Entry Path as Directory
The mapping behavior of trailing slashes depends on the chosen validator – see Option Enforce trailing slashes.
- Example
- Virtual host: Name = ##External_FQDN_Generic## , Protocol = https
- Mapping:
Entry path = /private/ (directory)
Back-end path = / (directory) - Back-end host: IP =, Protocol = http
- Incoming => back-end request URL:
https://##External_FQDN_Generic##/private/ =>
https://##External_FQDN_Generic##/private/index.html =>
https://##External_FQDN_Generic##/private/images/logo.gif =>
https://##External_FQDN_Generic##/private (no trailing slash) => the gateway sends redirect to http://##External_FQDN_Generic##/private/
The ignore-case icon behind the field determines if the entry path is treated case-insensitive, i.e. requests for the directory /CRM
should be sent to the same mapping as for the directory /crm