Each pattern consists of a regular expression and its flags:
| Case Sensitivity = ON: Upper and lower case are not considered to be the same. |
| Case Sensitivity = OFF: Upper and lower case are considered to be the same. |
| Invert = ON: The result of the regular expression match is inverted. |
| Invert = OFF: The result of the pattern match corresponds to the regular expression match. |
Airlock Gateway Regex Format |
| Multiple single line regex = ON: Interpret line breaks as logical ORs. |
| Multiple single line regex = OFF: The whole multiline field will be used as one PCRE regex. |
Because named patterns tend to be quite long with the "Multiple single line regex" format, you can enter them on multiple lines to gain better readability and easier understanding.
When the "Multiple single line regex" format is turned off, a line break is interpreted as <LF> (unicode code point U+000A) rather than <CR><LF>. We recommend to use \r and \n to match a carriage return or newline, respectively. \v can be used to match any vertical white space character. To write a pattern on multiple lines, e.g. for better readability or documentation, the extended modifier (?x) can be used. In this case, following rules apply:
- Any white space will be ignored.
- Content between "#" and the next line break will be ignored. This is useful for adding comments to a regex.
"Multiple single line regex = OFF" example:
# Match a 20th or 21st century date in yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy/mm/dd format
(?:19|20)\d\d # year
([-/]) # separator
(?:0[1-9]|1[012]) # month
\1 # reference to 1st separator
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) # day