Local and remote JWKS Providers configuration

Local JWK sets

  1. Go to:
    Application Firewall >> JWKS Providers >> Tab Local
  2. Local_JWKS Providers
  3. Add a new entry by pressing the + button.
  4. Enter a unique name for the new key set.
  5. Copy the JWKS into the Content field.
  6. Optionally: Enter an issuer name. This value is used to restrict the usage of the JWKS to JWTs with a matching issuer (claim iss).
  7. Click the Validate button to check your new settings.
  8. A new local JWKS provider is configured.

Configuration of remote JWK sets

  1. Go to:
    Application Firewall >> JWKS Providers >> Tab Remote
  2. Configured_remote_JWKS Providers
  3. Add a new entry by pressing the + button.
  4. Enter a unique name for the remote JWKS provider.
  5. Enter the URL of the remote JWKS endpoint into the Service URL field.
  6. Optionally: Enter an issuer name. This value is used to restrict the usage of the JWKS to JWTs with a matching issuer (claim iss).
  7. Click the Validate button to check your new settings.
  8. Change to the SSL tab.
  9. Configure the SSL settings. See Tab – SSL.
  10. A new local JWKS provider is configured.