Section – Kerberos Environments

Section Kerberos Environments

Available Kerberos environments are defined here. These environments may be referenced in the configuration.


Specifies the Kerberos environment name. The Kerberos environment is referenced by this name.

Domain Name

Specifies the Kerberos domain.

Domain Controllers

Comma-separated list of domain controllers. A domain controller entry may have a port definition. The default port is 88. If no domain controller is given, the Kerberos library will try to find an eligible domain controller using DNS SVR records.

System Username

Username of the Kerberos system user. This user must be allowed to perform Kerberos Constrained Delegation (KCD) or Resource-Based Kerberos Constrained Delegation (RBKCD).

System Password

Password of the Kerberos system user.

  • When using a DNS in the Domain Controllers field, enter the hostname instead of an IP address.
  • When a hostname has been set under Submenu – Hosts, enter the hostname instead of an IP address.
  • When using an IPv6 address instead of a hostname, add square brackets to the address i.e. [2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1].