Getting started

This Quick Start Guide is designed to help you to install Airlock Gateway with minimal effort. This guide provides quick access to all basic information and is a supplement to other administration and configuration chapters of this online help.

On-premises installation

  1. Get familiar with the basics of Airlock Gateway. See chapter Basic concepts and functional overviews.
  2. Mind our recommendations for network interfaces. See chapter NIC setups for on-premises installations.
  3. Prepare one of the following:
  4. Install the system. Follow our Quick installation guide for Airlock Gateway on-premises installation.
  5. Recommended – Configure the failover setup for two Airlock Gateway instances. See Failover setup for on-premises installations.
  6. Configure mappings and other Airlock Gateway system settings via the user interface. See chapter Airlock Gateway Configuration Center.
  7. Use the Airlock Gateway admin menu to manage the basic system settings and to perform update tasks, if required.

Cloud and VMware deployments

  1. Get familiar with the basics of Airlock Gateway. See chapter Basic concepts and functional overviews.
  2. Mind our recommendations for network interfaces. See chapter NIC setups for on-premises installations.
  3. For installation, follow our guides to deploy Airlock Gateway:
  4. Configure mappings and other Airlock Gateway system settings via the user interface. See chapter Airlock Gateway Configuration Center.
  5. Use the Airlock Gateway admin menu to configure the basic system settings and to perform update tasks, if required.