth" : 100,
"maxArrayItems" : 500,
"maxKeys" : 250,
"maxTotalEntries" : 150000
"graphql" : {
"enabled" : false,
"maxQuerySize" : 1024,
"maxQueryNestingDepth" : 10,
"maxValueLength" : 256
"csrfProtection" : {
"enabled" : false,
"invalidTokenRedirectLocation" : "/%ENTRYPATH%",
"pathExceptions" : [ {
"pattern" : "^/exception$",
"caseIgnored" : true
} ]
"application" : {
"sessionHandling" : "ENFORCE_SESSION",
"controlApiAllowed" : false,
"environmentCookiesEnabled" : false,
"encryptedCookies" : {
"enabled" : false,
"prefix" : ""
"passthroughCookies" : {
"enabled" : false,
"prefix" : ""
"loadBalancingCookieEnabled" : true,
"webSocketsAllowed" : false,
"redirectForErrorPageEnabled" : false,
"request" : {
"charset" : "UTF_8_FALLBACK_WINDOWS_1252",
"path" : {
"enforceUtf8" : false
"header" : {
"enforceUtf8" : false,
"allowlist" : {
"defaultEnabled" : true,
"additional" : {
"enabled" : true,
"pattern" : "^(?:First-Additional-Allowed-Header|Second-Additional-Allowed-Header)$",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : false,
"multipleSingleLineRegex" : true
"denylist" : {
"defaultEnabled" : true,
"additional" : {
"enabled" : true,
"pattern" : "^(?:First-Additional-Denied-Header|Second-Additional-Denied-Header)$",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : false,
"multipleSingleLineRegex" : true
"parameter" : {
"enforceUtf8" : false
"response" : {
"compressionAllowed" : false,
"stripCommentsEnabled" : true,
"header" : {
"allowlist" : {
"defaultEnabled" : true,
"additional" : {
"enabled" : true,
"pattern" : "^(?:First-Additional-Allowed-Header|Second-Additional-Allowed-Header)$",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : false,
"multipleSingleLineRegex" : true
"denylist" : {
"defaultEnabled" : true,
"additional" : {
"enabled" : true,
"pattern" : "^(?:First-Additional-Denied-Header|Second-Additional-Denied-Header)$",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : false,
"multipleSingleLineRegex" : true
"location" : {
"rewrites" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"urlPattern" : {
"pattern" : "/",
"caseIgnored" : true
"replaceWith" : "$1"
} ]
"json" : {
"rewrites" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"path" : "json#path",
"contentPattern" : {
"pattern" : "a",
"caseIgnored" : true
"replaceWith" : "b"
} ]
"body" : {
"rewrites" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"contentType" : "application/json",
"contentPattern" : {
"pattern" : "a",
"caseIgnored" : true
"replaceWith" : "b"
} ]
"html" : {
"rewrites" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"urlPattern" : {
"pattern" : "a",
"caseIgnored" : true
"uris" : true,
"events" : true,
"embedded" : true,
"replaceWith" : "b"
} ]
"errorPage" : {
"rewrites" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"statusContentPattern" : "^5(?!02|03)..$",
"replaceWith" : "500.html"
} ]
"apiSecurity" : {
"treatPathSegmentsAsParamValues" : true,
"json" : {
"valuesChecked" : false,
"contentTypePattern" : {
"pattern" : "",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : false
"pathExceptions" : [ {
"pattern" : "^/json-parse-exception$",
"caseIgnored" : true
} ]
"graphql" : {
"enabled" : true,
"logOnly" : true,
"mutationsAllowed" : true,
"introspectionAllowed" : true,
"valuesChecked" : true,
"schemaEnforced" : true
"openApi" : {
"enabled" : true,
"logOnly" : false,
"responseCheckEnforced" : false,
"pathMatching" : "ClientView",
"specificationPublished" : true,
"specificationPublishPath" : "path/to/apiSpecification.json"
"apiPolicy" : {
"enabled" : true,
"keyExtractionHeader" : {
"enabled" : true,
"extractionPattern" : {
"pattern" : "^Api-Key: (.*)$",
"caseIgnored" : false,
"inverted" : false
"replaceWith" : "$1"
"keyExtractionQueryParameter" : {
"enabled" : false,
"parameterName" : "api_key"
"keyExtractionCookie" : {
"enabled" : false,
"cookieName" : "ApiKey"
"dosAttackPrevention" : {
"enabled" : true,
"logOnly" : true,
"restrictions" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"pathPattern" : {
"pattern" : "^%ENTRYDIR%/",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : true
"maxRequestsPerInterval" : 500,
"interval" : 60
} ]
"overloadPrevention" : {
"enabled" : false,
"logOnly" : false,
"restrictions" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"pathPattern" : {
"pattern" : "%/.*",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : true
"maxRequestsPerInterval" : 500,
"interval" : 60
} ]
"requestBodyStreaming" : {
"enabled" : false,
"httpMethodPattern" : {
"pattern" : "",
"caseIgnored" : false,
"inverted" : false
"pathPattern" : {
"pattern" : "",
"caseIgnored" : false,
"inverted" : false
"contentTypePattern" : {
"pattern" : "",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : false
"httpParameterPollutionDetection" : {
"mixedTypes" : {
"enabled" : true,
"logOnly" : false,
"parameterNameExceptionPattern" : {
"pattern" : "",
"caseIgnored" : false,
"inverted" : false
"sameType" : {
"enabled" : true
"expertSettings" : {
"securityGate" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
"apache" : {
"enabled" : false,
"settings" : ""
"locking" : {
"enabled" : false,
"labels" : false,
"access" : {
"deniedUrl" : {
"value" : false,
"mode" : false
"restrictions" : false,
"clientCertificateAuthentication" : false,
"authenticationFlow" : false,
"backendLogoutUrl" : false,
"backendLogoutHostHeader" : false,
"ntlmPassthroughEnabled" : false,
"credentialsPropagation" : {
"mandatory" : false,
"type" : false
"tokensEnabled" : false,
"tokenVerification" : {
"localJwksProviders" : true,
"remoteJwksProviders" : true,
"expiryCheckEnabled" : false,
"expiryCheckSkew" : false,
"claimRestrictions" : false,
"roleExtractions" : false,
"extractTechnicalClientIdEnabled" : false,
"extractTechnicalClientIdName" : false,
"setAuditTokenFromSubjectEnabled" : false
"tokenTransport" : {
"presenceMandatoryEnforced" : false,
"headerExtraction" : {
"enabled" : false,
"extractionPattern" : false,
"replaceWith" : false
"parameterExtraction" : {
"enabled" : false,
"name" : false
"cookieExtraction" : {
"enabled" : false,
"name" : false
"entryPath" : {
"settings" : true,
"enforceTrailingSlashes" : true,
"regexFormatEnforced" : true,
"priority" : false
"backendPath" : true,
"threatHandling" : false,
"operationalMode" : false,
"enableMaintenancePage" : false,
"ipRules" : {
"ipAddressWhitelists" : {
"logOnly" : false,
"pathIpAddressWhitelists" : false
"ipAddressBlacklists" : {
"logOnly" : false
"dynamicIpAddressBlacklist" : {
"enabled" : false,
"countMode" : false
"botManagement" : {
"logOnly" : false,
"clientCookieSupportEnforced" : false,
"wellKnownBots" : {
"allowed" : false,
"sourceDomainEnforced" : false
"customBots" : {
"allowed" : false,
"sourceDomainEnforced" : false,
"userAgentPattern" : false,
"domainPattern" : false
"timeouts" : {
"backend" : false,
"sessionIdle" : false
"limits" : {
"general" : {
"maxRequestBodySize" : true,
"maxPathLength" : true
"http" : {
"maxParameters" : false,
"maxParameterNameLength" : false,
"maxParameterValueLength" : false,
"maxParameterLengthException" : false
"json" : {
"enabled" : false,
"maxKeyLength" : false,
"maxValueLength" : false,
"maxLengthException" : false,
"maxNestingDepth" : false,
"maxArrayItems" : false,
"maxKeys" : false,
"maxTotalEntries" : false
"graphql" : {
"enabled" : false,
"maxQuerySize" : false,
"maxQueryNestingDepth" : false,
"maxValueLength" : false,
"maxLengthException" : false
"csrfProtection" : {
"enabled" : false,
"invalidTokenRedirectLocation" : false,
"pathExceptions" : false
"application" : {
"sessionHandling" : false,
"controlApiAllowed" : false,
"environmentCookiesEnabled" : false,
"encryptedCookies" : {
"enabled" : false,
"prefix" : false
"passthroughCookies" : {
"enabled" : false,
"prefix" : false
"loadBalancingCookieEnabled" : false,
"webSocketsAllowed" : false,
"redirectForErrorPageEnabled" : false,
"request" : {
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"path" : {
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"header" : {
"enforceUtf8" : false,
"allowlist" : {
"defaultEnabled" : true,
"additional" : false
"denylist" : {
"defaultEnabled" : false,
"additional" : false
"parameter" : {
"enforceUtf8" : false
"response" : {
"compressionAllowed" : false,
"stripCommentsEnabled" : false,
"header" : {
"allowlist" : {
"defaultEnabled" : false,
"additional" : false
"denylist" : {
"defaultEnabled" : false,
"additional" : false
"location" : {
"rewrites" : false
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"rewrites" : false
"body" : {
"rewrites" : false
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"errorPage" : {
