About the Airlock Gateway admin menu

The Airlock Gateway admin menu is a command-line interface for basic administration tasks.

Log in via ssh as user menu to access the Airlock Gateway admin menu:

 Airlock Gateway admin menu 
            1) System Management 
            2) Updates 
            3) Expert Settings 
            4) Change Password 
            q) Quit 
        Your choice?

System Management

  • System Management menu options:
  • Reboot
  • Halt
  • Power Off
  • Collect system log
  • Restore saved searches and dashboards
  • Back to Main Menu
  • Quit


  • Update Menu options:
  • Apply update
  • Display list of all installed updates
  • Uninstall update
  • Clear list of uploaded updates
  • Back to Main Menu
  • Quit

See also Updating Airlock Gateway using the admin menu.

Expert Settings

  • Expert Settings options:
  • Set network basics for the internal network interface (re-ip)
  • Network statistics
  • Mirroring setup
  • Enable/Disable User "root"
  • Back to Main Menu
  • Quit

Change Password

  • Change Passwort options:
  • Change password for user menu


Closes the session to the Gateway.