
KB - Look for Kerberos log messages

Affects product

  • Airlock Gateway

Question or problem

To investigate into Kerberos issues, start with the log messages described below.

Procedure-related prerequisites

  • You must be logged in as an admin in the Airlock Gateway Configuration Center.


  1. Test preparation on Airlock Gateway:
  2. Go to: Application Firewall >> Reverse Proxy.
  3. Edit the Web application's mapping.
  4. Set the Operational mode to Integration.
  5. Click on the Activate button.
  6. The configuration has been updated successfully.
  1. Test preparation - reproduce the issue:
  2. After changing the Operational mode in Airlock Gateway to Integration, try to reproduce the issue.
  3. The issue could be reproduced.
  1. Test execution and verification:
  2. Go to: Log & Report >> Log Viewer.
  3. Click on Open to load saved searches.
  4. Select the saved search Logs - All Airlock Logs.
  5. Enter the search string below in the search field:
  6. log_id:(WR-SG-SUMMARY or WR-SG-REJECT* or WR-SG-CAPI* or WR-SG-KERB*)
  7. Start the investigation with this search string.
  8. Verify the following:
  9. There are no log messages with the log id WR-SG-SUMMARY the action below:



    There are no log messages with a log id starting with the names below describe a problem with Kerberos:




  10. There are no log messages indicating a Kerberos problem.

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