Restrict number of sessions per IP address
Enable or disable the Session Denial-of-Service Mitigation filter.
Default: enabled, set to 1500
Session limit per source IP address
A configuration value "1500" means that a maximum of 1500 concurrent sessions (total of authenticated and unauthenticated sessions) can be allocated by the same source IP address. Adjust this value as adequate for your system. It is recommended to keep the value as low as possible.
Source IP address allowlist pattern (deprecated)
Reference to an IP pattern that acts as an allow list. All source IPs matching this pattern will be excluded from the session limit per IP restriction. This is typically used if you have many users having the same source IP (i.e. proxy).
Source IP address allowlist
Reference to an IP List that acts as an allow list. All source IPs matching this list will be excluded from the session limit per IP restriction. This is typically used if you have many users having the same source IP (i.e. proxy).