Default and custom actions

Actions are configured in two places:

  • Globally: Built-in default actions can be viewed and globally enabled/disabled by navigating to "Application Firewall" and then to "Default Actions" in the menu.
  • On mappings: On mappings (tabs "Request Actions" and "Response Actions"), the global activation state of default actions can be overridden. In addition, custom actions can be defined.

All action fields become visible when the action is expanded. To expand an action either click on the action name or on the expand icon

Controlling activation of default actions

On mappings, the activation states of default actions are controlled by a three-state toggle button. That is, clicking on the toggle button cycles through the three states ON, OFF, and INHERITED:

Toggle Button State


Activation State



Icon - Green dot - ON

The action is enabled

The action is generally enabled on this mapping. The global activation state for this action is overridden and has no effect on this mapping.


Icon - Gray dot - OFF

The action is disabled.

The action is generally disabled on this mapping. The global activation state for this action is overridden and has no effect on this mapping.


Icon - Green dot with arrow - inherited

The action is enabled.

The activation state for this action is inherited from the global setting. Changing the global activation state for this action enables/disables the action on this mapping.

Icon - Gray dot with arrow - inherited

The action is disabled.

Defining custom actions

In addition to the default actions, custom actions can be defined on mappings. To do so, either click the "+" button in the custom action table or use the "customize" button on a default action. Customizing a default action creates a new custom action by copying all values from the original action.

Custom actions require a unique name. They are always processed after the default actions. The processing order of custom actions corresponds to the order in the table (from top to bottom). To change the order of custom actions use the drag and drop handles on the right side.

Custom actions are only visible on the mapping where they are defined. The normal two-state toggle button is used to enable/disable custom actions.