"rewrites" : false
"apiSecurity" : {
"treatPathSegmentsAsParamValues" : false,
"json" : {
"valuesChecked" : false,
"contentTypePattern" : false,
"pathExceptions" : false
"graphql" : {
"enabled" : false,
"logOnly" : false,
"mutationsAllowed" : false,
"introspectionAllowed" : false,
"valuesChecked" : false,
"schemaEnforced" : false
"openApi" : {
"enabled" : false,
"logOnly" : false,
"documentId" : false,
"responseCheckEnforced" : false,
"pathMatching" : false,
"specificationPublished" : false,
"specificationPublishPath" : false
"apiPolicy" : {
"enabled" : false,
"serviceId" : false,
"keyExtractionHeader" : {
"enabled" : false,
"extractionPattern" : false,
"replaceWith" : false
"keyExtractionQueryParameter" : {
"enabled" : false,
"parameterName" : false
"keyExtractionCookie" : {
"enabled" : false,
"cookieName" : false
"dosAttackPrevention" : {
"enabled" : false,
"logOnly" : false,
"ipAddressException" : false,
"restrictions" : false
"overloadPrevention" : {
"enabled" : false,
"logOnly" : false,
"ipAddressException" : false,
"restrictions" : false
"requestBodyStreaming" : {
"enabled" : false,
"httpMethodPattern" : false,
"pathPattern" : false,
"contentTypePattern" : false
"httpParameterPollutionDetection" : {
"mixedTypes" : {
"enabled" : false,
"logOnly" : false,
"parameterNameExceptionPattern" : false
"sameType" : {
"enabled" : false
"icap" : {
"request" : {
"clientViews" : false,
"backendViews" : false
"response" : {
"backendViews" : false,
"clientViews" : false
"relationships" : {
"back-end-groups" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "back-end-group",
"id" : "30"
} ]
"virtual-hosts" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "virtual-host",
"id" : "40"
} ]
"local-json-web-key-sets" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "local-json-web-key-set",
"id" : "46"
} ]
"remote-json-web-key-sets" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "remote-json-web-key-set",
"id" : "47"
} ]
"openapi-document" : {
"data" : {
"type" : "openapi-document",
"id" : "50"
"graphql-document" : {
"data" : {
"type" : "graphql-document",
"id" : "80"
"api-policy-service" : {
"data" : {
"type" : "api-policy-service",
"id" : "60"
"ip-address-whitelists" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "ip-address-list",
"id" : "90"
}, {
"type" : "ip-address-list",
"id" : "91"
} ]
"ip-address-blacklists" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "ip-address-list",
"id" : "92"
} ]
"ip-address-blacklist-exceptions" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "ip-address-list",
"id" : "92"
} ]
"dos-attack-prevention-source-ip-address-exception" : {
"data" : {
"type" : "ip-address-list",
"id" : "80"
"icap-request-client-views" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "icap-environment",
"id" : "42",
"meta" : {
"type" : "jsonapi.meta",
"usage" : {
"httpMethodPattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "GET",
"inverted" : "true"
"pathPattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "/entity-path",
"inverted" : "true"
"requestHeaderNamePattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "^X-Entity",
"inverted" : "true"
"requestHeaderValuePattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "EntityValue",
"inverted" : "true"
"enabled" : true
} ]
"icap-request-backend-views" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "icap-environment",
"id" : "43",
"meta" : {
"type" : "jsonapi.meta",
"usage" : {
"httpMethodPattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "GET",
"inverted" : "true"
"pathPattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "/entity-path",
"inverted" : "true"
"requestHeaderNamePattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "^X-Entity",
"inverted" : "true"
"requestHeaderValuePattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "EntityValue",
"inverted" : "true"
"enabled" : true
} ]
"icap-response-backend-views" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "icap-environment",
"id" : "44",
"meta" : {
"type" : "jsonapi.meta",
"usage" : {
"httpMethodPattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "GET",
"inverted" : "true"
"pathPattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "/entity-path",
"inverted" : "true"
"requestHeaderNamePattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "^X-Entity",
"inverted" : "true"
"requestHeaderValuePattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "EntityValue",
"inverted" : "true"
"responseHeaderNamePattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "X-Response",
"inverted" : "true"
"responseHeaderValuePattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "responsevalue",
"inverted" : "true"
"enabled" : true
} ]
"icap-response-client-views" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "icap-environment",
"id" : "45",
"meta" : {
"type" : "jsonapi.meta",
"usage" : {
"httpMethodPattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "GET",
"inverted" : "true"
"pathPattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "/entity-path",
"inverted" : "true"
"requestHeaderNamePattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "^X-Entity",
"inverted" : "true"
"requestHeaderValuePattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "EntityValue",
"inverted" : "true"
"responseHeaderNamePattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "X-Response",
"inverted" : "true"
"responseHeaderValuePattern" : {
"caseIgnored" : "true",
"pattern" : "responsevalue",
"inverted" : "true"
"enabled" : true
} ]
"anomaly-shield-application" : {
"data" : {
"type" : "anomaly-shield-application",
"id" : "70"
} ]
Access a Mapping
GET /configuration/mappings/{id}
Accept application/json
Request Structure
Parameter | Description | Required |
The ID of the element to access. |
yes |
Response Structure
Path | Type | Description |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.metadata.document" |
The current server time as a timestamp. |
The data type of the resource. Must be "mapping" for this call. |
The ID of the resource to be addressed. |
Allowed values: |
The host header to send with the logout request. |
Whenever an Airlock Gateway session terminates (either due to an explicit logout by the user or due to a session timeout), Airlock Gateway will call the given, unmodified path on the currently used back-end host with all information concerning this back-end application such as cookies, headers, etc. to allow clean session termination on the backend host. |
Specifies whether accessing this mapping requires the client to authenticate with a valid SSL client certificate. Allowed values: |
If true and the selected SSO credentials are missing, access to the mapping is denied and Airlock Gateway will redirect to either the global or the custom denied access URL. |
Defines if SSO credentials set by the control API will be forwarded to the back-end application or not. These credentials are typically set by the authentication service upon successful authentication. Allowed values: |
Allowed values: |
Location (URL) of the authentication service. In case the required role for the mapping is missing on the current session, Airlock Gateway will redirect the client to this location. |
Airlock Gateway is enabled to handle HTTP connections with transparent client to back-end NTLM authentication. Since the authorization of NTLM authenticated connections is bound to the underlying TCP connection, the client and back-end connections are correlated as soon as a NTLM handshake is detected. These one-to-one bindings of client and back-end connections exist until client connections are closed. It is guaranteed that no back-end connection authenticated using NTLM is ever reused by another client connection. NTLM has well-known security flaws. We strongly recommend adding additional security measures when exposing NTLM authentication to the Internet. If possible, Kerberos should be preferred over NTLM, as suggested by Microsoft. |
List of mandatory plans. Only sessions which have at least one of these plans will be able to access the service. |
List of mandatory roles. Only sessions which have at least one of these roles will be able to access the service. |
Whether access restriction is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the token from the specified cookie. |
Name of the cookie. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the token from the specified header. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
