Apply an update interactively

  1. Upload the update file to the Gateway
    • Use the Upload button in Section – Updates
    • OR

    • Use the scp to upload the file as root user into the /var/tmp/update_in/ folder:
  2. Log in to with the dedicated menu user account.
  3. The Airlock Gateway admin menu will be displayed after login.
  4. Airlock Gateway admin menu 
                1) System Management 
                2) Updates 
                3) Expert Settings 
                4) Change Password 
                q) Quit 
            Your choice?
  5. Choose the 2) Updates and press ENTER.
  6. Update Menu 
        1) Apply update "" 
        a) Display list of all installed updates 
        u) Uninstall update 
        c) Clear list of uploaded updates 
        b) Back to Main Menu 
        q) Quit 
    Your choice?
  7. The update menu will present a list of all uploaded update files on the system.
  8. Choose the update file an press ENTER.
  9. The Gateway will verify the signature and apply the update if it is a valid update file.
  10. Follow the update instructions to finish the process.