Cookie Name | Description | Example Value (decoded) |
| A unique ID for the front-end TCP connection. |
| Indicates whether the request was sent encrypted. |
| All IP Address Lists that have matched the client IP address, regardless of whether this was a allowlisting or denylisting rule. The names of the matching lists are comma-separated and percent-encoded. Lists obtained through the Webroot threat intelligence service are prefixed with "TI:". |
| The IP address of the client. |
| A unique request ID. |
| The roles of the current session, with the remaining role idle timeout and the remaining role lifetime (in seconds). The value |
| This cookie is intended for Airlock IAM i.e. to inform IAM about removed roles and their reason for removal. The cookie is updated by Airlock Gateway when roles are reestablished, i.e. via the IAM Control-API.
| A unique session ID. The value |
| The remaining session idle timeout and the remaining session lifetime (in seconds). |
| The IP address of the virtual host that received the request. |
| The virtual hostname that received the request. |
| The port number that received the request. |
| The protocol name and version of the request, e.g. |
| The path of the request. |
| The query string of the request. This cookie is only sent in one-shot-requests triggered by a one-shot authentication flow. |
| An explanatory string on the reason why a session has ended. Possible values are "IdleTimeout","LifetimeExceeded ", "ThreadHandling", "ControlAPI", "ClientFingerprinting". Additional arguments may be added to the value in the form of <key>=<value> pairs delimited by a colon (:). In case of "ClientFingerprinting" the total reached penalty points, leading to termination of the session, is appended as "TOTAL_PENALTY_POINTS=<INT>". This cookie is only sent in logout propagation requests |
or |
| Airlock Gateway version string in the format: |