The rewrite expression for the header extraction. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the token from the specified query parameter. |
Name of the query parameter. |
If not enforced, requests without a token are accepted. However, if a token is present, it is extracted and validated and the configured restrictions and role extractions are applied. |
Whether this claim extraction rule is enabled. |
Name of the claim you want to restrict. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, the JWT standard claims expiry (exp) and not before (nbf) will be checked and must be valid. |
Allowed skew when checking expiry / not before in seconds. This can be used if verification fails because of time synchronization issues with the token issuer and your Airlock. |
If enabled, a technical client ID is extracted from the JWT. |
Name of the claim to extract as technical client ID. |
Whether this claim extraction rule is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Name of the claim you want to extract a role from. |
The rewrite expression of the role. |
If enforced, the expiry claim (exp) of the JWT will be used as the role lifetime. |
If enabled, the 'sub' claim is extracted from the JWT and its value is used as audit token of the current Airlock session. |
If enforced, the JWT’s signature must be present and valid. |
Whether access tokens should be processed. |
Whether to enable the API policy service. |
Name of the cookie. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the API key from the specified cookie. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the API key from the specified header. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Rewrite expression for the header extraction. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the API key from the specified query parameter. |
Name of the query parameter. |
GraphQL inspections are enabled. |
Indicates if introspection is allowed. |
If true, requests containing invalid GraphQL payload are only logged but not blocked. |
Indicates if mutations are allowed. |
Indicates an optionally provided GraphQL schema is checked and enforced. |
Indicates if values are checked against allow and deny rules. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
If set to true, Airlock Gateway filters JSON attributes with allow rules and deny rules. |
Whether traffic to/from this service shall be checked against an API specification provided in the OpenAPI format.If enforced, traffic not conforming to the API specification will be blocked. |
If enabled, potential attack requests are only logged but not blocked. |
Run OpenAPI path matching against client or server view of request/response. Allowed values: |
If enabled, responses are also checked against the API specification. |
External path to the API specification. Note that the entry path will be added in front of it. |
If enabled, allow clients to download the API specification. |
If enabled, each path segment is interpreted as a separate parameter value and the deny rules for parameter values are applied to it. |
Whether this service is allowed to use Airlock Gateway’s back-end API via the control cookie mechanism. Normally, only the authentication application should be allowed to use the back-end control API of Airlock Gateway. |
Enables encryption of cookies which are sent to the client. |
Regular expression for cookies that should be cryptographically encrypted before being sent to the client. |
Whether this service should receive the Airlock Gateway environment cookies that contain useful information about the connection to the client. |
If enabled, load balancing information is sent to the client in a load balancing cookie. Disable if no load balancing is needed and no cookie should be generated for this purpose. |
Whether 'Passthrough Cookies' are enabled. Passthrough Cookies are cookies which are sent in plain format to the client. |
Regular expression to select cookies that should be treated as 'Passthrough Cookies'. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will deliver error pages by sending a HTTP redirect pointing to the error page to its clients. Otherwise the error page will be directly returned. |
Parameter values that are sent in HTTP requests from the client are interpreted by Airlock Gateway as if they were encoded using the given charset. If Airlock Gateway detects that the charset does not match, it tries to use the fallback charset. Allowed values: |
Additional headers to allow. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether the pattern is enabled. |
Whether to invert the match. |
Whether to interpret line breaks as logical ORs. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, default header allow list will be applied. |
Additional headers to deny. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether the pattern is enabled. |
Whether to invert the match. |
Whether to interpret line breaks as logical ORs. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, default header deny list will be applied. |
If enabled, requests which contain invalid UTF-8 sequences in the headers will be blocked. |
If enabled, requests which contain invalid UTF-8 sequences in the parameters will be blocked. |
If enabled, requests which contain invalid UTF-8 sequences in the path will be blocked. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
A response from the back-end server is rewritten only if the response headerContent-Type matches this regular expression. |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
Target string which will replace the string matched by Content Pattern. |
Specifies whether Airlock Gateway should compress the output on-the-fly for the client browser (if supported and requested by the browser). |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
Target string which will replace the string matched by HTTP status content pattern. |
The HTTP status code pattern. |
Additional headers to allow. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether the pattern is enabled. |
Whether to invert the match. |
Whether to interpret line breaks as logical ORs. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, default header allow list will be applied. |
Additional headers to deny. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether the pattern is enabled. |
Whether to invert the match. |
Whether to interpret line breaks as logical ORs. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, default header deny list will be applied. |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
Target string which will replace the string matched by URL pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to apply the rule to <script> and <style> blocks embedded in the HTML page |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
Whether to apply the rule to JavaScript event strings such as onsubmit, onload, etc. |
Target string which will replace the string matched by URL Pattern. |
Whether to apply the rule to linked HTML elements like href, src, etc. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
A response from the back-end server is rewritten only if the JSON path matches this regular expression. |
Target string which will replace the string matched by Content Pattern. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway removes HTML comments. |
Allowed values: |
Whether support for the WebSockets protocol as defined in RFC 6455 is enabled. |
The back-end path specifies the internal back-end path, i.e. the path of the request sent to the application server. |
If enabled, only clients implementing a Cookie-Store will be able to access the application through this mapping. In contrast to regular browsers, most bots do not implement a Cookie-Store and will therefore be blocked if this setting is enabled. |
If enabled, custom bots are not blocked. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Do not block bots whose source-domain matches the "domain pattern". |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
If true, requests from bots are only logged but not blocked. |
Check the User-Agent to determine if a bot is well-known and do not block such bots. |
If enabled, a reverse IP lookup for well-known bots is performed to verify that the client’s IP address belongs to the operator of a well-known bot. |
Whether CSRF protection is enabled. |
If a missing or invalid CSRF token is detected, the client is redirected to the configured location. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether the DoS attack prevention filter is enabled. |
