Cancel vs. overwrite a configuration

When working in the Configuration Center, the merge dialog offers a Cancel, Overwrite and Merge button to proceed. In case the merge process fails, you have to choose between:

  • Cancel – in order to manually apply your modifications to the currently active configuration.
  • Overwrite – to overwrite the currently active configuration with your configuration.

The Airlock Gateway REST API offers an equivalent set of options via the option.autoMerge attribute.

Procedure-related prerequisites

  • None.

Cancel - Identify and add your modifications to the currently active configuration

Adding your modifications to the currently active configuration is a clean way to preserve the latest settings of the active configuration.

  1. In the Configuration Center:
  2. Click Cancel in the merge dialog.
  3. Go to:
    Configuration >> Configuration Files and use the Compare button to identify differences between your configuration and the currently active configuration.
  4. Manually transfer the differences of your configuration into the currently active configuration via Configuration Center.
  5. Activate the changes to update the currently active configuration.
  6. On successful validation, Airlock Gateway activates the new configuration and loads it into the Configuration Center.

Overwrite - Replace the currently active configuration

You may choose to simply Overwrite the currently active configuration with your configuration. Choose this option carefully, as it will not merge both configurations!

Overwriting an active configuration means to discard any changes without further notice, which have been activated by other administrators in the meantime.

  1. In the Configuration Center:
  2. Click Overwrite in the merge dialog.
  3. On successful validation, Airlock Gateway activates the new configuration and loads it into the Configuration Center.