Testing and verification

KB - Does the back-end server accept Kerberos

Affects product

  • Neutral

Question or problem

Verify that the back-end accepts Kerberos.

Send an HTTP request

Procedure-related prerequisites

  • You need to be logged in as root on the Airlock Gateway console.
  • Ensure that the back-end server is configured for Kerberos.


  1. Test preparation:
  2. Run the following commands:
  3. copy
    curl -v -k https://webapp.int.virtinc.com/
  1. Test execution and verification:
  2. Check the curl output.
  3. The HTTP response contains a header WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
  • In case of failure:
  • Check the back-end server is configured properly.

Outdated links or content?

In case of outdated links or bad content, please let us know by sending an email with a short description of your findings. Thank you very much!