Whether the DoS attack prevention filter is log-only. |
List of request frequency restrictions. Processed in order, the first matching path will win. |
If enabled, the restriction is active. |
Interval for measurement of allowed requests per IP address (seconds). |
Maximum requests allowed per IP address. |
Triggers the restriction if the path of the request matches. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether the maintenance page is enabled. |
Whether a trailing slash is mandatory at the end of the entry path or not. |
Whether the entry path should be case sensitive. |
The priority guarantees a deterministic selection of the mapping for a given request path. |
Whether the entry path (the external URL path of the mapping) should be interpreted as regular expression or not. |
The entry path specifies the external URL path the mapping should be available under. For each incoming request, Airlock Gateway compares the URL with the entry path to find the right mapping. |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
Whether the Apache expert settings are enabled. |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
Whether the Security Gate expert settings are enabled. |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
Allows the detection of HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) attacks involving both HTTP GET and HTTP POST parameters (thus involving parameters of different/mixed types). |
If enabled, requests containing HTTP GET and HTTP POST parameters of the same name are blocked to prevent HPP attacks. |
If true, potential HPP attack requests are only logged but not blocked. |
Parameters named with a name matching this regular expression pattern will be ignored by the HPP detection. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Allows the detection of HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) attacks involving only HTTP GET or only HTTP POST parameters (thus involving only parameters of the same type). |
If enabled, parameters named with the same name and type (HTTP GET or POST) are joined together into one parameter before filtering to prevent HPP attacks. |
Counting mode of dynamic IP address blacklist blocks. Allowed values: |
If enabled, IPs on the dynamic IP address blacklist are blocked. |
If true, requests whose source IP address is contained in one of the configured IP Blacklists are only logged but not blocked. |
List of threat categories which should be blocked (;-separated string). Categories: |
If true, requests whose source IP address is not contained in one of the configured IP address whitelists are only logged but not blocked. |
If enabled, IP address whitelists will be applied if path matches. |
The IDs of referenced IP address whitelists |
IP address whitelists will be checked only for requests whose path matches this regular expression pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
List of assigned Labels (freely defined textual tags). Labels allow grouping of mappings with a common aspect, e.g. all mappings belonging to the same application. |
Defines the maximum path length for requests to the current mapping. |
Defines the maximum size of the request body. It specifies the number of bytes from 0 (meaning unlimited) to 2147483647 (2GB) that are allowed in a request body. To restrict the size of file uploads, set this limit to the maximum combined size of all files uploaded at once. |
Whether limits are enabled. |
Defines the maximum nesting depth. |
Defines the maximum number of parameters inside the request. |
Defines the maximum value length for a query parameter. |
Defines the maximum length for a parameter name. |
Defines the maximum length for a parameter value. |
Defines the maximum number of parameters inside the request. |
Whether JSON limits are enabled. |
Defines the maximum number of items for a single JSON array (non-recursive). |
Defines the maximum length for a JSON key, also known as "JSON property" or "JSON object member". |
Defines the maximum number of keys of a single JSON object (non-recursive). |
Defines the maximum depth of nesting for JSON objects and JSON arrays. |
Defines the maximum number of keys and array items in the whole JSON document (recursive). |
Defines the maximum json value length for requests to the current mapping. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
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Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
If true, the state of the attribute locks is displayed in Airlock Gateway’s Configuration Center for this mapping. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. Note that this lock affects both the EntryPath’s 'value' and 'ignoreCase'. |
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Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
The unique name of the mapping. |
The mode in which the mapping runs. Allowed values: |
Whether the overload prevention filter is enabled. |
Whether the overload prevention filter is log-only. |
List of request frequency restrictions. Processed in order, the first matching path will win. |
If enabled, the restriction is active. |
Interval for measurement of allowed requests per IP address (seconds). |
Maximum requests allowed per IP address. |
Triggers the restriction if the path of the request matches. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Only requests whose content type header matches this regular expression pattern will be streamed. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether request body streaming is enabled. If enabled, only requests matching all three regular expression patterns will be streamed. |
Only requests whose HTTP method matches this regular expression pattern will be streamed. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Only requests whose path matches this regular expression pattern will be streamed. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Tenant of the mapping. |
Defines how policy violations, e.g., missing allow rules, matching deny rules, URL encryption and form protection violations, are handled. Allowed values: |
Defines the time (seconds) Airlock Gateway will wait for the back-end response. |
Defines the minimum session idle time (seconds) of Airlock Gateway for this mapping. |
The virtual-host references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "virtual-host" for this call. |
The ID of the virtual-host resource. |
The back-end-group references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "back-end-group" for this call. |
The ID of the back-end-group resource. |
The local-json-web-key-set references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "local-json-web-key-set" for this call. |
The ID of the local-json-web-key-set resource. |
The remote-json-web-key-set references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "remote-json-web-key-set" for this call. |
The ID of the remote-json-web-key-set resource. |
The openapi-document references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "openapi-document" for this call. |
The ID of the openapi-document resource. |
The graphql-document references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "graphql-document" for this call. |
The ID of the graphql-document resource. |
The api-policy-service references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "api-policy-service" for this call. |
The ID of the api-policy-service resource. |
The ip-address-list references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ip-address-list" for this call. |
The ID of the ip-address-list resource. |
The ip-address-list references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ip-address-list" for this call. |
The ID of the ip-address-list resource. |
The ip-address-list references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ip-address-list" for this call. |
The ID of the ip-address-list resource. |
The ip-address-list references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ip-address-list" for this call. |
The ID of the ip-address-list resource. |
The ip-address-list references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ip-address-list" for this call. |
The ID of the ip-address-list resource. |
The ip-address-list references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "ip-address-list" for this call. |
The ID of the ip-address-list resource. |
The icap-environment references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "icap-environment" for this call. |
