Follow these steps if you need to replace one of the Airlock Gateway machines because of hardware failure or for other reasons:
- Install Airlock Gateway on the new server hardware.
- Go to "Configuration Files" and "Import" the cluster configuration file created during initial cluster setup
- Select the corresponding host under "Use nodes and license from import file: host-1, host-2
- Update the Airlock Gateway license with correct values for this host if it it does not contain the same MAC address of the existing license
- Activate the new configuration
- Go to "Configuration Files" and "Export" the activated configuration
- Go to "Configuration Files" on the second Gateway, "Import" and activate the new configuration file. Now you have again one single configuration file including the new information for the whole Airlock Gateway cluster. From now on you can use remote activation from any of the two systems to propagate configuration changes within this failover cluster.