Rewrite variables

A rewrite variable is an object that stores a dynamic value like an entry path of a request or a session id. Rewrite variables are represented as strings in the format %<variable name>% or %<variable name>[argument]%. They are, for example, useful to define generic rewrite rules independent of the selected mapping, virtual host, or back-end group.

  • For pattern and substitution:
  • Request Actions
  • Response Actions
  • URL Encryption
  • CSRF Tokens
  • Deny Rules
  • Allow Rules
  • For redirect locations:
  • Reverse Proxy >> Mapping detail page >> tab Access >> Denied access URL
  • Reverse Proxy >> Mapping detail page >> tab URL Encryption >> Invalid URL redirect location
  • Reverse Proxy >> Mapping detail page >> tab CSRF Tokens >> Invalid token redirect location
  • Maintenance page redirects can be configured in the Expert Settings.
    • To enable/disable maintenance page redirect in the GUI, go to:
    • Reverse Proxy >> Virtual Host detail page >> tab Basic >> Show maintenance page
    • Reverse Proxy >> Mapping detail page >> tab Basic >> Show maintenance page

For variable-specific exceptions, see the table below.

List of rewrite variables

Variable names in the table starting with %ENTRY... refer to front-end use, while %BACKEND... refer to back-end use. Variables with a different naming scheme are either specified in the description column or of general use.

Variable name


Not available in


Current request protocol from the client, HTTP or HTTPS.

  • Redirect locations


Entry host of the current mapping, without port.

  • Redirect locations


Entry host port number of the current mapping.

  • Redirect locations

%ENTRYDIR% and %ENTRYDIR[<mapping>]%

Entry path of the current mapping and the specified mapping name trimmed of trailing slashes, empty for root entry path.


  • Mappings with a regex entry path

%ENTRYPATH% and %ENTRYPATH[<mapping>]%

Same as %ENTRYDIR% but also trimmed of leading slashes.


  • Mappings with a regex entry path

%BACKENDDIR% and %BACKENDDIR[<mapping>]%

Back-end path of the current mapping trimmed of trailing slashes, empty for root back-end path.


  • Mappings with a regex entry path


Same as %BACKENDDIR% but also trimmed of leading slashes.


  • Mappings with a regex entry path


Back-end protocol, http or https.

  • Redirect locations


Back-end host for this request is dynamically set based on the current load-balancing back-end host, without port.

  • Redirect locations


Port number of back-end host.

  • Redirect locations


Combined value of back-end host and port – omitting default ports: 80, 443.

  • Redirect locations


The cookie domain is configured in the virtual host.

  • Redirect locations


Current request id.

  • Redirect locations
  • Patterns


Current session id; "<n/a>" if no session is available,

  • Redirect locations
  • Patterns


Front-end SSL session ID, same value as the environment cookie AL_ENV_SSL_SESSION_ID.

  • Patterns


Front-end SSL protocol, same value as the environment cookie AL_ENV_SSL_PROTOCOL.

  • Patterns


Front-end SSL cipher suite, same value as the environment cookie AL_ENV_SSL_CIPHER.

  • Patterns


Front-end SSL client subject name, same value as the environment cookie AL_ENV_SSL_CLIENT_S_DN.

  • Patterns


Timing information in seconds.
{remaining session idle timeout}:{remaining session lifetime}

  • Redirect locations
  • Patterns


Current audit token.

  • Redirect locations
  • Patterns


Current IP address of the client (front-end).

  • Redirect locations
  • Patterns


Role information, all timings in seconds:
{role1 name}:{remaining role1 idle timeout}:{remaining role1 lifetime},{role2 name}:{remaining role2 idle timeout}:{remaining role2 lifetime},...

  • Redirect locations
  • Patterns


IP address of current entry host.

  • Redirect locations
  • Patterns


The following example demonstrates how an incoming URL such as can be rewritten using the related variables.

URL part

Related variable

Example values

Entry protocol



Entry host


Entry path



Back-end protocol



Back-end host


Back-end path



Using the variables and values from the table above, we get the following solution:

Incoming URL

Rewrite from


Rewrite to


Back-end URL results in

If a variable is unavailable, e.g., %SSL_CIPHER% in case of HTTP, the action, e.g., Replace with will not be processed.

Literal mode

All variables are treated as literal values - characters do not have any special regular expression significance. This means, that the variable value just matches and not www-example/com nor wwwXexampleYcom.

Technically this is achieved by internally surrounding all variables by an extra \Q .. \E span.