The ID of the icap-environment resource. |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.meta" |
Whether this ICAP handler is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
The icap-environment references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "icap-environment" for this call. |
The ID of the icap-environment resource. |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.meta" |
Whether this ICAP handler is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
The icap-environment references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "icap-environment" for this call. |
The ID of the icap-environment resource. |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.meta" |
Whether this ICAP handler is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
The icap-environment references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "icap-environment" for this call. |
The ID of the icap-environment resource. |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.meta" |
Whether this ICAP handler is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
The anomaly-shield-application references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "anomaly-shield-application" for this call. |
The ID of the anomaly-shield-application resource. |
The mapping-template references. |
The data type of the referenced resource. Must be "mapping-template" for this call. |
The ID of the mapping-template resource. |
Example Request
$ curl "https://${AIRLOCK}/airlock/rest/configuration/mappings/1" -i -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 26870
"meta" : {
"type" : "jsonapi.metadata.document",
"timestamp" : "2025-01-23T19:35:56.926Z"
"data" : {
"type" : "mapping",
"id" : "1",
"attributes" : {
"name" : "mymapping",
"labels" : [ "myMappingLabel" ],
"tenant" : "",
"entryPath" : {
"value" : "/mymapping/",
"enforceTrailingSlashes" : true,
"regexFormatEnforced" : false,
"ignoreCase" : false,
"priority" : 0
"backendPath" : "/",
"threatHandling" : "BLOCK",
"operationalMode" : "PRODUCTION",
"enableMaintenancePage" : true,
"access" : {
"deniedUrl" : {
"value" : "/",
"mode" : "GLOBAL"
"restrictions" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"httpMethodPattern" : {
"pattern" : "GET",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : true
"entryPathPattern" : {
"pattern" : "/admin/",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : true
"authorizedRoles" : [ "admin" ],
"authorizedPlans" : [ "android", "ios", "browser" ]
} ],
"clientCertificateAuthentication" : "NOT_REQUIRED",
"authenticationFlow" : "REDIRECT",
"backendLogoutUrl" : "/logout",
"backendLogoutHostHeader" : "%BACKENDHOST%",
"ntlmPassthroughEnabled" : false,
"credentialsPropagation" : {
"mandatory" : false,
"type" : "NONE"
"tokensEnabled" : false,
"tokenTransport" : {
"presenceMandatoryEnforced" : false,
"headerExtraction" : {
"enabled" : false,
"extractionPattern" : {
"pattern" : "^Authorization: Bearer (.*)$",
"caseIgnored" : true
"replaceWith" : "$1"
"parameterExtraction" : {
"enabled" : false,
"name" : ""
"cookieExtraction" : {
"enabled" : false,
"name" : ""
"tokenVerification" : {
"signatureCheckEnforced" : false,
"expiryCheckEnabled" : false,
"expiryCheckSkew" : 10,
"extractTechnicalClientIdEnabled" : false,
"extractTechnicalClientIdName" : "",
"setAuditTokenFromSubjectEnabled" : false,
"claimRestrictions" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"name" : "myClaim",
"restrictionPattern" : {
"pattern" : "",
"caseIgnored" : false,
"inverted" : false
} ],
"roleExtractions" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"name" : "myClaim",
"extractionPattern" : {
"pattern" : "",
"caseIgnored" : false
"replaceWith" : "$1",
"tokenLifetimeAsRoleLifetimeEnforced" : true
} ]
"ipRules" : {
"ipAddressWhitelists" : {
"logOnly" : false,
"pathWhitelists" : [ {
"enabled" : true,
"pathPattern" : {
"pattern" : ".*",
"caseIgnored" : true,
"inverted" : true
"ipAddressListIds" : [ 90, 91 ]
} ]
"ipAddressBlacklists" : {
"logOnly" : false,
"webrootThreatCategories" : "WEB_ATTACKS"
"dynamicIpAddressBlacklist" : {
"enabled" : false,
"countMode" : "OFF"
"botManagement" : {
"logOnly" : false,
"clientCookieSupportEnforced" : false,
"wellKnownBots" : {
"allowed" : false,
"sourceDomainEnforced" : false
"customBots" : {
"allowed" : false,
"sourceDomainEnforced" : false,
"userAgentPattern" : {
"pattern" : "",
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"inverted" : false
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"pattern" : "",
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"enabled" : false,
"maxQuerySize" : 1024,
"maxQueryNestingDepth" : 10,
"maxValueLength" : 256
"csrfProtection" : {
"enabled" : false,
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"pattern" : "^/exception$",
"caseIgnored" : true
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"defaultEnabled" : true,
"additional" : {
"enabled" : true,
"pattern" : "^(?:First-Additional-Denied-Header|Second-Additional-Denied-Header)$",
"caseIgnored" : true,
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"enabled" : true,
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"caseIgnored" : true,
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"denylist" : {
"defaultEnabled" : true,
"additional" : {
"enabled" : true,
"pattern" : "^(?:First-Additional-Denied-Header|Second-Additional-Denied-Header)$",
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"enabled" : true,
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"enabled" : true,
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"extractTechnicalClientIdEnabled" : false,
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"enabled" : false,
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"enabled" : false,
"countMode" : false
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"clientCookieSupportEnforced" : false,
"wellKnownBots" : {
"allowed" : false,
"sourceDomainEnforced" : false
"customBots" : {
"allowed" : false,
"sourceDomainEnforced" : false,
"userAgentPattern" : false,
"domainPattern" : false
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"maxParameters" : false,
"maxParameterNameLength" : false,
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"maxQuerySize" : false,
"maxQueryNestingDepth" : false,
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"additional" : false
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"additional" : false
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"enabled" : false,
"logOnly" : false,
"mutationsAllowed" : false,
"introspectionAllowed" : false,
"valuesChecked" : false,
"schemaEnforced" : false
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"documentId" : false,
"responseCheckEnforced" : false,
"pathMatching" : false,
"specificationPublished" : false,
"specificationPublishPath" : false
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"enabled" : false,
"serviceId" : false,
"keyExtractionHeader" : {
"enabled" : false,
"extractionPattern" : false,
"replaceWith" : false
"keyExtractionQueryParameter" : {
"enabled" : false,
"parameterName" : false
"keyExtractionCookie" : {
"enabled" : false,
"cookieName" : false
"dosAttackPrevention" : {
"enabled" : false,
"logOnly" : false,
"ipAddressException" : false,
"restrictions" : false
"overloadPrevention" : {
"enabled" : false,
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"httpMethodPattern" : false,
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"data" : {
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"id" : "60"
"ip-address-whitelists" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "ip-address-list",
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"id" : "91"
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"ip-address-blacklists" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "ip-address-list",
"id" : "92"
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"ip-address-blacklist-exceptions" : {
"data" : [ {
"type" : "ip-address-list",
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"dos-attack-prevention-source-ip-address-exception" : {
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"httpMethodPattern" : {
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"pattern" : "^X-Entity",
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"responseHeaderValuePattern" : {
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"pattern" : "responsevalue",
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"anomaly-shield-application" : {
"data" : {
"type" : "anomaly-shield-application",
"id" : "70"
Create a Mapping
POST /configuration/mappings
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json
Request Structure
Path | Type | Required | Description |
yes |
The data type sent to the server. Must be set to "mapping" for this call. |
yes |
Allowed values: |
yes |
The host header to send with the logout request. |
yes |
Whenever an Airlock Gateway session terminates (either due to an explicit logout by the user or due to a session timeout), Airlock Gateway will call the given, unmodified path on the currently used back-end host with all information concerning this back-end application such as cookies, headers, etc. to allow clean session termination on the backend host. |
yes |
Specifies whether accessing this mapping requires the client to authenticate with a valid SSL client certificate. Allowed values: |
yes |
If true and the selected SSO credentials are missing, access to the mapping is denied and Airlock Gateway will redirect to either the global or the custom denied access URL. |
yes |
Defines if SSO credentials set by the control API will be forwarded to the back-end application or not. These credentials are typically set by the authentication service upon successful authentication. Allowed values: |
no |
Allowed values: |
yes |
Location (URL) of the authentication service. In case the required role for the mapping is missing on the current session, Airlock Gateway will redirect the client to this location. |
yes |
Airlock Gateway is enabled to handle HTTP connections with transparent client to back-end NTLM authentication. Since the authorization of NTLM authenticated connections is bound to the underlying TCP connection, the client and back-end connections are correlated as soon as a NTLM handshake is detected. These one-to-one bindings of client and back-end connections exist until client connections are closed. It is guaranteed that no back-end connection authenticated using NTLM is ever reused by another client connection. NTLM has well-known security flaws. We strongly recommend adding additional security measures when exposing NTLM authentication to the Internet. If possible, Kerberos should be preferred over NTLM, as suggested by Microsoft. |
yes |
List of mandatory plans. Only sessions which have at least one of these plans will be able to access the service. |
yes |
List of mandatory roles. Only sessions which have at least one of these roles will be able to access the service. |
yes |
Whether access restriction is enabled. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the token from the specified cookie. |
yes |
Name of the cookie. |
yes |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the token from the specified header. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
The rewrite expression for the header extraction. |
yes |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the token from the specified query parameter. |
yes |
Name of the query parameter. |
yes |
If not enforced, requests without a token are accepted. However, if a token is present, it is extracted and validated and the configured restrictions and role extractions are applied. |
yes |
Whether this claim extraction rule is enabled. |
yes |
Name of the claim you want to restrict. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
If enabled, the JWT standard claims expiry (exp) and not before (nbf) will be checked and must be valid. |
yes |
Allowed skew when checking expiry / not before in seconds. This can be used if verification fails because of time synchronization issues with the token issuer and your Airlock. |
yes |
If enabled, a technical client ID is extracted from the JWT. |
yes |
Name of the claim to extract as technical client ID. |
yes |
Whether this claim extraction rule is enabled. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Name of the claim you want to extract a role from. |
yes |
The rewrite expression of the role. |
yes |
If enforced, the expiry claim (exp) of the JWT will be used as the role lifetime. |
yes |
If enabled, the 'sub' claim is extracted from the JWT and its value is used as audit token of the current Airlock session. |
yes |
If enforced, the JWT’s signature must be present and valid. |
yes |
Whether access tokens should be processed. |
yes |
Whether to enable the API policy service. |
yes |
Name of the cookie. |
yes |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the API key from the specified cookie. |
yes |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the API key from the specified header. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Rewrite expression for the header extraction. |
yes |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the API key from the specified query parameter. |
yes |
Name of the query parameter. |
yes |
GraphQL inspections are enabled. |
yes |
Indicates if introspection is allowed. |
yes |
If true, requests containing invalid GraphQL payload are only logged but not blocked. |
yes |
Indicates if mutations are allowed. |
yes |
Indicates an optionally provided GraphQL schema is checked and enforced. |
yes |
Indicates if values are checked against allow and deny rules. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
If set to true, Airlock Gateway filters JSON attributes with allow rules and deny rules. |
yes |
Whether traffic to/from this service shall be checked against an API specification provided in the OpenAPI format.If enforced, traffic not conforming to the API specification will be blocked. |
yes |
If enabled, potential attack requests are only logged but not blocked. |
yes |
Run OpenAPI path matching against client or server view of request/response. Allowed values: |
yes |
If enabled, responses are also checked against the API specification. |
yes |
External path to the API specification. Note that the entry path will be added in front of it. |
yes |
If enabled, allow clients to download the API specification. |
yes |
If enabled, each path segment is interpreted as a separate parameter value and the deny rules for parameter values are applied to it. |
yes |
Whether this service is allowed to use Airlock Gateway’s back-end API via the control cookie mechanism. Normally, only the authentication application should be allowed to use the back-end control API of Airlock Gateway. |
yes |
Enables encryption of cookies which are sent to the client. |
yes |
Regular expression for cookies that should be cryptographically encrypted before being sent to the client. |
yes |
Whether this service should receive the Airlock Gateway environment cookies that contain useful information about the connection to the client. |
yes |
If enabled, load balancing information is sent to the client in a load balancing cookie. Disable if no load balancing is needed and no cookie should be generated for this purpose. |
yes |
Whether 'Passthrough Cookies' are enabled. Passthrough Cookies are cookies which are sent in plain format to the client. |
yes |
Regular expression to select cookies that should be treated as 'Passthrough Cookies'. |
yes |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will deliver error pages by sending a HTTP redirect pointing to the error page to its clients. Otherwise the error page will be directly returned. |
yes |
Parameter values that are sent in HTTP requests from the client are interpreted by Airlock Gateway as if they were encoded using the given charset. If Airlock Gateway detects that the charset does not match, it tries to use the fallback charset. Allowed values: |
yes |
Additional headers to allow. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether the pattern is enabled. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
Whether to interpret line breaks as logical ORs. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
If enabled, default header allow list will be applied. |
yes |
Additional headers to deny. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether the pattern is enabled. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
Whether to interpret line breaks as logical ORs. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
If enabled, default header deny list will be applied. |
yes |
If enabled, requests which contain invalid UTF-8 sequences in the headers will be blocked. |
yes |
If enabled, requests which contain invalid UTF-8 sequences in the parameters will be blocked. |
yes |
If enabled, requests which contain invalid UTF-8 sequences in the path will be blocked. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
A response from the back-end server is rewritten only if the response headerContent-Type matches this regular expression. |
yes |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
yes |
Target string which will replace the string matched by Content Pattern. |
yes |
Specifies whether Airlock Gateway should compress the output on-the-fly for the client browser (if supported and requested by the browser). |
yes |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
yes |
Target string which will replace the string matched by HTTP status content pattern. |
yes |
The HTTP status code pattern. |
yes |
Additional headers to allow. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether the pattern is enabled. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
Whether to interpret line breaks as logical ORs. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
If enabled, default header allow list will be applied. |
yes |
Additional headers to deny. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether the pattern is enabled. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
Whether to interpret line breaks as logical ORs. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
If enabled, default header deny list will be applied. |
yes |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
yes |
Target string which will replace the string matched by URL pattern. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Whether to apply the rule to <script> and <style> blocks embedded in the HTML page |
yes |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
yes |
Whether to apply the rule to JavaScript event strings such as onsubmit, onload, etc. |
yes |
Target string which will replace the string matched by URL Pattern. |
yes |
Whether to apply the rule to linked HTML elements like href, src, etc. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Whether rewrites are enabled. |
yes |
A response from the back-end server is rewritten only if the JSON path matches this regular expression. |
yes |
Target string which will replace the string matched by Content Pattern. |
yes |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway removes HTML comments. |
yes |
Allowed values: |
yes |
Whether support for the WebSockets protocol as defined in RFC 6455 is enabled. |
yes |
The back-end path specifies the internal back-end path, i.e. the path of the request sent to the application server. |
yes |
If enabled, only clients implementing a Cookie-Store will be able to access the application through this mapping. In contrast to regular browsers, most bots do not implement a Cookie-Store and will therefore be blocked if this setting is enabled. |
yes |
If enabled, custom bots are not blocked. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Do not block bots whose source-domain matches the "domain pattern". |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
If true, requests from bots are only logged but not blocked. |
yes |
Check the User-Agent to determine if a bot is well-known and do not block such bots. |
yes |
If enabled, a reverse IP lookup for well-known bots is performed to verify that the client’s IP address belongs to the operator of a well-known bot. |
yes |
Whether CSRF protection is enabled. |
yes |
If a missing or invalid CSRF token is detected, the client is redirected to the configured location. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Whether the DoS attack prevention filter is enabled. |
yes |
Whether the DoS attack prevention filter is log-only. |
yes |
List of request frequency restrictions. Processed in order, the first matching path will win. |
yes |
If enabled, the restriction is active. |
yes |
Interval for measurement of allowed requests per IP address (seconds). |
yes |
Maximum requests allowed per IP address. |
yes |
Triggers the restriction if the path of the request matches. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Whether the maintenance page is enabled. |
yes |
Whether a trailing slash is mandatory at the end of the entry path or not. |
yes |
Whether the entry path should be case sensitive. |
yes |
The priority guarantees a deterministic selection of the mapping for a given request path. |
yes |
Whether the entry path (the external URL path of the mapping) should be interpreted as regular expression or not. |
yes |
The entry path specifies the external URL path the mapping should be available under. For each incoming request, Airlock Gateway compares the URL with the entry path to find the right mapping. |
yes |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
yes |
Whether the Apache expert settings are enabled. |
yes |
Expert settings for the Apache web listener. |
yes |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
yes |
Whether the Security Gate expert settings are enabled. |
yes |
Expert settings for the Security Gate. |
yes |
Allows the detection of HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) attacks involving both HTTP GET and HTTP POST parameters (thus involving parameters of different/mixed types). |
yes |
If enabled, requests containing HTTP GET and HTTP POST parameters of the same name are blocked to prevent HPP attacks. |
yes |
If true, potential HPP attack requests are only logged but not blocked. |
yes |
Parameters named with a name matching this regular expression pattern will be ignored by the HPP detection. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Allows the detection of HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) attacks involving only HTTP GET or only HTTP POST parameters (thus involving only parameters of the same type). |
yes |
If enabled, parameters named with the same name and type (HTTP GET or POST) are joined together into one parameter before filtering to prevent HPP attacks. |
yes |
Counting mode of dynamic IP address blacklist blocks. Allowed values: |
yes |
If enabled, IPs on the dynamic IP address blacklist are blocked. |
yes |
If true, requests whose source IP address is contained in one of the configured IP Blacklists are only logged but not blocked. |
yes |
List of threat categories which should be blocked (;-separated string). Categories: |
yes |
If true, requests whose source IP address is not contained in one of the configured IP address whitelists are only logged but not blocked. |
yes |
If enabled, IP address whitelists will be applied if path matches. |
yes |
The IDs of referenced IP address whitelists |
yes |
IP address whitelists will be checked only for requests whose path matches this regular expression pattern. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
List of assigned Labels (freely defined textual tags). Labels allow grouping of mappings with a common aspect, e.g. all mappings belonging to the same application. |
no |
Defines the maximum path length for requests to the current mapping. Default value: |
yes |
Defines the maximum size of the request body. It specifies the number of bytes from 0 (meaning unlimited) to 2147483647 (2GB) that are allowed in a request body. To restrict the size of file uploads, set this limit to the maximum combined size of all files uploaded at once. |
yes |
Whether limits are enabled. |
no |
Defines the maximum nesting depth. Default value: |
no |
Defines the maximum number of parameters inside the request. Default value: |
no |
Defines the maximum value length for a query parameter. Default value: |
no |
Defines the maximum length for a parameter name. Default value: |
no |
Defines the maximum length for a parameter value. Default value: |
no |
Defines the maximum number of parameters inside the request. Default value: |
yes |
Whether JSON limits are enabled. |
no |
Defines the maximum number of items for a single JSON array (non-recursive). Default value: |
no |
Defines the maximum length for a JSON key, also known as "JSON property" or "JSON object member". Default value: |
no |
Defines the maximum number of keys of a single JSON object (non-recursive). Default value: |
no |
Defines the maximum depth of nesting for JSON objects and JSON arrays. Default value: |
no |
Defines the maximum number of keys and array items in the whole JSON document (recursive). Default value: |
no |
Defines the maximum json value length for requests to the current mapping. Default value: |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
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yes |
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yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
If true, the state of the attribute locks is displayed in Airlock Gateway’s Configuration Center for this mapping. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. Note that this lock affects both the EntryPath’s 'value' and 'ignoreCase'. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
Lock for the corresponding member. |
yes |
The unique name of the mapping. |
no |
The mode in which the mapping runs. Allowed values: |
yes |
Whether the overload prevention filter is enabled. |
yes |
Whether the overload prevention filter is log-only. |
yes |
List of request frequency restrictions. Processed in order, the first matching path will win. |
yes |
If enabled, the restriction is active. |
yes |
Interval for measurement of allowed requests per IP address (seconds). |
yes |
Maximum requests allowed per IP address. |
yes |
Triggers the restriction if the path of the request matches. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Only requests whose content type header matches this regular expression pattern will be streamed. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Whether request body streaming is enabled. If enabled, only requests matching all three regular expression patterns will be streamed. |
yes |
Only requests whose HTTP method matches this regular expression pattern will be streamed. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Only requests whose path matches this regular expression pattern will be streamed. |
yes |
Whether to ignore case. |
yes |
Whether to invert the match. |
yes |
The actual pattern. |
yes |
Tenant of the mapping. |
yes |
Defines how policy violations, e.g., missing allow rules, matching deny rules, URL encryption and form protection violations, are handled. Allowed values: |
yes |
Defines the time (seconds) Airlock Gateway will wait for the back-end response. |
yes |
Defines the minimum session idle time (seconds) of Airlock Gateway for this mapping. |
Response Structure
Path | Type | Description |
The JSON API meta type, which is: "jsonapi.metadata.document" |
The current server time as a timestamp. |
The data type of the resource. Must be "mapping" for this call. |
The ID of the resource to be addressed. |
Allowed values: |
The host header to send with the logout request. |
Whenever an Airlock Gateway session terminates (either due to an explicit logout by the user or due to a session timeout), Airlock Gateway will call the given, unmodified path on the currently used back-end host with all information concerning this back-end application such as cookies, headers, etc. to allow clean session termination on the backend host. |
Specifies whether accessing this mapping requires the client to authenticate with a valid SSL client certificate. Allowed values: |
If true and the selected SSO credentials are missing, access to the mapping is denied and Airlock Gateway will redirect to either the global or the custom denied access URL. |
Defines if SSO credentials set by the control API will be forwarded to the back-end application or not. These credentials are typically set by the authentication service upon successful authentication. Allowed values: |
Allowed values: |
Location (URL) of the authentication service. In case the required role for the mapping is missing on the current session, Airlock Gateway will redirect the client to this location. |
Airlock Gateway is enabled to handle HTTP connections with transparent client to back-end NTLM authentication. Since the authorization of NTLM authenticated connections is bound to the underlying TCP connection, the client and back-end connections are correlated as soon as a NTLM handshake is detected. These one-to-one bindings of client and back-end connections exist until client connections are closed. It is guaranteed that no back-end connection authenticated using NTLM is ever reused by another client connection. NTLM has well-known security flaws. We strongly recommend adding additional security measures when exposing NTLM authentication to the Internet. If possible, Kerberos should be preferred over NTLM, as suggested by Microsoft. |
List of mandatory plans. Only sessions which have at least one of these plans will be able to access the service. |
List of mandatory roles. Only sessions which have at least one of these roles will be able to access the service. |
Whether access restriction is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the token from the specified cookie. |
Name of the cookie. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the token from the specified header. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
The rewrite expression for the header extraction. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the token from the specified query parameter. |
Name of the query parameter. |
If not enforced, requests without a token are accepted. However, if a token is present, it is extracted and validated and the configured restrictions and role extractions are applied. |
Whether this claim extraction rule is enabled. |
Name of the claim you want to restrict. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
If enabled, the JWT standard claims expiry (exp) and not before (nbf) will be checked and must be valid. |
Allowed skew when checking expiry / not before in seconds. This can be used if verification fails because of time synchronization issues with the token issuer and your Airlock. |
If enabled, a technical client ID is extracted from the JWT. |
Name of the claim to extract as technical client ID. |
Whether this claim extraction rule is enabled. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
Name of the claim you want to extract a role from. |
The rewrite expression of the role. |
If enforced, the expiry claim (exp) of the JWT will be used as the role lifetime. |
If enabled, the 'sub' claim is extracted from the JWT and its value is used as audit token of the current Airlock session. |
If enforced, the JWT’s signature must be present and valid. |
Whether access tokens should be processed. |
Whether to enable the API policy service. |
Name of the cookie. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the API key from the specified cookie. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the API key from the specified header. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Rewrite expression for the header extraction. |
If enabled, Airlock Gateway will extract the API key from the specified query parameter. |
Name of the query parameter. |
GraphQL inspections are enabled. |
Indicates if introspection is allowed. |
If true, requests containing invalid GraphQL payload are only logged but not blocked. |
Indicates if mutations are allowed. |
Indicates an optionally provided GraphQL schema is checked and enforced. |
Indicates if values are checked against allow and deny rules. |
Whether to ignore case. |
Whether to invert the match. |
The actual pattern. |
Whether to ignore case. |
The actual pattern. |
If set to true, Airlock Gateway filters JSON attributes with allow rules and deny rules. |
Whether traffic to/from this service shall be checked against an API specification provided in the OpenAPI format.If enforced, traffic not conforming to the API specification will be blocked. |
If enabled, potential attack requests are only logged but not blocked. |
Run OpenAPI path matching against client or server view of request/response. Allowed values: |
If enabled, responses are also checked against the API specification. |
External path to the API specification. Note that the entry path will be added in front of it. |
If enabled, allow clients to download the API specification. |
If enabled, each path segment is interpreted as a separate parameter value and the deny rules for parameter values are applied to it. |
Whether this service is allowed to use Airlock Gateway’s back-end API via the control cookie mechanism. Normally, only the authentication application should be allowed to use the back-end control API of Airlock Gateway. |
Enables encryption of cookies which are sent to the client. |
Regular expression for cookies that should be cryptographically encrypted before being sent to the client. |
Whether this service should receive the Airlock Gateway environment cookies that contain useful information about the connection to the client. |
If enabled, load balancing information is sent to the client in a load balancing cookie. Disable if no load balancing is needed and no cookie should be generated for this purpose. |